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1、188669116572014 年 02 月 01 日 2014 年 02 月 01 日overlook: vt. 1) have a view of (sth.) from above俯视from their house on the hillside, they can overlook the whole city of hong kong. 我们可从家中俯瞰教堂we overlook the church from our house.2) look at but not see; not notice; misshe overlooked a spelling error on th

2、e first page. 忽略他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。 means: n. 1) a method or waythis foreign firm has little means这家外国商行没有多大财力。collocation:by all means 一定;务必 by no means 决不by means of 用;依靠 by fair means or foul 不择手段的beyond ones means付不起consequence: n.1) importance重要性he may be a man of consequence in his own country, b

3、ut hes nobody here. 尽管他在自己的国家举足轻重, 但在此地却毫不显眼。2) effect, cause结果,后果,影响her investment had disastrous consequences她的投资结果很惨, 血本无归reassure: vt. remove the fears or doubts of (sb.)使安心the police reassured her about her childs safety.警方让她放心, 她的孩子很安全。 fancy: 1. vt. 1) believe without being certain, think想don

4、t fancy that you can succeed without hard work.不努力你别想成功。3) like, enjoy喜欢i dont fancy living in that cold house.我不想住在那所冰冷的房子里。4) imagine想象can you fancy yourself on the moon? phrase: fancy oneself as sth.自命不凡,自负2. n.想象力 1) power of the mind to imagine children usually have a lively fancy.pattern: fanc

5、y sth. fancy doing sth. fancy sb. doing sth. fancy + that(clause)cf. imagination, fancy, fantasy 这三个名词均含有“想象,幻想”之意。 article14-24_w_fancy 3might: n. power, strength, forcethe tank battle was a test of armored might.坦克战是对装甲力量的检验with all ones might 全力以赴地 a man of might 大力士 beyond ones might 超出自己的能力cf:

6、might, power, strength & force 这四个名词均有“力”之意。might 多指巨大或超人的力量。power 最普通用词,泛指一切力量或能力等。strength 指机体内部的能力,是依靠身体组织而存在的力,经使用就变为force。 force 着重指克服障碍,推动人或物朝所要求的方向运动或能产生明显效应的力量。 article31-36_w_might 2n.决心;意志;遗嘱;愿望 aux.将;愿意;必须 vt.决心;想要(某事发生);将(财产)遗赠;规定 vi.<旧>愿意he was convinced he could win if he wil

7、led it enough.如果他坚定决心,他确信自己可以赢。this happened because god willed it.发生了这件事是上帝的旨意。he willed most of his money to charities.他把钱大多遗赠给慈善机构了。 assure: vt. 1) say positively, with confidence, promise使保证i can assure you of its quality. 它的质量我可以向你保证。5) cause (sb.) to be sure, certain使确信they tried to assure the

8、 nervous man that the bridge was safe.6) make insurance against loss给某事物保险what is the sum assured? 人寿保险额是多少? assure sb. (sth.) assure sb. of sth. assure sb. + that-clause past: adj.1) no longer interested in or able to do sth.he is past money and fame now.金钱和名誉对他都已是过眼烟云了。2) no longer in the conditio

9、n or statethe man has been past his prime.那人已不再年富力强了。3) beyond the possibility oftheir cruelties are past words.他们的残暴行径非语言所能描述。revenge:1. n. punishment given to someone in return for harm done to oneself 报仇,报复 they took a terrible revenge on the people of the city.他们对这个城市的人民疯狂报复 take (have) revenge

10、on sb. (sth.)2. vt. do sth. in revenge to替。报仇he revenged his folks upon their enemies.他替父老乡亲向敌人报了仇。keep body and soul together: to remain alive勉强维持生活at the time of the great depression, a lot of old people couldnt keep body and soul together and died in misery.在大萧条时期,很多老人无法维持生计,悲惨地死去了。in answer to:

11、in response to, as an answer to 作为回应she wrote an article in answer to his criticism.她写文章答复他的批评意见。the doctor came at once in answer to my phone call篇二:比亚迪汽车广告策划书广告学概论选修课期末作业出卷人: 2013年10月28日学号: 姓名: 得分:前言 . 3一、市场分析 . 3(一) 汽车总市场分析 . 3(二) 微型轿车发展的优势 . 3(三) 微型车发展的限制性因素 . 4(四) 文化氛围 . 4二、 消费者分析 . 5(一) 现有消费时尚 . 5(三) 年轻家庭 .

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