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1、I read the writing un der the picture .It said:Come in and see the Elepha nt Man 2 pence I opened the door and we nt in.There was a man in the shop He was a dirty man in an old coat with a cigarette in his mouthWhat do you want he asked4 Td like to see the elephant man, please, T said.The man looked

2、 at me angrilyWell, you can he said. The shops closing now. You can come back tomorrow4 Cm sorry, f said.z But I would like to see him now. I have no time tomorrowI have a lot of work to do. But I can give you more than 2 pence.The man looked at me carefully. Then he took the cigarette out of his mo

3、uth and smiled with his yellow teeth4 All right, sir, he said. Give me twelve pence then.I gave him the money and he opened a door at the back of the shop We went into a little room The room was cold and dark, and there was a horrible smell in it.A creature sat on a chair behind a table I say a crea

4、ture, because it was not a man or a woman, like you or me. The creature did not move or look at us. It sat very quietly on the chair in the cold, dark, dirty room, and looked at the table The creature had a cloth over its head, because of the cold. On the table in front of it, there was a dead flowe

5、r.Stand up!said the shopkeeper, loudly.The creature stood up slowly. It took the old cloth off its head, and put it on the chair.I looked at the creature and felt sad I am a doctor, so I know a lot about accidents and ill people I see horrible, ugly things every day. But this creature, this thing, w

6、as the worst of all. There were no men or women in the hospital like him.He wore some old trousers, but no shirt, coat, or shoes, so I could see his body very well. His head was the most interest!ng thing. It was very, very biglike an enormous bag with a lot of books in it. The head did not have muc

7、h hair, and there was another bag of brown, dirty skin at the back of it. This skin came down below his neck I could not see one of his eyes very well, because a lot of skin came down in front of his face, too.An enormous red tooth came out of his mouth, under his nose .It looked like an elephants t

8、ooth The mouth and nose were like holes in the face The face could not smile or laugh or look angry or sad, because the skin could not move It was dead, like an elephants faceThere were more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of the creatures body. These bags came down to his legs The right ar

9、m was enormous, and there were bags of skin on it, too. The right hand was like a mans foot.But the left hand the left arm and the left hand were beautiful! The left arm had wonderful skin, and the fingers of the left hand were long and beaut讦ul It was like a young womarfs hand!4 Walk, Merrick! said

10、 the shopkeeper angrily. zCome on, quickly, move!He hit the creature with his hand.Slowly, the creature walked across the room But he could not walk well. His legs were very big and fat, and he had a bad back. He could not walk far without a stick.4 All right, thank you, I said. zLet him sit down. I

11、 dont want to see any more. I felt ill, and the smell in the room was very badYes, sir, said the shopkeeperSit down, MerrickWe went out of the room and closed the door. The shop-keeper smiled at me with his yellow teethWonderful, sir, isnt it he said. The best Elephant Man in England! Hundreds of pe

12、ople come to see him, you know, hundreds! I take him all over the country, I do!4 Yes, very interesting, I said Canl sit dowYes, sir, of course Heres a chairHe looked at me, smiling. 4 Would you like a glass of water, sir*Yes, please, I said. Then I looked at the things in the dirty shop There were

13、two or three bad apples and some old black bananas: that was all. Er, nono, thank you. Tm all right, I said. 4 Did youdid you call the creature Merrick*4Thats right, sir. Joseph Merrick The best ElephantMan in England! I take him all over the country, you know Lots of people want to see him.4 Yes, I

14、 see Do you get a lot of money4 Well, sometimes we do, sir, yes. But its difficult, you see, sir, because of the police. The police dont like us, you see, sir. So we cant stay in a town very long. We usually move every weekzYes, I see. Well, anyway,Silcock, sir Sim on Silcock Yes, well, Mr Silcock, Im a doctor at the London Hospital. My name is Dr Treves I think this man Joseph Merrick is very interest

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