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1、 拜会 made a courtesy call on 班轮 regular shipping liner 班轮运费表 liners freight tariff 班轮运输 liner transport. 办公费 office expenses. 半年决算 half-year closing. 半熟练的 semi-skilled . 包工包料 contract for labor and materials. 包工制 labor contract system. 包销 exclusive sales; have exclusive selling rights; submit an expe

2、nse account. 包装;包装物 packaging. 包装不符 wrong packing. 包装不善 bad packing. 包装材料 packing material. 包装成本 packing cost. 包装费用 packing charges. 包装工业 packing industry 包装规格 packing specification. 包装破裂 loss or damage caused by breakage of packing. 包装容积 bale capacity. 饱和 saturate . 保单 guarantee . 保单期满 expiration o

3、f policy. 保兑信用证 confirmed letter of crdit. 保兑银行 confirming bank. 保护主义 protectionism . 保留工资 retained salaries. 保姆式全程服务 whole-journey nanny service . 保税仓库 bonded warehouse. 保险 insurance . 保险陈报书 declaration policy. 保险代理 insurance agent. 保险单 policy; insurance policy. 保险单据 insurance document. 保险担保 guaran

4、tee of insurance. 保险费 premium. 保险公司 insurance company. 保险合同 insurance treaty. 保险回扣 insurance rebate. 保险金(保险收入) insurance proceeds. 保险金得益 benefit. 保险金额 sum of insurance;amount insured . 保险经纪人 insurance broker. 保险客户 policy holder. 保险率费 premium rate. 保险赔偿 insurance indemnity. 保险人;承保人 insurer. 保险索赔 insu

5、rance claim. 保险条例(中国人民保险公司) CIC (China Insurance Clause). 保险物 interest insured. 保险性存货(以应付万一) decoupling inventory . 保险佣金 insurance commission. 保险责任 insurance liability. 保险责任终止 termination of risk. 保险帐目 underwriting account . 保险证明书 cover note. 保险种类 kinds of insurance. 保证金;利润 margin. 保证信用证 confirmed L

6、/ C. 保证重量 weight guaranteed . 保质保量 quality and quantity assured. 报关 customs declaration; clearance of goods; apply to the customs. 报关单;舱单 manifest. 报关附税 payment of duty. 报价 quotation . 报税 make a statement of dutiable goods. 报税通知单;报关单 bill of entry. 报销 reimburse. 暴跌 break. 备忘录 memorandum. 备用信用证 stand

7、 by credit. 背书 endorsement . 被解雇的;过多的 redundant . 被面试的人 interviewee . 被任命人 appointee . 被诉方 defendant. 被通知人 notify party. 本地银行 local bank. 本国货币 domestic currency, local currenc. 本利 capital and interest;principal and interest. 本票;期票 promissory note. 比率 ratio . 闭关自守 autarchy . 边际生产力 marginal productivi

8、ty . 边境贸易 border trade; frontier trade. 编制预算 preparing a budget; making a budget. 贬值 depreciation . 变价 appraise at the current rate. 标高售价 mark-up . 标价 posted price. 标签 label . 标准 standard type . 标准统一 Harmonization of Standards . 表现工作情况 performance . 饼形图 pie chart . 病假 sick leave . 病假工资 sick note . 拨

9、款 allotment; appropriation. 波动 fluctuate . 剥夺 divest . 驳船 lighter. 薄利多销 small profits but quick turnover; large sales at a small profit. 补偿贸易 (或抵偿贸易;往返贸易) compensating / compensatory trade; compen. 补税 collection of duty short paid; cover deficit by state subsidies. 补助金 allowance; benefit . 补助金;补贴;津贴

10、 subsidy. 不变价格;固定价格 fixed price; constant price. 不变资本;固定资本 fixed capital; constant capital. 不充分就业 underemployment . 不定期船 tramp. 不定值保单 unvalued policy . 不动产,房地产 real estate; immovable property . 不动产税 real estate tax. 不发达 underdevelopment . 不记名支票 bearer cheque. 不经济的,浪费 uneconomical . 不可撤消的,不能改变的 irrev

11、ocable . 不可撤销发盘 irrevocable offer. 不欠债 be out of debt . 不受约束 without engagement. 不限期即期装运 undefined prompt shipment. 不许转运;不许转船 transshipment prohibited. 不足款保险 under-insurance. 布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System. 部分 segment . 部门 division; section . 部门经理助理 staff manager . 簿记 bookkeeping. 簿记员 bookkeeper.

12、材料管理 materials handling . 财产保险 property insurance. 财团 consortium . 财务报告 financial statement. 财务结算 financial settlement. 财务事项;金融交易 financial transactions. 财务支持 backing . 财政 public finance. 财政保护 financial protection. 财政拨款 financial allocations. 财政部 the Ministry of Finance. 财政的 financial; fiscal . 财政关税

13、 revenue tariff. 财政年度 fiscal year; financial year. 财政收入 financial revenue. 财政税 revenue tax. 财政信贷 financial credit. 财政援助 financial aid. 裁员 redundancy . 采购人 purchaser . 采取高姿态 show magnanimity . 参加工会的工人 organized labour . 参考价 reference price. 参考样品 reference sample. 参考资料 reference . 残酷的 cut-throat . 仓库 depot . 仓至仓条款 W / W (warehouse to warehouse). 舱位 shipping space. 草签合同 initial a contract. 策划 plot . 查船 inspection of ships; search of ships. 查禁走私(缉私) prevention of smugglin

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