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1、大学英语六级考前强化试题及答案解析六大学英语六级考前强化试题及答案解析(六)一、Writing (本大题1小题每题106.0分,共106.0分。 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition . You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: )第1题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 m

2、inutes to write a short essay on the topic of Students Starting Their Own Businesses. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below.目前有不少大学生开始创业1对此不少人给予了肯定2也有人有不同的看法3我认为Students Starting Their Own Businesses【正确答案】:答案:范文一Students Starting Their Own Businesses(1) Many colleg

3、e students are now seeing (2) self-employment as the more attractive option as the jobs market continues to be competitive. (3) To some people, the idea of (2) being a student entrepreneur is a good one. (2) Being their own boss is a great aspiration for young people and gives them an opportunity to

4、 put their theoretical business knowledge into practice.(3) To other people, however, the idea of(2) starting a business as a college student may seem like a radical one. (4) To make it through the start-up phase, young entrepreneurs need plenty of initiative and drive. (4) And to run the business r

5、equires constant care and management. (4) Young entrepreneurs may have to endure a heavy workload and a lot of stress but they may not be physically and mentally up to the challenge.(5) As you can see, things are hard for college students these days. Its expensive to get a degree and even you have o

6、ne, there is no guarantee that it will mean anything in these job markets. (6) So, wouldnt it be better to (2) launch your own enterprise? It can help you pay off those expensive years at college, and if it succeeds you have a job guaranteed the moment you graduate.范文二Students Starting Their Own Bus

7、inesses(1) Peoples opinions vary when it comes to graduates (2) starting their own businesses. Some people say its a great alternative for graduates in the current difficult job market. (3) First, in this way, they will be achieving their dreams and make better use of their skills and knowledge. (3)

8、 Second, it always seems better (2) working for yourself rather than laboring for someone else.(4) Others, however, maintain that it is not wise for college students to (2) launch their own enterprises just after graduation. (4) For one thing, new grads are lacking of life experience, communicative

9、abilities and knowledge about industries, as well as tolerance. (4) For another, most student entrepreneurs might fail and most of them would complain about social injustice or blame their teams instead of themselves for the failure. Finally, they might (5) lose both confidence in the future and wil

10、l to work.(6) In my opinion, starting a new business involves risks. While there may be potential for high earnings, theres also the potential for financial loss. Anyone including college graduates (2) seeking self-employment and wanting to (2) be their own boss should be aware of the consequences o

11、f failure. If they are not willing to (5) take the risk, they should reconsider (2) launching their own enterprises. 本题分数: 106.0 分 【答案解析】审题 分析标题和提纲可知,应写一篇说明文或议论文,或说明议论相结合。首段应先简述一下现象,然后讲述赞成者的观点和理由;第二段讲述不同的观点和理由;第三段给出自己的看法时可赞成,可反对,也可折衷。思路一 第一段:简述目前不少大学生选择创业这一现象,指出有人对此给予肯定,理由:创业对于年轻人而言是一项伟大的抱负,是一个将知识学以

12、致用的机会;第二段:指出有人对此表示不赞同,理由:创业过程会遇到各种挑战,年轻的大学生无论是在体力还是精神上都无法应对;第三段:给出自己的看法:赞成。原因:大学生创业既能挣学费,又能解决毕业后的就业问题,一举两得。点评(1)简单扼要讲述现象(2)“自主创业”的多种表达法,富于变化(3)前后形成对照(4)先讲述两个原因,然后说结果,逻辑性强(5)第二人称给人一种面对面沟通的感觉(6)反问句增强语气思路二 第一段:讲述对于大学生创业,人们看法不同,有人认为这是个不错的就业选择,原因:能实现梦想,学以致用;自己当老板总比给别人打工要强;第二段:讲述有人认为这种做法不明智,原因:大学生缺乏许多必备条件

13、;创业失败极容易打击大学生对未来和工作的信心;第三段:表明自己的观点:创业者应有风险意识,否则应重新考虑自己的创业计划。点评(1)开篇点题(2)“自主创业”的多种表达,避免单调死板(3)说明两个理由,一目了然(4)采用“总-分”的结构,脉络清晰(5)亮点词组:“失去对的信心”;“接受风险”(6)表明自己的观点。“担风险”二、Cloze(共20小题,共70.0分)There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right

14、side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 第1题 Enter the information age. Information is the raw material for many of the business activities (1) this new era, just as iron

15、and steel were the basic commodities in the (2) of the industrial age.The worlds knowledge is said to be doubling every eight years. This knowledge (3) is stimulating economic progress. The need to collect, analyze, and communicate great (4) of information is producing new products and services, cre

16、ating jobs, and (5) career opportunities.The information age is (6) considered to be a phenomenon of the service sector of the economy, (7) than a product of heavy industry. Certainly, rocketing information technologies are creating new capabilities (8) knowledge-based service spheres. (9) changes just as dramatic are (10) industry, giving people the (11)

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