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1、 by doing this, we can get _15_ next morning and are _16_ to move forward.More often than not, life gets terrible when we _17_ too much. And the moment you _18_ your burdens, youll find yourself feeling much more relaxed.So rather than being upset and feeling _19_ for yourself, start doing something

2、 about it. After all, life is too short to _20_ yourself to anything that is not making you happy.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过一杯水的重量的事例告诉读者:只有卸下压力和负担,才能活得更轻松。1A.class BemotionCtime Dstress解析:选D根据下文中的“Our stresses and _10_ in life are like that glass of water.”可知,本文讲的是压力管理。stress management意为“压力管理”。2A.wonder

3、ed BexpectedCagreed Dargued选B当她举起一杯水时,每个人都预计他们会被问到“杯子是半空还是半满”的问题。wonder“想知道”;expect“预料,预计”;agree“同意”;argue“争论”。3A.However BMeanwhileCAnyhow DTherefore选A根据语境可知,女教授微笑着问:“这杯水有多重?”这与学生预计的不同,故选A。however“然而”;meanwhile“同时”;anyhow“无论如何”;therefore“因此”。4A.ranged BrepliedCread Dexchanged选A根据下文中的“from eight to

4、twenty ounces (盎司)”可知,喊出的答案从8到20盎司不等。range from . to .“范围包括从到”符合语境。5A.exist BchangeCmatter Dincrease选C根据下文中的“But it counts how long you hold it.”可知,此处表示绝对的重量不重要。matter与count同义,意为“要紧”。6A.head BarmCleg Dstomach选B根据下文中的“If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb.”可知,此处指的是手臂。因此选B。7A.shape BpositionCw

5、eight Dsize选C根据下文中的“but the _8_ I hold it, the heavier it becomes”可知,此处指的是水的重量。shape“形状”;position“位置”;weight“重量”;size“大小,尺寸”。故答案为C。8A.better BdeeperClonger Dfurther选C每一种情况下,这杯水的重量都没有改变,但是举的时间越长,它就会变得越重。根据上文“If I hold it for a minute”,“If I hold it for an hour”及“If I hold it for a day”可知,此处说的是时间的长短。9

6、A.fantasies BthoughtCdreams Ddiscussion选B根据下文中的“all the students kept silent and listened to the professor carefully”可知,此处表示“(学生们)陷入沉思”,故用(be) lost in thought。10A.doubts BjoysCsurprises Dworries选D根据空前的“stresses”和下文中的“burdens”可知,这里表示“我们生活中的压力和烦恼就像那杯水”。11A.cover BcarryChide Dshow选B根据下文中的“_13_ you have

7、 to do is put all your burdens down”可知,此处表示如果我们一直背着(carry)沉重的负担,故选B。12A.pick up Bwork outCcarry on Dcatch on选C如果我们一直背着沉重的负担,迟早我们将感到筋疲力尽,甚至难以坚持下去。pick up“捡起,恢复健康、体力等”;work out“解决,算出”;carry on“继续进行,坚持下去”;catch on“流行起来”。故选C。13A.Something BAllCNothing DAnything选B根据语境可知,此处表示你需要做的一切事情就是卸下负担,故选B。14A.eagerl

8、y BnaturallyCquickly Dearly选D根据下文“Dont carry them through the evening into the night”可知,此处表示尽早卸下负担。15A.refreshed BentertainedCdepressed Damazed选A通过这样做我们第二天可以重新振作精神,能够奋勇向前。refreshed“恢复精神的”;entertained“愉快的”;depressed“沮丧的”;amazed“惊奇的,吃惊的”。故选A。 BanxiousCpassive Dambitious选A参见上题解析。able“有能力的”,符合语境

9、。anxious“焦虑的”;passive“被动的”;ambitious“有志气的”。17A.fear BthinkCrest Dget选B结合语境可知,通常当我们想得太多时生活就会变得糟糕。18A.catch up with Blook down onClet go of Dput up with选C根据上文中的“_13_ you have to do is put all your burdens down”可知,当你卸下负担的时候,你会发现你自己更加放松。catch up with“赶上”;look down on“轻视”;let go of“放手,松开”;put up with“忍受,

10、忍耐”。因此选C。19A.happy BsorryCdisappointed Dgreedy选B与其感到不安,自我怜悯,不如做一些改变它的事。feel sorry for oneself意为“自我怜悯”。 BtreatCdrive Dabandon选D毕竟人生苦短,不要使自己沉浸在让自己不开心的事情中。abandon oneself to“沉湎于,陷入”,符合语境。help oneself to“自用,自取,依靠自己”;treat oneself to“犒劳自己”;drive oneself to“自己开车去”。BWhen I first came to Rochester f

11、rom Austin, Texas a place where fall is practically nonexistent I was excited for a real northern fall. But, I wasnt _1_ it to feel like Christmas in October.Regardless of this _2_, and the adjustment period that Im not entirely sure Im _3_, I am thankful to be somewhere that has a _4_ fall. By “real” I _5_ a distinctive season, a(n) _6_ in the weather and a visual changin

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