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1、 【语法焦点】 名词性从句作主语、表语与同位语 【口语交际】 用餐 【能力指导】 阅读训练(一):题型介绍 二、课文导学 【课文背景介绍】 1民以食为天,粮食是世界上绝大多数人直接的、主要的食物,即使动物性的食物也是由粮食和其他植物性原料转化而成的。2人类早在1万年前就开始种植作物,目前全世界约有10亿人从事农业。农业发展大致经历了原始农业、传统农业和现代农业三个阶段。3粮食问题是当今世界五大问题(能源、人口、粮食、资源和环境)之一。世界粮食问题包括两个方面:一方面占世界人口大多数的亚非拉地区粮食匮乏,人民营养不足,有些国家饥荒严重,又无力进口粮食,甚至每年世界上有几千万人饿死;另一方面少数发

2、达国家粮食过剩、大量积压、浪费严重。前者是问题的主要方面。 4粮食问题产生的根源是地区生产不平衡,国家间的分配不均造成。主要是因为:(1)旧的国际经济秩序依然存在;(2)粮食地区生产和消费的严重不平衡;(3)发展中国家贫困,粮食生产仍较落后;(4)人口增长快。 【释疑解惑】 1Have you ordered yet?你点过菜了吗?order v. 点菜,定购,命令(常带复合结构)He had ordered some new books from England.他从英格兰订购了几本新书。 2.Yes ,I sure can. 是的,我的确饿了。 sure 在这儿是副词,在美国英语中,sur

3、e常用表示“当然,可以”的意思,相当于英国英语的certainly/of course.。在表示这一意思时,用 sure或surely都可以。例如:“May I borrow your knife?” “Certainly/of course/sure/surely.” “Can you dance?”“ I certainly can!”/“I sure I can! 3. Right now I could eat an ox.(=Im so hungry now that I could eat a whole ox.) 现在我吃得下一头牛。 could表示一种虚拟语气,是一种与事实不相

4、符的夸张说法。 4. My only regret is that its quite a long way from all my friends. 我唯一遗憾的是那里离我所有的朋友都太远。 that 引导的从句作句子的表语,称为表语从句,用来说明主语regret 的内容。 Wang Junxias greatest regret in the 1996 Olympic Games was that she didnt get gold medal in the 10,000-metre race. 王军霞在年的奥运会上最大的遗憾是她在万米赛跑中未能拿到金牌。 5.All the same

5、I expect youll enjoy coming into town now and again.(=Even though you will be quite a long way from your friend, I expect youll enjoy coming into town.) 尽管如此,我还是盼望你常来城里。 all the same(虽然)还是(even so )You say the bridge is safe; I shall take care all the same.虽然你说这桥很安全,但我还是要小心。It was raining hard ,but

6、we got there in time all the same.那时下着大雨,但我们还是准时到达那儿。 now and again 有时,不时地(from time to time ,at times)I dont think about my old home very much, only now and again.我不是非常想老家,只是有时会想起。is students come to see him now and again.他的学生们时常来看他。 6Today farming employs more people than any other type of work. 目

7、前从事农业的人比从事任何其它行业的人都要多。 more than any(other)+比较对象,这是用比较级的句型表示最高级的概念。The Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China.(=The Changjiang River is the longest river in China)长江比中国的任何一条河都长。 在这一句型中,any表示“任何”;any other表示“任何别的”,说明比较的对象属于同一范围。又如: China is larger than any country in Africa. 中国比非洲的任

8、何国家都大。(不在范围内) China is larger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲的任何别的国家都大。(在范围内) 7. It is thought 1 billion people ,that is half the worlds workers ,earn their living by farming. 据认为有十亿人,也就是全世界劳动人口的一半,是靠务农谋生的 本句属于It is /was thought +that 从句.it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。 It is thought that the food in

9、this supermarket is cheap.人们认为这个超市里的食品便宜。It is reported in the papers that the President of the USA will arrive next Monday. 报纸报导美国总统将于下星期一抵达。 It is known to all that the earth travels round the sun.众所周知,地球是绕着太阳运行的。 ,that is half the worlds workers, ,作为插入句,是对1 billion people 的进一步说明。 earn赚,挣(to get m

10、oney by working);博得,赢得(to get sth. because of ones qualities)He earns ¥3000 a year by writing stories. 他写小说每年挣3000元。 His courage and strong will earned him the admiration of his comrades. 他的勇敢和坚强的意志博得了大家的赞扬。 earn ones living “ 谋生”、“挣钱过活” e began to earn his living at the age of twelve. 他12岁就开始自谋生活。

11、8. For one thing ,two thirds of the earths surface is water, although this does provide a lot of food in the form of fish. 首先,地球表面三分之二是海洋,尽管海洋确实提供了大量可作食物的鱼类。 For one thing(=One reason why it is difficult to feed the worlds population is that)作“首先”,“一则”解,用来列举理由。后面有时跟for another(其次,再则)。cant go. For on

12、e thing. I have no money ; for another , I have no time. 我去不成。一则没有钱,再则没有时间。 The house was poorly built ; for one thing, the roof leaked. 房子造得很差,理由之一是屋顶漏雨。 does provide 确实提供了,助动词do 用在陈述句、祈使句中可加强语气,要重读。 例如:He did tell me he would go aboard. 他确实告诉我他要出国。 强调否定意思的用 never.Never tell her the sad news. 千万别把这

13、个不幸的消息告诉她。 Never forget this lesson. 千万别忘了这个教训。 in the form of 以的形式 Cars pollute the air in the form of waste gas. 汽车以排出废气的形式污染空气。 9First , it is being built on.(=First , buildings are being built on the land.) 第一,在耕地上搞建筑。 要注意在被动语态的句子里,介词很容易被忽视,在这里介词on 不能少。 The patient is being operated on. 正在给这个病人做

14、手术。 The children are being taken good care of. 孩子们被照顾得很好。 10What can be done in order to make sure that no one in the world goes hungry? 为了确保世界上没有人挨饿,人们可以做些什么呢? go hungry作“挨饿”解。go + adj.表示“转变成 ”,go 是连系动词,作“变得”解。这个结构常用来表示情况变坏。 The machine goes wrong. 机器出了毛病。 He went almost mad when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时几乎发疯了。 His illness is going worse. 他的病情正在恶化。 11In the European Union(EU),where 81% of the land is farmed ,there is plenty of food ,in fact often too much. 在欧洲联盟有81%的土地用作耕地,在那儿粮食充足

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