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1、3This problem is very easy,please give me a _ _ answer(quickly) 4Lucy,please take good _ _ of your younger sister(carefully) 四、动词:1He often _ _ the classroom on Sunday(clean) 2Jim _ _ cards with his friends now(play) 3If it_(not rain)tomorrow ,I_(visit)the Summer Palace 4Yesterday he_(tell)me the ea

2、rth_(move)around the sun 5Kate _ _ an English book at ten yesterday(read) 6I _ _ you _ _ a long time(not see) 7Youd better not _ _ there by bike(go) 8Im very tired,wed better stop _a rest(have) 9He enjoyed _ _ in the country(live) 10Jim is his _ _ name(give) 11He is a _ _ (visit) 12My bike is _ _ (b

3、reak) 五、数词:1Take the _ _ turning on the left(two) 2Please read Part _ _ (first) 六、代词:1This is _ _ pen(I),and thats_(her) 2Please put _ over there(they) 3 _ _are all the students in our school(their)常用构词法:1、动词名词workworker inventinventor teachteachersingsinger visitvisitor drivedriverinventinvention o

4、perateoperation2、名词farmfarmer policepolicemanFrenchFrenchman3、名词形容词carecareful useuseful sunsunnycloudcloudy windwindy rainrainyAmericaAmerican ChinaChinese interestinterestingdifferencedifferent iceicy4、形容词副词quickquickly happyhappilypossiblepossibly truetrulypolitepolitely widewidely5、形容词反义词happyun

5、happy usualunusualableunable词尾变化表形式词尾动词名词复数形、副比较级最高级原形现在三单现在分词过去式过去分词一般workworksworkingworkedbook(s)new(er)new(est)以o,s,x,sh,ch结尾gowashgoeswashesgoingwashingwentwashedgonebus(es)tomato(es)一个辅音结尾重读开音节stopstopsstoppingstoppedson(s)big(ger)big(gest)辅音字母加y结尾worryworriesworryingworriedbabybabieshappyhapp

6、ierhappiest不发音e结尾liveliveslivinglivedbikesnice(r)nice(rst)不规则have-hasdie-dying,lie-lying记住第六册不规则动词表另记不规则表长形容词前加more长形容词前加most不规则变化另记五)写出下列单词的反义词:A)1. yes 2. this 3. those 4. empty 5. light 6. big7. old 8. new 9. long 10. tall 11. here 12 come 13. black 14. cheap 15. early 16. then 17. boy 18. woman1

7、9. girl 20. good 21. father 22. brother 23. much 24. teach25. love 26. foolish 27. danger 28. dangerous 29. birth30. begin 31. sell 32. high 33. same 34. wet 35. loud36. thin 37. thick 38. free 39. many 40. nearest 41. pull42. wrong 43. left 44. slow 45. stop 46. laugh 47. after48. easy 49. usual 50

8、. lucky 51. without 52. poor 53. open54. borrow 55. weak 56. dirty 57. remember 58. above59. always 60. askB) wake fall give close lose wide bright soft bad ill near cold warm back last over inside in off down quickly ahead hot unimportant often interesting south start stand first night expensive mu

9、ch better best careful hopeful before cloudy happy east land whole dead die deep cover able helpful dark lucky possible true upstairs usual weak beginning morning leave win(六)写出下列形容词的副词形式:certain easy heavy new good beautiful careful quick real slow strong usual warm bad bright clear loud lucky nois

10、y polite possible quiet safe terrible happy wide wonderful(七)写出下列名词的形容词形式:China colour difference Japan goodness love orange care cleanercloud danger health hunger rain darkness south sun wind anger fame fool importance luck noise north wool friend (八)用所给的单词的适当形式填空:1. He answered the question and the teacher was _(please)2. Li Lei caught up with the others and _ the race.(one的同音词)3. _it doesnt rain today. (luck)4. Lily did _ of all. (best的反义词)5. Tom is a little _ than Jack, but he is just as _ as Jack. (thin, strong)6. I think Chinese is as _ as maths. (importance)7. Thos

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