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1、the eentsy weentsy spiderwent up the water spout小小蜘蛛,爬上了水管down came the rain ,and washed spider out 雨滴落下,冲走了蜘蛛out came the sun and dried up all the rain 太阳出来,蒸发了水滴and the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again小小蜘蛛,再爬上水管(重复一遍)(spout: 1.喷口;茶壶等的嘴 2. 从喷口,壶嘴流出的水柱,水流 3. 水落管)4、the chimneyHere is the

2、 chimney. 一个烟囱,Here is the top. 一个盖儿,Open the lid, 揭开这个盖儿,out Santa will pop. 圣诞老人冒出来!5、Jack and JillJack and Jill went up the hill 杰克和吉尔,to fetch a pail of water 上山去打水。Jack fell down杰克滑倒了,and broke his crown 脑袋摔着了。and Jill came tumbling after 吉尔跟着滑倒了。1. fetch: (去)拿来 2、pail: 桶 a pail of water: 一桶水3.

3、 crown:敲(某人的)脑壳 broke his crown: 敲到了他的脑袋4. tumble:使摔倒,摔倒 5、come after: 跟着来,跟在后面6、Two little black birdstwo little black birds,sitting on a hill 两只小黑鸟,坐在小山上one named Jack,one named Jill一只叫杰克,一只叫吉尔fly away Jack ,fly away Jill杰克飞走了,吉尔飞走了Jack come back,Jill come back杰克飞回来,吉尔飞回来7、dance your fingersdance

4、your fingers up,dance your fingers down 手指向上跳,手指向下跳dance your fingers to the side,dance them all around 手指旁边跳,手指到处跳dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head 手指肩上跳,手指头上跳dance them on your tummy,put them all to bed 手指在肚子上跳,手指睡大觉8、ten little fingersone little, two little, three littlefinger

5、s小小手指,一二三four little, five little, six little fingers 小小手指,四五六seven little, eight little, nine little fingers 小小手指,七八九ten fingers on my hands 十根手指,是一家9语感启蒙一:、here is the beehive(小小蜂窝)Here is the beehive 蜂窝在这里,Where are the bees 蜂窝在哪里?Hidden away 藏起来,where nobody sees 找不着。Watch and youll see them 快来看

6、,come out of the hive 飞出来。one two three four five 一、二、三、四、五,Bzzzzzzzzz 嗡10、open shutOpen, shut. Open, shut, 张、合、张、合,Give a little clap. 啪啪啪啪拍拍手。Creep, creep, creep, creep, 爬、爬、爬、爬Give a little flap. 啪啦啪啦飞得快。(creep: 慢慢地、悄悄地或偷偷地移动(尤指弯着腰走)语感启蒙二:1、Five RabbitFive rabbits were hidingIn the woods one day,

7、 有一天,树丛里,五只兔子,把身藏1-2-3-4-5 jumped out,And then they ran away. 一、二、三、四、五,五只兔子跳出来,接着往外跑2、five little sausagesfive little sausages frying in the pan,the pan got hotand one went BAM. 五根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,爆开一根砰four little sausages and one went BAM.three little sausages two little sausages one little sausa

8、ges and one wentwait wait,put me on your plate and eat me.3、this little pigthis little pig went to market,this little pig stayed home,this little pig had roast beef,this little pig had noneand this little pig cried wee-wee-wee,all the way home.(重复一遍)4、 three little monkeysThree little monkeysJumping

9、 on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head,(bump:撞)Mommy call the doctorAnd doctor said,No more little monkeys Jumping on the bed.(数字三换成二和一)5、hickory dickory dock(滴答滴答)Hickory dickory dock,The mouse ran up the clock,The clock sturck one,The mouse ran down,Hickor dickory dock.The clock sturck two,T

10、he mouse said boo,The clock sturck three,The mouse said whee,The clock sturck four,The mouse said no more,6、where is thumbkinWhere is thumbkin, where is thumbkin,Here I am ,here I am,How are you today sir,Very well I thank you,Run away, run away.(pointer;tall man; Ring man; pinky:小指,浅红色)7、five littl

11、e birds5 little birdsWithout any home,5 little treesIn a row,Come and build your nests in the tree,We will rock you to and fro.来回摇晃clap your handsclap, clap, clap your hands,as slowly as your can,clap, clap, clap your hands,as quickly as your can,shake, shake, shake your hands,as slowly as your can,

12、shake, shake, shake your hands,as quickly as your can,roll, roll, roll your hands,as slowly as your can,roll, roll, roll your hands,as quickly as your can,rub, rub, rub your hands,as slowly as your can,rub, rub, rub your hands,as quickly as your can,wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers,as slowly as your can,wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers,as quickly as your can,pound, pound, pound your fists,as slowly as your can,pound, pound, pound your fists,as quickly as your can.(rub:搓,揉;pound: .猛击;乱敲)8、skidamarink(爱之歌)Skidamarink a dinga ding,Skidamarink a doo, I l

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