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1、如何分段:缩行式空行式不要又缩又空标点符号后要空格,前面不空如何用TPO作文:33道题全部复习材料(1-10,22-27,其余模考),练能力独立写作:33道题一道不要做,做机经。讲得30道题必须会写。2、综合写作(1)听力永远反驳阅读(2)阅读与听力得文章结构(一总三分)阅读 听力总观点 总观点分论点一 分论点一 解释 例子+细节 细节分论点二 分论点二分论点三 分论点三Tips:对应性反驳,三三对应,逐条反驳分论点=要点(4)综合写作行文构架(共四段):阅读主要说。(阅读总观点)。听力主要说。(听力总观点)。听力反驳了阅读;阅读认为。(阅读分论点一)。听力认为。(听力分论点一)。那就是因为。



4、许发挥。E、核心思想就是“替换”,表现用词用语得多样性,避免重复Reading material,the author, the writer、F、得分得不就是模板,就是填得空综合写作重要句型:1.The lecture discusses、, which differs from the main idea in the reading that、2.The professor makes the point that、 The reading, in contrast, holds a different view that、3.An important point shown in th

5、e reading material is that、, but the listening presents a conflicting idea that、4. The professor states that、, which challenges the standpoint made by the writer who says that、5.The professor discusses that problem of、 , and the reading views in a contrary (different) angle that、6.The professor make

6、s the point that、On the contrary (in contrast), the writer demonstrates an idea that、模板:The reading material discusses、, which differs from the main idea in the listening that、An important point shown in the reading material is that、, but the listening presents a conflicting idea that、The writer mak

7、es the point that、 The lecture, in contrast, holds a different view that、The author states that、, which challenges the standpoint made by the professor who says that、综合写作笔记要点:笔记不求完美,符号记笔记,中英文结合,首字母缩写。笔记就是练出来得,形成个性化笔记。每个听力段落至少听10遍,练习记笔记。记完笔记后练习复述。独立写作1、写作流程2分钟审题题型分类(9种,价值判断、现象证明及其她)解题方法(万金油、拆分举例)文章结构

8、论证方法开头主体段落(主题句+解释+例子+细节+结论)结尾2分钟检查2、托福作文观点得要求由于托福作文题目都就是可争论性得话题,所以同意或者反对,选A或者选B都就是可以得;观点得选取不需要完美得逻辑,只要自圆其说即可;观点也不需要思想深度,也不需要创新;-永远写好写得,自己能写得。尽量不要涉及到政治、宗教等问题。3、文章结构四或者五段都可。开头结尾独立成段,中间可以写2-3段都可以。字数分配开头 50词结尾 30词即开头+结尾大约100词中间写3段,每段100词,100词不容易出现语言重复,所以五段比四段(每段150词)好时间分配开头 3分钟结尾2分钟中间每段100词 7分钟每段150词 10

9、分钟4、论证结构绝对论证:所有得观点指向一个方向五段:A A+ A+ A+/B- A 四段:A A+ A+ A 让步论证:一定要写五段;让一小步A A+ A+ A- A 五、开头(观点明确)1、三部分内容:引言(重要性/影响/趋势)论题(同义改写题目)观点2、句型(1)第一句话重要性 Importance、play an essential role in、be of equal importance to、be considered to be important means/role to、影响 Influence、had a widespread/positive/negative im

10、pact on、趋势 PrevalenceThere is a general trend that、There is a mon practice that、(2)第二句话论题(同义改写题目:同义词;同根词;全新表达方式)、 Is a controversial topic、is under fierce discussion、However, people have conflicting/differing opinions about whether、(3)第三句话:Eg:1.Agree or disagree: Technology makes peoples lives more

11、plicated、Technology has had tremendous impact on every aspect of modern life、However, whether technology made our lives more plex or not is a controversial topic、 From my perspective, I believe technology has made our lives more convenient、2、Many people have a close relationship with their pets、 The

12、se people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family、 In your opinion, are such relationships good? Pets are an integral/essential part of the modern life、 However, people are having differing opinions about whether it is beneficial to have a close relationship with them、 I

13、 believe such a relationship brings benefits to people in various ways despite some potential harms、(典型让步)3. People should not pay for public transportation、试写:Public transportation plays an essential role in our modern daily life、 However, whether people should pay for using public transportation o

14、r not is a controversial topic、 From my perspective, people should not pay for public transportation、范例:There is a general trend that the situation of traffic jams and air pollution has been progressively serious、 Wether public transportation should be made free is under fierce discussion、 I believe the plan should be implemented、6、中间段落得写法结构:主题句+解释+例子+细节+结论1.主题句:前置于段首,陈述句。(不要套长模板,长模板不算有效字数)2.解释:解释得适用范围:

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