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1、D、小于6毫升3. 3月12日,希望小学种植了185棵树苗,其中15棵未成活,后来又补种了15棵,全部成活,这次种植树苗的成活率是(A、91.9%B、100%C、 92.5%(正确答案)D、85%C4. 果园里苹果树和梨树共有1200棵,它们的棵树比一定不可能是(A、1:5B、7:C、11:13D、9:2(正确答案)D5. 我们试着可以将无限小数可以转化为分数,例如:将转化为分数时,可设,则,所以,解得,即。以此方法,将化为分数是(B、D、(正确答案)6. 3个质数p、q、r满足p+q=r,且pq,那么p等于(A、2(正确答案)B、3C、7D、13A7. “数形结合”是一种数学思想方法,通过数

2、与形之间的对应关系,体现抽象思维和形象思维的结合。如图,号扇形占整个圆的;号扇形是号扇形的;号扇形是号扇形的;号扇形是号扇形的;。那么该图形对应的算式是(单选题 *C、(正确答案)8. 一个三位数,个位上的数是a,百位上的数比个位上的数多2,十位上的数是5。用含有字母的式子表示整个三位数是(_)。 填空题 *空1答案:101a+2509. 如果A5=B6(A、B均不为0),那么A:B=(_):(_)。如果a:0.8=0.5:4,那么a=(_)。6空2答案:空3答案:0.16;5 ;10. 如右图所示运算程序中,若开始输入的X值为48,我们发现第1次输出的结果为24,第2次输出的结果为12,.第

3、2018次输出的结果为(_)。311. 一项工程,甲单独做需要28天时间,乙单独做需要21天时间,如果甲、乙合作需要(_ )天。1212. 一桶油,第一次取出40%,第二次比第一次少取出10千克,此时桶中还剩30千克。这桶油原来有(_)千克。100100kg13. 一个酒精瓶,它的瓶身呈圆柱形(不包括瓶颈),如图所示,它的容积是26.4立方厘米,当瓶子正放时,瓶内的酒精的液面高为6厘米,瓶子倒放时,空余部分的高为2厘米,则瓶内酒精体积是(_)立方厘米。(取3) 填空题 *59.4 59.414. 一列客车通过250米长的隧道用25秒。通过210米长的隧道用23秒。已知在客车的前方有一列行驶方向

4、与它相同的货车。车身长为320米,速度每秒17米。列车与货车从相遇到离开所用的时间为_秒。19015. 三角形ABC是直角三角形,阴影I的面积比阴影II的面积小,AB=8cm,则BC的长度为_厘米(取3.14)。填空题 *12.5316. _ is she?Shes Alice. 单选题 *A. Who(正确答案)B. HowC. How old17. Mary doesnt _her homework after lunch. 单选题 *A、doesB、/C、do(正确答案)D、doing18. Do you like _ basketball?A、playB、playing(正确答案)C、

5、playsD、is playing19. Its time _ morning exercises. 单选题 *A、doB、doesC、to do(正确答案)20. Can he _a bike?A、to rideB、ridesC、ridingD、ride(正确答案)21. The map _China is _the wall. 单选题 *A、on.ofB、of.on(正确答案)C、 of.inD、of.at22. Do you want to _ English with me?A、askB、speak(正确答案)C、talkD、say23. _she have breakfast at

6、school?A、 DoB、HasC、Does(正确答案)D、Is24. My cousin _(have) some nice pictures. 填空题 *has25. You are 2 cm_ (tall) than me. 填空题 *taller26. Peter likes _ (watch) television. He usually _ (watch) TV for three hours every day. 填空题 *watchingwatcheswatching;27. In the past,there_(be)some old buildings in this s

7、chool. 填空题 *were28. 连词成句:are,kites,flying,men,some (_) 填空题 *首字母大写,单词间空一格,结尾不带符号Some men are flying kites Some men are flying kites29. 完形填空第14题14. 根据文章内容选择最佳答案。There is a zoo in our city. My parents often take me there on (1)_I like animalsI have(2)_toy animals in my roomIn the(3)_,I can see the tige

8、rs,elephants,monkeys,pandas,bears,snakes,and many other(4)_Some animals are friendly,but some are not. Tigers,bears and some snakes are (5)_. That is why they have to stay in(6)_But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cages. They should be freeThe animals in cages cant be (7)_I think th

9、e most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphinsI like(8)_them swim and jump They swim so fast and jump so high They can play(9)_a ballThey are very(10)_to people. If you fall into water and cant swim,they may come to help you1A . summerB. monthC.weekdayD.weekends2A a lotBa lots ofCa lot ofD.

10、lot of3A zoo BparkCbankD.library4A tigersBpeopleCfriendsD animals5A dangerous Bfriendly Cinteresting Dbeautiful6A houses Bbuilding C cagesD.ponds(池塘)7A angry B happy C friendly D boring8A looking B seeingC watchingD hearing9A inB atC withD on10A friendly B interestingC warm D cold 填空题 *空4答案:空5答案:空6答

11、案:空7答案:空8答案:空9答案:空10答案:DCADA, CBCCA30. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容选择正确答案。 Hello, Im Amy. Im from the UK. I have a good friend. She is Lingling. She is from China. Tomorrow is Sunday. And its Linglings birthday. We are going to have a birthday party. Lingling is going to get up at eight. And shes going to go shopping with her mother. Shes going to buy a new dress. Im going shopping too. Im going to buy some chocolate for her. Linglings grandma is going to make a

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