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1、23.We didn t believe it we saw it with our own eyes.A.uni ess B. if C. because D. after24. John, I think Peter is the only suitable person for this position although he is a little old.I agree. Most of the others are so young. They have any experie nee.A. nearly B. closely C. hardly D. heavily25.My

2、brother wants to be a to solve crimes and arrest crimi nals whe n he grows up.A. bus in essma n B. detective C. shopkeeper D. salesma n26.The nu mber of the stude nts in our school 1,300, and a nu mber of them fromNanji ng.A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. arc; are27.A recent shows that sport activ

3、ities may help stude nts do better in class.A. reas on B. research C. reply D. record28.We have to the fact that we failed. No one could cha nge the result.A. get B. thi nk C. require D. face29.The terrible traffic accide nt happe ned about ten the eve ning of May 16.A. at, i n B. at, on C. in, at D

4、. on, at30.I was late because the bus on my way to school.A. broke dow n B. broke off C. broke up D. broke into31.Most stude nts like the teachers un dersta nd them well.32. How long does it take to get to the airport?A bout forty minutes. But it s foggy today. I m nbesur s go earlier.A. whe n will

5、the highway be closed B. how will the highway be closed soonC. why the highway has bee n closed D. whether the highway will be closed soon33. Some one is knocking on the door. Is it Nan cy?It be Nancy. She has gone to Shan ghai on bus in ess.A. mustn t B. can t C. my not D. will not34. ?He is of med

6、ium height and has straight hair.A. What does his uncle do? B. What does his uncle look like?C. What can his uncle do? D. What is his uncle doi ng?35. Kitty, who do you think is better at magic, Liu qian or Yif? of them is great. I love their shows.A. Either B. Neither C. All D. Both三、完形填空(共 10小题:每小

7、题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Soap operas (肥皂剧)from South Korea have been popular in China for more than twenty years now.So it is not the 36 time for Chinas soap operas to be less popular. But this lime, they are facing more 37 . becauseDescendants of the Sun

8、(太阳的后裔) and My Love from the Star really made abig success, which even 38 some lop Chin ese officers.A senior officer said he sometimes watched soap operas from South Korea 39 operas fromAmerica. These operas made 40 in South Korea and in America have a lot of lovers in China.Many people 41 that Chi

9、na s soap operas are not much loved by most Chinese, because they are not as interesting as 42 from South Korea and America, such as My Love from the Star, aKorea n love story betwee n a time-travelli ng professor and a famous movie star.However, Korean shows not only 43 soap operas but also some pr

10、ogramming (综艺节目) .“ RunningMan is not an original Chin ese show. We learned it from South Korea but some Chinese people aren t aware of the44 .Actually, Chi na has a closer culture with South Korea. But why do shows from this 45 co untry always seem better? One of the possible reas ons is that their

11、 stories are more attractive. Whats more, thosestones tell people the importa nee of courage, imagi nati on and equality.36. A. rightB. firstC. perfectD.Iasi37. A. adva ntagesB. progressC. problemsD. support38. A.attractedB. caughtC.madeD. caused39. good asB. as well asC. as long asas much as40

12、. A.allB. eitherC. n eitherboth41. A.agreeB. suggestC.announcedecide42. A.moviesB. starsC. loversoperas43. A. preventB. promiseC. provideprepare44. A.factB. reas onC. casedetail45. A.relativeB. n eighbourC. partneren emy四、阅读理解(共 15小题:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.A3 Scientists Awar

13、dedThe 2015 Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine46.William C. Campbell was born in .A.Ch ina B. Japa n C. Irela nd D. Germa ny47.Among the three scientists, who is the youngest?A.Youyou Tu B. Saioshi Omura.C. William C. Campbell. D. We don t know.48.Suppose the total prize for the 3 scie ntists is

14、$1,000,000, how, much will Youyou Tu get?A. $250.000 B. $500.000 C. $750,000 D $1,000,000BWhen Leon ardo DiCaprio stepped onto the stage to accept the Academy Award for Best Actor on February 28, he received a rare sta nding ovati on (鼓掌欢呼)After five acting nomin atio ns and 22 years of disappo in ted hopes since his first nomi natio n (for What s Eat ing Gilbert Grape in 1993). thye4it-old actor fin ally won his first Oscar for his effort in the film The Revenant. which hit Chinese cin e

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