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1、业内公认的说法是,国内第一批电子商务网站的创办时期 始于1997年起步的三年。当时互联网全新的引入概念鼓舞了第一批 新经济的创业者,他们认为传统的贸易信息会借助互联网进行交流和 传播,商机无限。于是,从1997年到1999年,美商网、中国化工网、 8848、阿里巴巴、易趣网、当当网等知名电子商务网站先后涌现。数据:据中国B2B研究中心调查显示:在目前已经成立的电子商 务网站当中,有5.2%创办于20世纪90年代。该阶段无疑是我国电 子商务的萌芽与起步时期。(二)冰冻与调整期(2000-2002年):2000-2002年,在互联网泡沫破灭的大背景下,电子商务 的发展也受到严重影响,创业者的信心经

2、受了严峻的挑战,尤其是部 分严重依靠外来投资“输血”,而自身尚未找到盈利模式具备“造 血”功能的企业,经历了冰与火的严峻考验。于是,包括 8848、美商网、阿里巴巴在内的知名电子商务网站进入残酷的寒冬阶段, 而依靠“会员+广告”模式的行业网站集群,则大都实现了集体盈利,安 然度过了互联网最为艰难的“寒潮”时期。在这三年间创建的电子商 务网站不到现有网站总数的12.1%。无疑,该阶段是我国电子商务的 冰冻与调整时期。(三) 复苏与回暖期(2003-2005年):电子商务经历低谷后,在2003年一场突如其来的“非典” 后,出现了快速复苏回暖,部分电子商务网站也在经历过泡沫破裂后, 更加谨慎务实地对

3、待盈利模式和低成本经营。目前现有电子商务网站总 数占现有网站总数30.1%,应用电子商务的企业会员数量开始明显增 加,2003年成为不少电子商务网站尤其是 B2B网站的“营收平衡 年”,该阶段无疑是我国电子商务的冰冻与调整期。(四) 崛起与高速发展期(2006-2007年):互联网环境的改善、理念的普及给电子商务带来巨大的发 展机遇,各类电子商务平台会员数量迅速增加, 大部分B2B行业电子 商务网站开始实现盈利。而专注B2B的网盛生意宝与阿里巴巴的先后 上市成功引发的“财富效应”,更是大大激发了创业者与投资者对电 子商务的热情。IPO的梦想、行业良性竞争和创业投资热情高涨这“三 架马车”,大大

4、推动了我国行业电子商务进入新一轮高速发展与商业 模式创新阶段,衍生出更为丰富的服务形式与盈利模式, 而电子商务 网站数量也快速增加。仅2007年,国内各类电 子商务网站的创办数量就超过了现有网站总数的 30.3%。该阶段正是 我国电子商务的崛起与高速发展阶段。(5)转型与升级期(2008-2009年):全球金融海啸的不期而至,全球经济环境迅速恶化,致使 我国相当多的中小企业举步维艰,尤其是外贸出口企业随之受到极大 阻碍。作为互联网产业中与传统产业关联度最高的电子商务, 也难免独善其身。受产业链波及,外贸在线 B2B首当其冲,以沱沱网、万国 商业网、慧聪宁波网、阿里巴巴为代表的出口导向型电子商务

5、服务商, 纷纷或关闭、或裁员重组、或增长放缓。而与此同时,在外贸转内销与扩大内需、降低销售成本的指引下, 内贸在线B2B与垂直细分B2C却获得了新一轮高速发展,不少B2C服 务商获得了数目可观的VC的资本青睐,传统厂商也纷纷涉水,B2C 由此取得了前所未有的发展与繁荣。 而C2C领域,随着搜索引擎巨头 XX的进入,使得网购用户获得了更多的选择空间, 行业竞争更加激 烈化。仅在此二年不到时间内创 建的电子商务网站占现有网站总数的 22.3%,且有75.4%的电子商务 网站专注于细分行业的B2C该时期电子商务行业优胜劣汰步伐加快, 模式、产品、服务等创新层出不穷。无疑,该阶段是我国电子商务的 转型

6、与升级时期。Years of Chinese history of the development stage of e-commerce divisi on and character(A)the stage of the development of electronic commercedivision and phase characteristicsThroughout the years the history of Chinese e-commerce, in accorda nce with, or in troduced from abroad or local origi

7、nal started, hit the In ter net bubble in the wi nter, atypicalpneumonia after the pick up, and the subsequent rapiddevelopment of the adjustment of the financial crisis and the tran sformatio n can be divided into the followi ng five stages of developme nt.(A) of the germ in ation and in itial stag

8、e (1997-1999):Characteristics: industry-recognized argument is that thefirst batch of the founder of e-commerce site began in 1997 during the initial three years. The introduction of newInternet con cept was in spired by the first batch of the new economy entrepreneurs, they think will be the tradit

9、ional use of the Internet for trade in formati on excha nge anddissem in atio n of bus in ess opport un ities. Thus, from 1997 to 1999, Meishang Wang, China Chemical Network, 8848, Alibaba, eBay, and other well-k nown e-commerce website Dan gda ng has emerged.Data: Accord ing to the Chi na B2B Resea

10、rch Cen ter survey shows: in the curre nt e-commerce website has bee n established among them, founded in the 20th century, 5.2% 90. This phase of e-commerce in Chi na is un doubtedly the emerge nee and early days.(B)frozen and adjustme nt period (2000-2002):Features :2000-2002, the In ternet bubble

11、 burst in thebackground, the development of e-commerce has also been severely affected the con fide nee of en trepre neurs experie need serious challenges, especially in somerely heavily on foreign investment in blood, and have yet to find its own profit model with feature of bus in ess, experie nee

12、d a severe test of Ice and Fire. Thus, including the 8848, Meishang Wang, Alibaba e-commerce sites, in cludi ng well-k nown stage into the cruel win ter, and rely on Member + advertis ing model of in dustry site cluster, the most achieved a collective profit to survive the most Internet difficult co

13、ld period. In this three-year e-commerce site created less tha n 12.1% of the total number of existing sites. No doubt, the stageis froze n and adjustme nt of the period of e-commerce.(C)recovery and warmer period (2003-2005):Features: e-commerce experie nee trough in 2003, a sudde n SARS, there has

14、 been rapid recovery to pick up somee-commerce sites also experieneed a bubble burst, more cautious, pragmatic and low-cost operating profit model to treat . Accord ing to the Chi na B2B Research Cen ter surveyshows: the total number of e-commerce sites are currently available the total number of 30

15、.1% cent of the existing site, the application of e-commerce companies are significantlyincreasing the number of members in 2003, especially as a lot of B2B e-commerce site site bala nee of reve nue , the stagepopularization of the concept to bring great opportunities fordevelopme nt e-commerce, e-commerce platform for al

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