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1、 Focus general history : politics, economics, war art history: political values, emoti ons, everyday life, etc.B.Sign ifica nee of studyMore in formati on and better un dersta nding of huma n society and civilizati on. n .?Types of informationA.I nformatio n in history book is (2) objective facts, b

2、ut no opinions.B.Information in art history is subjective (3) pers on al_emoti on s_a nd opinionse.g. Spanish pain ters works: misuse of gover nmen tal power Mexican artists works : attitudes towards social problems 川.Art as a reflect ion of religious beliefsA.Europe: (4) biblical_stories_i n_pictur

3、es in churchesB.Middle East: pictures of flowers and patter ns in mosques, palacesReas on: huma n and (5) ani mal_images_are_ not see n as holyC.Africa and the Pacific Isla nds: Masks, headdresses and costumes in special cerem oniesPurpose: to seek the help of (6) Gods to protect crops, ani mals and

4、 people IV. Percepti ons of ArtHow people see art is related to their cultural backgro undA.Europea ns and America ns(7) decorationexpressi on of ideasB.People in other placespart of everyday life(8) practical useV . Art as a reflect ion of social cha ngesA.Cause of changes: (9) influence/interactio

5、n of different culturesB.Changestribal people: effects of (10) urba nizatio n_on _art_formsEuropea n artists: in flue nee of Africa n traditi onal art in their worksAmerica n and Can adia n artists: study of Japa nese pain ti ng. 中间一Goodmorning, today s lecture is the very first of a series of lectu

6、res on art history, so I d like to spend some time discussing with you the following topic: Why do we need to study art history? And what can we learn from it?First of all, I d say, if you study art history, this might be a good way to learn more about a culture than it s possible to learn in genera

7、l history classes. You know, (1)most typical history courses concen trate on politics, econo mics and war, but art history focuses on much more than this. Because art reflects not only the political values of a people, but also their religious beliefs, emotions etc.In addition, information about the

8、 daily activities of our ancestors can be providedby art, like what people did for a liv ing, what kind of dress they wore, what ceremonies they held etc. In short, art can express the essential qualities of a time and a place, and the study of it clearly offers us a deeper understanding thancan be

9、found in most history books and enables us to learn more things about human society and civilizati on.The second point I d like to make is about the type of information. (2)1 n history books, information is objective, that is, facts about political economic life of a country are given, but opinions

10、are not expressed. Art, on the other hand, is subjective. (3)It reflects pers onal emoti ons and opinions. For example, Fran cisco Goya was a great Spa nish pain ter and also perhaps the first truly political artist. In his famous painting, The Third of May 1808, he showed soldiers shooti ng a group

11、 of simple people. His description of soldiers and their victims has become a symbolof the enormous power or the misuse of this power that the government can have over its people. Over 100 years later, on another continent, the powerful paintings of Mexica n artists depicted their deep an ger and sa

12、d ness about social problems. In summary, through art you can find a personal and emotional view of history.Thirdly, art can reflect a culture s religious beliefs. For hundreds ofyears in Europe, religious art was almost the only type of art that existed. (4)Churches and other religious buildings we

13、re filled with paintings that showed people and stories from the Bible. (5)By con trast, one of the main characteristics of art in the Middle East was (and still is), its absenee of humanand animal images. This reflects the Islamic belief that these images are unholy. Thus, on palaces, mosquesa nd o

14、ther build in gs, Islamic artists have created unique decorati on of greatbeauty with images of flowers of geometric forms, for example, circles, squares and triangles. The same is true of other places, like Africa and Pacific Islands. Art also reflects the religious beliefs of traditional cultures

15、in these places. As a matter of fact, religion is the purpose for this art and it s, therefo re, absolutely essential to it. Traditional art in Africa and Pacific Islands is different fromChristia n art. Christia n art in flue nces people s religious feeli ngs towards Go d.(6)But the goal of traditi onal art in Africa and Pacific Isla nds is the in flue nce of spiritual powers, that is gods to enter people s lives. Each tribe or villagethere had special ceremonies with songs and dances to make sure that

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