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疯狂英语脱口而出准备篇27 生活实际问题 mp3下载文档格式.docx

1、3 于是,我写了一封 信向她表达我的爱意。 她很快就给我回信了To my great disappointment, she refused my love,;让我失望至极的是,她 拒绝了我.saying she had always thought of me as her big brother;她说,她一直都把我当 成是大哥哥and that she just enjoyed exchangin ideas and thoughts with me.;仅仅喜欢与我交流思想 而已I am in so much pain now and dont know what to do.;我现在伤心

2、极了,不知 道如何是好.Should I continue to keep in touch with her;我应该继续与她联系呢,or forget her and disappear from her life?;还是忘记她、从她的视 线中消失?I hope that I can get some advice from big sister Know-it-all.;我希望万事通大哥能给 我一些建议。Dear LiYang,;亲爱的李阳,1 On a pain scale of one to ten, unrequited love, or love that is given but

3、 not returned;1 在大大小小的痛楚中, 单相思或没有回报的爱can be right up there just above an operation or a visit to the dentist.;所带来的痛楚和手术或看 牙医后的痛相比,It is much worse than both. Medical procedures tend to heal quickly.;前两者更甚于后两者。 医疗手段能够很快治 愈肉体的创伤,Broken hearts can take years to heal and sometimes never do.;而破碎的心却需要多年 才

4、能复原,有时甚至终 生也难以愈合。2 Most of us have our first run in/encounter /experience with;2 绝大部分人都有过的 经历unrequited love in our late teens, during high school.;十八九岁在学校里时单 相思We watch from afar as our truly beloved wanders the halls of the school.;远远地看着自己所爱的 人在学校大礼堂漫步We make every effort to spend as much time wit

5、h that person as possible.;想方设法地尽可能与心 仪的人呆在一起;We also make every effort to be sure;我们也会力图把爱埋在 心底,that person does not know how in love we really are.;不让对方知道我们是多 么的爱她。But that is no way to go through life.;不过,我们总不能就这 样度过一生。3 So then comes theinevitable/ unavoideble day when we have watched;3 所以,在那个迟早

6、 都要面临的日子里当看了Titanic too many times or listened to too much Celine Dion;无数次铁达尼号 和听了无数遍席林迪翁 的歌以后and we get up our courage and go to them in a dramatic flurry;我们终于鼓起勇气在 忐忑不安中走向她们。and confess our true feelings.;袒露我们我们的情感。4 A couple of hours later it is all over with;4 几小时之后,一切都 已结束。and all we want to do

7、 is turn back time and go back to admiring them from afar.;我们所希望的就是 让时光倒流。回到远远 地赞赏她们的那个时候We want to go back to the sweent taste of our fantasies thinking how wonderful;回到我们甜美的梦境中, 想着有多么的美妙it will be when we can be together.;能与她在一起We want to go back there because rejection leaves a bad taste in our m

8、ouths;我们想回到从前,只因 她的拒绝that we can never quite get rid of.;在我们心中留下的阴影 挥之不去。My advice to you is let her go.You cant force her to fall in love with you .;我的建议是由她去。你 不可能强迫她爱上你。The only thing wrose is begging her to love you.;更差的是企求她爱你。It is difficult for me to even advise you to maintain your good friend

9、ship with her,;我甚至难以建议你继续 保持与她的友谊,because much like being on teeter-totter with someone heavier than yourself,;因为对我来说这是一件 很难的事,这叫你与一个 比你重很多的人玩跷跷板 没什么区别。things will just never be even/balanced/equal;结果都是不可能的。I hope you feel better and I wish you the best of luck.;希望我所说的对你有 协助,祝你好运!第八节 成语的挑战 *Im sick

10、and tired of having to support of my brother;我已经烦透照顾我弟弟了just because he refuses to go out and find a job.;只因为他不肯出去找工 作,*IIm sick and tired of having to support of my husband;我已经烦透照顾我丈夫了Going Out for the Evening;晚上外出A: Lets go to the movies. Theres a good one playing now.;(去看电影吧,有部好片 子正在放映。)B: Id lik

11、e to, but I cant. I really have to study.;我想去,但是不行,我要 学习。I wasted the whole afternoon.;我已经浪费了一个下午.I forgot I had to brush up on my English.;我忘记温习英语了。Then, all of a sudden I remembered.;我突然才想起 Oh, come on! Well be home early/before 11.;(噢,走吧!我们会早点 儿回家的。/十一之前回 来的。 No, Id better not. I have a big exam

12、tomorrow.;不,我不能这样。我明 天有一个考试。I was about to study when you came in. You know how it is.;你进来的时候我正要开 始学习呢。你也知道的,If you dont study, you dont pass. That goes without saying;如果不准备的话,毫无 疑问会通过不了。 Exam? Tomorrow? Oh- oh!(考试?明天?噢噢! Whats the matter /Whats wrong?(怎么啦? I just remembered. I have a test, too!(我刚记

13、起我明天也有 考试! We can go to the movies some other time.;我们能够下次去看电 影嘛。第一笔财富:brush up on something: review something to make it fresh again in ones mind;提升;改进;重温;再 练。*They came here to brush up on technology.;(他们来此以求提升技 术。*I really need to brush up on my English.;(我确实需要提升我的 英语水平。m going to give a speech tomorrow, so I have to brush up on my notes.;(明天我要实行一场演讲, 所以,我必须整理一下 我的笔记。*Professor Wang had not given a ta

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