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1、Man and nature live in peace when necessary.厨师们正在为晚餐做准备。The chefs are preparing for dinner.你能告诉我什么地方下车吗?Can you tell me where to get off?快点,坐上那辆公交车。Come on, sit on the bus.那个电话没有接通。The phone is switched on.我们要多花时间和家人聚在一起。We should spend more time together with my family.你能告诉我如何到达那家旅馆?Can you tell me

2、 how to get to the hotel?每天早晨,许多人清早起床锻炼身体。Every morning, many people get up early in the morning exercise.明天记得把我的笔记本归还给我。Remember to return my laptop tomorrow to me.当你帮助别人的时候,你一定会很快乐。When you help others, you will be very happy.为什么不放弃吸烟呢?Why dont you give up smoking?继续,告诉我们那个有趣的故事。Go on, tell us the

3、 interesting story.这辆车会经过火车站吗?The car after the train station? 你多久和朋友远足一次?A: how often do you and friends hiking?散步是自我的放松的一种好习惯。Walking is to relax themselves a good habit. 我们可以继续那个谈话吗?We can continue the conversation?突然间所有的灯都熄灭了。Suddenly all the lights went out. 房子的价格总是在升高。The price of the house is

4、 always on the rise. 那辆汽车在路上出毛病了。That is something wrong with the car on the road. 当我长大了,我相当宇航员。When I grow up, I am quite an astronaut. 你最好不要一个人在晚上独自出去。Youd better not go out alone at night. 课后记得把作业交上来。Remember to hand in your homework after class. 因为我感冒了,所以我不得不躺在床上。Because I have a cold, so I have

5、 to lie on the bed. 履行期间,每个人都很愉快。During the performance, everyone is happy. 垃圾对环境有不好的影响。Garbage have an adverse effect on the environment. 很多人无法享受英语学习的乐趣。Many people cannot enjoy the fun of learning English. 我经常收到来自英国笔友的来信。I often received a letter from pen Pal from Britain. 听到这个故事我们都很难过。We are very

6、 sorry to hear this story. 孩子们,请随便吃点鱼肉。Children, help yourself to some fish. 帮助残疾儿童是很需要的。It is need to help the disabled children. 他的邻居经常帮助他学数学。His neighbors often help him learn mathematics.那个女人很生气,因为他的儿子把东西扔得到处都是。The woman was very angry because his son throw things everywhere. 等一下,请把它再说一遍。Wait a

7、moment, please take it again. 水中憋气三分钟很困难。Blow-hole three minutes is difficult. 许许多多的医生在地震中忙于救人。Many doctors are busy in the earthquake rescue. 快点,铃声响了。Hurry up, the bell rang. 刚才他们匆匆忙忙的离开了。They left in a hurry just now. 飞机会立刻起飞的。The plane will take off immediately. 总而言之,笑对人生很有用。To sum up, smile to t

8、he life is very useful. 越来越多的人们正在保护处于危险的野生动物。More and more people are protected in dangerous wild animals. 那个难题一定会被详细讨论的。The problem will be discussed in detail. 事实上,那部电影很无聊。In fact, the film is boring. 超市在那个学校对面。Opposite the supermarket in the school. 一般来说,水对所有生物都很重要。Generally speaking, the water i

9、s very important to all living things. 每个城市里的无家可归的人都需要帮助。Each citys homeless people need help. 那个小孩可以按顺序说这些数字。The little boy can say these Numbers in order. 为了赶校车,我今天早起。In order to catch the bus, I get up early today. 那个女孩在公众场合感到紧张。The girl felt nervous in public. 总之,中国仍然有很长的路要走。In short, China stil

10、l has a long way to go. 英语学习者要多大声读英文而不是做大量的练习。English learners to read English loudly and not to do a lot of practice.所有游客都吃惊地叫起来。All visitors are surprised to call up. 起初,他没有通过考试。At first, he didnt pass the exam. 最后,那个男人冷静下来。Finally, the man to calm down. 今后,机器人将为人类做所有的事情。In the future, robots will

11、 do all the things for mankind. 幸运的是,那个士兵及时接住了那个小孩。Fortunately, the soldier caught the baby in a timely manner. 请稍等下,我接个电话。Please wait a moment, I connect a telephone. 刚才和你谈话的是谁?Who is talking with you just now?父母总是要求孩子远离火。Parents always want children away from fire. 跟那个经理联系很难。Contact the manager is

12、 difficult. 继续努力,直到你取得成功。Continue to work hard, until you succeed. 你如何赶得上着变化的世界?How do you keep up with the changing world?昨天当你敲门的时候,你的妈妈正在煮饭。Yesterday when you knock on the door, your mom is cooking. 一个小时前,一个学生骑得太快了,撞上了一个老人。An hour ago, a student riding too fast, hit an old man. 最后但同样重要的是,你最好相信自己。L

13、ast but not least, youd better believe in yourself. 过后,那个病人身体康复了。Later, the patients body was recovered. 嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。It is impolite to laugh at others. 从那次经历中我们学到了许多。We learned a lot from that experience. 每次母亲都会问我为什么去法国。Every mother asked me why I go to France. 她的邻居再也不会把钱借给她了。Her neighbors would never

14、 lend money to her.你得到的钱比我的少。You got less money than I. 过上正常的生活是那个穷人的梦想。To live a normal life is the dream of the poor. 渔民靠钓鱼为生。Fishermen made a living by fishing. 护士工作就是照顾病人。The nurse job is taking care of the patients. 展望未来使人振奋。Looking to the future make people exciting. 为什么你总是看着我?Why do you always look at me?商场里有个女人正在寻找她的

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