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1、I am Corn a delicious food favoring favored by people and animals. More than 450 years ago, I am was introduced into China. And in the 17th century, I was grown a lot in Tibet and Sichuan so because I did not need much water like rice. Today you can see me nowhere everywhere/anywhere around the worl

2、d. People living in the west preferred prefer to boil and eat my fruits with salt and butter. However, people in each other places often make my fruits into powder, that which will later be mixed with water and other things. In this way, many different kind kinds of food can be made. So now you see,

3、 people can not live in the absent absence of me. Possible versionWill E-books replace traditional books?With the rapid development of information technology, e-books have become more and more popular among the young generation. However, there has been an increasing controversy over the question of

4、whether they will replace traditional books or not. Many people believe that it wont take long for e-books to replace traditional books because they have quite a few advantages over traditional ones. First, e-books are more accessible to readersOne can just log onto the Internet and read online. Sec

5、ond, the cost of e-books is much lower, saving readers much more money. Last but not least, reading e-books has developed into part of our daily life, which is particularly appealing to young users, who are the body part of the users of electronic products. As for me, its not likely for e-books to r

6、eplace traditional books for lots of reasons. For example, long time of reading e-books will do more harm to our eyes. Besides, many readers will find themselves more accessible to printed materials because computers and the Internet havent yet been popularized to every corner of our life. 【参考答案解析】阅

7、读理解21. B。写作意图题。从该段making it one of the worlds most complex and varied ecosystems可知。22. C。推理判断题。结合第1段及本段I firmly believe that were 可知。23. B。细节理解题。综合第4段Worried about planned coastal developments, including ports,倒数第2段的a ban on the century-old practice of emptying dredge waste及最后一段的introduce laws to li

8、mit port development等处信息可知。24. D。从第4段But as their eight fellow finalists failed one by one处可知。25. A。从第5段a repeat of last years surprise可知。26. B。篇章结构题。从文章后两段的描述主体可知。27. D。从第5段The contestwas about to run out of words可知。28. A。本文旨在倡议人们多站少坐。故选A。29. C。主旨大意题。本段主要把久坐与吸烟进行比较,得出久坐的危害,故选C。30. B。观点态度题。从文章最后一句We

9、ve sat on this problem for far too long可知Bradley对此比较“关切”。 31. D。纵观全文可知本文的对象为“关注健康的人”,故选D。32. A。本文旨在介绍北京出台的最严厉的禁烟法令。四个选项中只有A选项最符合。33. B。词义猜测题。根据上下文可知:控(禁)烟不力的企业要接受处罚故选择B。control:控制,抑制34. A。从第6段Since previous anti-smoking laws have been poorly enforced可知。35. C。从该段主要描述在禁烟中父母、教师及影视作品对孩子的影响巨大,故归纳为educati

10、on(教育)起重要作用。3640 DFGAE完形填空4160 BDACABCDAD ACBBCACDAB41. B。“每当我有灵感想写点什么的时候,我就会听到隔壁有个女孩在唱歌。”inspired:有灵感的42. D。“她唱的不怎么样,甚至有点跑调。”out of tune: 走调43. A。“慢慢地,这(女孩唱歌)成为了我每天都要忍受的事。”routine: 日常事务44. C。“这样我又怎么能有心情继续写下去呢?”spirits: 心境,情绪45. A。“有一天,唱歌的声音太吵了,扰乱了我的思绪。”disturb:干扰,扰乱46. B。“我叫我丈夫去交涉一下。”approach sb. a

11、bout sth.:向某人交涉(商量)47. C。“女孩只有17岁,却得了骨癌。”but表转折。48. D。“我脑子一片空白。”(be) a blank: (头脑)处于空白状态; (记忆)想不起来49. A。“她母亲说唱歌可以帮她减轻疼痛:疼得越厉害,她唱得声音就越响。”50. D。“可怜的母亲一再请求我们的原谅”beg ones pardon:请求某人的原谅(宽恕)51. A。我立即说,告诉她母亲:她想唱就唱吧,我一点都不介意的。52. C。见上。As long as:只要53. B。“从那天起,我再也不觉得那女孩有什么不对了,甚至有点习惯她唱歌了。”no longer:不再54. B。Ge

12、t used to (doing) sth.:习惯于55. C。“我感觉就像沐浴花的芬芳。”the smell of flowers:花的芳香(芬芳)56. A。“后来我出差了。”on business:出差57. C。“丈夫打电话告诉我,女孩住院了,由于化疗头发也没了。”due to:由于58. D。“我不由得感到少了些什么”missing: 不见的, 缺少的59. A。“风刮得再大,有我的陪伴你都不会走失”company:陪伴,友谊60. B。“歌声在我脑中回响。”rise:变响,浮现附:听力录音稿Text 1:M: Nice day, isnt it? The sun is shinin

13、g brightly.W: Yes. Its neither hot nor cold. After all, its autumn already.Text 2: Mike, would you like to go shopping with us today? Sorry, but I promised Billy Id play basketball with him.Text 3: This is the third time youve been late for work this week, Carol. Be punctual, or youll get the boot.

14、Im sorry, Mr. Anderson. It wont happen again.Text 4: Excuse me, Sir. I need some stamps and some envelopes as well. Will you please step right over there to the second window, please?Text 5: Hows your salad? Nice and fresh. What about yours? Its kind of rubbish.Text 6: Hi, Tony! Hello, Cathy. What are you doing here? Oh, I was just passing. Would you like a ride in my car? Id love to, but

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