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1、Q: What does the man mean?【听前预测】选项中的meeting,not on/goes against his schedule等表明,对话可能与会议和男士的安排有关。He doesnt mind表明,男士的话为听音重点。【解 析】选B。对话中女士提到put off our meeting,男士回答Take your time. My schedule is flexible(不用着急,我的安排很灵活),由此可知,男士不介意推迟会议,故答案为B。12. M: How was your interview last week? Have you got their cal

2、ls?W: Well, chances are slim. My mind was all focused on the exam in that afternoon and I even forgot to bring my resume. What does the woman think of her interview?【听前预测】选项中的It was just so-so/great/terrible等表明,本题可能考查对It的评价,听音时应留意It具体指代什么。【解 析】选C。对话中男士询问女士的面试怎么样,女士回答chances are slimI even forgot to

3、bring my resume(机会很渺茫我甚至忘记带简历),由此可知,女士觉得她的面试很糟糕,故答案为C。13. W: How is your new roommate? Well, all I could say is that hes a real couch potato. Last weekend he invited me over to his parents house to watch TV. I bet watching TV is his only hobby, but he surely doesnt know much. What can we learn about

4、 the mans new roommate?【听前预测】He is fond of/likes,TV等表明,对话可能与He喜欢看电视有关。由男士提到的hes a real couch potato和I bet watching TV is his only hobby可知,男士的新室友很喜欢看电视,故答案为B。couch potato常用来指整天坐着看电视的人。14. W: You must have passed through lots of rural areas during your trip. Do you enjoy the country? Yes. When youve b

5、een staying in an urbanized area too long, you appreciate rural areas for a change. Everything is relaxed and easy. The scenery is beautiful. Why does the man enjoy the country?【听前预测】选项中的air is clean,quiet等表明,本题与某地方的优点有关。【解 析】选D。由男士提到的When youve been staying in an urbanized area too long, you apprec

6、iate rural areas for a change(当你在城市化的地方呆太久时,你会想去农村地区改变一下)可知,男士喜欢乡下是因为在城市待太久了,乡村能给人一种新鲜感,故答案为D。15. W: Have you been to the new fitness club on the corner, William? They say it is a good place to do exercise. Yeah, Ive heard of it. I went there myself yesterday. It has almost the best equipments in th

7、e town, and I am going to start an exercise class after work. What are they talking about?【听前预测】选项均为名词或动名词短语表明,本题可能考查对话话题。【解 析】选A。女士问男士是否去过the new fitness club,男士说昨天去了,并提到那里的equipments和打算下班后去那里参加an exercise class。由此可知,他们的谈话围绕the new fitness club,故答案为A。16. M: My sisters birthday is on the 9th. Were g

8、oing to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and then maybe go out dancing. Would you like to come? Sounds like fun. You can count me in. What does the woman mean?【听前预测】选项中的She likes/accepts等表明,女士的话为听音重点。男士首先提到sisters birthday以及打算做的事:have dinner at a Mexican restaurant和dancing,然后询问女士是否来,女士回答You can

9、count me in(你可以把我算上),由此可知,女士接受了男士的邀请,故答案为D。17. W: Did you hear if the debate team is going on to the state competition? Or did they get eliminated? Actually, I havent been following their progress this year, because Im very busy these days.【听前预测】选项中的He believes/doesnt know,the team等表明,对话可能与男士是否知道某个队

10、的情况有关,男士的话为听音重点。对话中女士向男士询问辩论队是进入全国竞赛了还是被淘汰了,男士提到I havent been following their progress this year(我今年没有注意它们的进展),由此可知,男士不知道辩论队是否赢了,故答案为C。18. M: Ive been calling David for the past half hour, but I keep getting a busy signal. Well, if you dont get him soon, well just have to go to the movies without hi

11、m. Why is the man trying to call David?【听前预测】选项均以不定式开头表明,本题可能考查行为目的。男士说他一直给David打电话,但一直听到忙音,女士听后说if you dont get him soongo to the movies without him,由此可知,男士给David打电话是想邀请他看电影,故答案为D。Conversation One【听前预测】选项中的American literature,course,midterm week等表明,对话与学校的课程有关。 Hi Helen. What do you think of our cla

12、ss in childrens literature? It looks pretty good. I was surprised to see you in there. Are you also majoring in elementary education? No, Im not. But as a psychology major, I can use this to fulfill the requirements in developmental psychology. Have you finished the first assignment yet? Not yet. I

13、just got the book today. How about you? I started this afternoon. Its great fun reading those wonderful childrens stories by Dr. Hughes. Dr. Hughes? I didnt remember seeing his name on the reading list. His full name is Theodore Hughes Gazzel. Thats how he is listed on the bibliography. Dr. Hughes i

14、s his pen name. I love reading those stories as a child. Its been interesting now to read them from a different perspective. I guess they all give me a good idea on how children think. Those stories are also great for class use. How is that? Well, take a typical Dr. Hughes book like The Cat in a Hat. It has a controlled vocabulary of about only 200 words. So, that means the children get a lot of practice, using a small number of words over and over. Exactly. In fact, The Cat in a Hat is written primarily to show how a controlled vocabulary rea

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