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1、A . causeB . excuseC . matterD . choice3. (2分)would you please give this MP3 to Mary?Sure. Ill give it to her _ she comes back.A . beforeB . as soon asC . tillD . yet4. (2分)It is blowing hard outside. Tell the boy _ Michael _ the window. A . call; to openB . called;C . called; not to openD . call; d

2、ont open5. (2分) I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use yours? Yes, you _.A . canB . mustC . couldD . should6. (2分)Have you read the book Harry Potter? Sure. Eric is also _ it and we become friends because of that.A . proud ofB . afraid ofC . interested inD . serious about7. (2分)I think _ Engli

3、sh is not easy. You should _ it often. A . to learn; to practiceB . learning; practiceC . learn; practicingD . learns;8. (2分) Some pandas are _. Youre right. We must _ them. A . in danger, to saveB . in danger, saveC . danger, saveD . danger, to save9. (2分)Here the results the student activity surve

4、y.A . is, withB . are, ofC . is, ofD . are, with10. (2分)I often have hamburgers for lunch. Youd better not. Its bad for you _ too much junk food.A . eatB . to eatC . eatingD . ate11. (2分)She looks so happy because she did_ in her English exam. A . goodB . badC . wellD . fine12. (2分)Sometimes our hob

5、bies can our work.A . get in the way ofB . get intoC . get out ofD . get on13. (2分)Did you _ to play the piano?A . useB . usedC . to useD . used to14. (2分)下列各组字母中全部是元音字母的是 _。A . a, e, o, rB . a, i, u, eC . o, u, e, n15. (2分)We cant afford to make any mistakes. To us, _.A . a miss is as good as a mil

6、eB . the grass is greener on the other sideC . it never rains but it poursD . when in Rome, do as the Romans do二、 完型填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)完形填空If you go to fast food restaurant, you can see a lot of teenagers. Today,1teenagers are 2because of their favorite food. Most teenagers 3junk food 4a lot of

7、fat, salt and sugar.5bad eating habits are more than junk food. We find many teenagers eat6Some dont have 7before they go to school. During the day, some dont 8a proper meal for lunch. In a survey 9one school, scientists found that over 65% of the students didnt have 10healthy diet.Parents today als

8、o 11about their childrens diet. Some doctors give the following 12Teenagers shouldnt eat 13junk food .Teenagers shouldnt eat food with much14Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future.Teenagers should eat food without much fat, oil and sugar.Teenagers15to eat some fruits and vegetables every d

9、ay. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and they have little fat.(1)A . manyB . muchC . a numberD . much of(2)A . thinB . fatC . shortD . tall(3)A . dislikeB . bringC . doD . love(4)A . andB . orC . withD . but(5)A . SoB . WhileC . ButD . Then(6)A . healthyB . unhealthilyC . unhealthyD . heal

10、thily(7)A . breakfastB . lunchC . supperD . dinner(8)A . hasB . haveC . to haveD . has to(9)A . forB . atC . asD . on(10)A . anB . theC . aD . /(11)A . worriesB . worriedC . to worryD . worry(12)A . plansB . decisionsC . adviceD . action(13)A . too manyB . many tooC . too muchD . much too(14)A . vit

11、aminsB . saltC . waterD . sugar(15)A . mustB . shouldC . needD . can三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)17. (10分)阅读理解One day, Mr Smith is going to take a train to his hometown. When the train starts, one of his shoes falls to the ground. The train is going faster and faster, and he cant pick it up. Then he quickly t

12、akes off the other shoe and throw it on the ground near the fallen(掉下的) shoe. A little boy on the train asks him, “Why do you do that? You have lost(丢失) one shoe. ”Mr Smith answers, “ If a man picks them up, he may get a pair of shoes. ”(1)Mr Smith is going to his hometown_.A . by busB . by trainC . by bike

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