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1、1.2.1【真题回放】161.2.2【难句分析方法】161.2.3【核心语法透析】17第一章 英语从句17第二章 倒 装20【真题考点】21第三章 其它结构21【虚拟语气】21【插入语】23【真题考点】23【并列结构】23【真题考点】24【比较结构】24【强调句】242.提高篇242.1阅读理解命题思路透析242.2完形填空的命题思路272.3 考研英语高分写作30重点小结341.基础篇1.1 考研核心词汇突破1.1.1 真题回放professionalization prfenlazen n.职业化,专业化 industrialization ndstrlazen n.工业化,产业化 int

2、errelationship ntrlenp n.相互关系interprovincial nt(r)prvnl a.各省之间的,省际的 真题例句 But “national” doesnt have to mean that. “National” could mean interprovincial provinces combining efforts to create one body.2005年新题型 例句精译 但全国性并不意味着非得在全国范围内;也可以指省与省之间联手创立一个实体。 environmentalist nvarnmentlst n.环境保护论者,环境论者 dispro

3、portionate dsprpnt a. 不成比例的 真题例句 By far the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations.1995年阅读4 例句精译 学校里最糟糕的竞争形式就是不恰当的强调考试。irresponsibility irispnsbiliti n.无责任 pretechnological priteknldikl a.前技术时代的 unpredictability nprdktbl n.不可预测性 真题例句 Unpredictability is

4、 part of the essential nature of research.1999年阅读5 例句精译 不可预测性是科学研究不可缺少的一个重要特征。dissatisfaction dsstsfkn n.不满,不平,令人不满的事物 intellectualism intilektjulizm n.智力活动;才智主义,知性主义 真题例句 Ravitchs latest book, Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of anti-intellectualism () in our schools,

5、 concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.But they could and should be.2004年阅读4 例句精译 莱维西最新著作回顾:一百年来学校改革的失败探索学校里反学识倾向的根源,书中的结论是:学校根本未能制衡美国人对学识追求的厌恶。但学校是能够并应该做到这一点的。overcrowdedness vkraddns n.过度拥挤 真题例句 The flight from overcrowdedness affects

6、the migration from snow belt to more bearable climates.1998年阅读4 例句精译 离开人口过度稠密区的做法影响了以前那种离开寒冷地带去气候宜人之地的趋势。microbiologist makrbaldst n.微生物学家 microprocessor makrprses n.微处理器 misinformation misinfmein n.报错,错误的消息 subconsciously sbknsl a.下意识的 真题例句 Thus, things once learned subconsciously through the casua

7、l communications of the extended family must be consciously learned.1995年阅读3 例句精译 因此,曾经在大家庭内部通过日常交流就可下意识学到的东西,现在却要有意识地去学。uncontrollable nkntrlbl a.无法控制的 真题例句 Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying: “Wont the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollable anti-co

8、mpetitive force?”2001年阅读4 例句精译 这些国家的许多人面对这个浪潮开始忧虑:“企业合并的浪潮会不会变成一股不可控制的反竞争的力量?” antibacterial ntibktiril a.抗菌的;n.抗菌药 真题例句 He experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he made his discovery.1994年阅读5 例句精译 他(亚历山大弗莱明爵士)是对抗菌物质进行了长达9年的实验才有了这项发明。dispassionate dspnt a.冷静的,平心静气的 真题例句 So

9、cial science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassionate manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.2003年翻译 例句精译社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图像自然科学家研究自然现象那样,用理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式研究人类及其

10、行为forgetfulness fgetflnis n.遗忘 incompetently inkmpitntli ad.无能力地 insensitivity insenstiviti n.不敏感 insignificant nsgnfknt a.无关紧要的,可忽略的,无意义的 interactivity ntrktv n.互动性 真题例句 The examples of Virtual Vineyards, A, and other pioneers show that a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right m

11、ix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers.1999年阅读2 例句精译 像Virtual Vineyards和A及其他开拓者的例子说明:一个销售适类商品的网站,如果将交互性、热情服务、安全性合理结合,肯定会吸引网上用户的。intermarriage ntmrd n.联姻,异族结婚 真题例句 Now, consider three indices of assimilation -language, home ownership and intermarriage.2006年阅读1 例句

12、精译 现在,考虑同化作用的3个标志语言、拥有家庭和异族婚姻。multinational mlti:nnl a.多国的,跨国公司的;n.跨国公司 真题例句 Multinational corporations accounted for less than 20% of international trade in 1982.Today the figure is more than 25% and growing rapidly.2001年阅读4 例句精译 跨国公司在1982年只占有国际贸易不到20%的份额。而现在,这个数字上升到25%强,并且还在迅速上升。nonconformist nnkn

13、f:mst a./n.不墨守陈规的(人) 真题例句 45. Straitford is most proud of its _.2003年阅读1 B nonconformist image 例句精译 45、“Straitford”感到最骄傲的是它的_。B 与别人不一致的形象 preconception pri:knsepn n.预想,偏见 prescientific pri:saintifik a.科学以前的,近代科学以前的 supercomputer sju:pkmpju:t n.超型计算机 underestimate ndrestimeit v.低估 unenlightened ninlaitnd a.无知的,落后的 真题例句 The goal of all will be to try to explain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not two equally valid scientific theories for the or

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