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1、了解这些各个小系统是如何工作的将有助于我们理解整个汽车系统是如何工作。An automobile can be divided into two basic parts: a body and a chassis. The body is the enclosure that houses the engine, passengers, and cargo. It is the part of the automobile that you see. The chassis is that part of the automobile beneath the body.汽车可以分为两个基本部分

2、:车身和底盘。车身包围发动机、乘客和行李,它是汽车你所看到的部分。而车身以下的部分就是底盘。1.1 THE BODY An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood, and a trunk deck built into it. It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers, and cargo. The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. For

3、 example, insulation in the body reduces noise and protects against heat and cold. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle. It is streamlined to lessen wind resistance and to keep the car from swaying at driving speeds.轿车车身是一个钣金件壳体,它上面有车窗、车门、发送机罩和行李舱门等部件,

4、它给发动机、乘客和行李提供防护。车身设计来确保乘客乘坐的安全和舒适。比如:车身绝热层可以减少噪音和抵御冷热。车身造型设计使得汽车有一个华美、现代、吸引人的外观。车身的流线型设计可以减少风阻,防止汽车行驰过程中发生摆动。The automobile body has two basic parts-the upper body and the under body.车身有两个基本部分-车身上部和车身下部。1.2 The chassis The chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating parts of

5、 a vehicle. The chassis includes everything except the body. The three important parts of the chassis are the frame, the engine, and the power train (also called the drive train). Each of these three parts is made up of a number of systems. A system is a mechanical or electrical unit that performs a

6、 specific function. Thus, each system (such as steering, brake, or fuel) has a certain job to do in running a vehicle. We shall look at each of these parts and systems to see how they fit together to form the automobile chassis.底盘集中了汽车大部分的运动组件,它包括除了车身以外的所有部件。底盘有三个重要的系统:车架、发动机和传动系统。这三个系统又都有许多个完成某一个特定

7、功能的机械或电气系统组成。为了保证汽车正常运转,每个系统(比如:转向、制动或燃油系统)都要实现一定的功能。下来我们看看这些系统和组件是如何相互连接从而组成汽车底盘的。1.2.1 The frame The first major part of the chassis is the frame. It is made from tough steel sections welded, riveted, or bolted together. The frame looks like a steel ladder, though it sometime has an X shape for ex

8、tra strength. It forms a foundation for the car body and the parts of the several systems. The body is joined to the frame with bolts. Rubber shock mounts or washers are used at each joint. These reduce vibration and road noise. In most modern cars the frame is built into the body. A car with the fr

9、ame built into the body has a unitized body or unibody. The frame supports the suspension system, steering system, and the braking system.底盘最重要的部分就是车架。车架由钢件通过焊接、铆接或螺栓联接而成,看上去就像一架钢梯。有时为了得到额外的强度,车架做成了X形状。车架为车身和很多系统部件提供了底座。车身和车架使用螺栓联接。每个联接使用橡胶防震支架或垫圈来减振降噪。现代轿车车架和车身做在了一起。采用这个形式的汽车车身叫做承载式车身。车架支撑悬架、转向和刹车系

10、统。The front and rear wheels are attached to the chassis by a suspension system. This system is made up of springs, shock absorbers, control arms, and stabilizers. These support the vehicle and cushion it from road bumps for better ride and handling.前后轮通过悬架系统和底盘相连。悬架系统由弹簧、减振器、控制臂和横向稳定杆组成。它们支撑着车身,并减缓由

11、于路面不平引起的颠簸,以获得更好的乘坐舒适性和操作稳定性。The steering system controls the cars direction of travel. It includes a wheel and column, steering gears, rods, and linkages. As the steering wheel is turned, its motion is transferred to the idler arm and tie rods. These cause the front wheels to turn to the right of l

12、eft. On some cars, a power unit (called power steering) makes steering easier.转向系统控制车辆行驰的方向。它包括方向盘、转向管柱、转向器、转向拉杆和转向传动装置。当转动方向盘,方向盘的运动被传递到随动臂和横拉杆,从而使得前轮向左或向右转动。有些车辆使用助力转向装置,从而使得转向更加轻便。The brake system gives the automobile its stopping power. Hydraulic brakes are found on all modern cars. As the brake

13、 pedal is pushed with the foot, brake fluid is forced through brake lines into cylinders that press the brake shoes against a drum. This stops the motion of the car. Power units (power brakes) are used to make braking easier. Most modern cars have disc brakes on the front wheels. (Some have them on

14、both the front and rear wheels.) Disc brakes work like a pair of pliers squeezing a rotating disc. Drum brakes are also used.制动系统给车辆制动的动力。现代轿车都使用液压制动。当踩下制动踏板,制动液通过制动管路流入制动缸,强迫制动蹄接触制动鼓,从而阻止车辆运动。为了使刹车更加轻便,车辆也使用助力制动。现代轿车在前轮装备盘式制动器。(一些轿车在前后轮都使用盘式制动器。)盘式制动器工作原理类似一对钳子夹住旋转的盘片。也有前后轮都使用鼓式制动器的汽车。1.2.2 The eng

15、ine The engine provides power to move the automobile. The most common type of automobile engine is the gasoline-burning piston engine. It is found in most automobiles. Diesel-fuel burning engines are also used in modern passenger cars, as well as in large trucks. All engines have fuel, exhaust, cooling, and lubrication systems. Gasoline engines also have an ignition system.发动机给汽车提供动力。最

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