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1、电力工程专业课程总结 Einleitung des Electroingenieurwesens 1.电气工程导论Serveral professors taught us this course,each of them have a few talk brief the first semester.A hours.Its at the most beginning of are courses four years.which well learn in the next about what there .How many required courses and selective

2、courses. Introduce to us about our bright future.informations about our college. College of Electrical Engineering. CEE has the following six academic departments :Department of Electrical Machinery and Electrical Apparatus Department of Power System and its Automation oltage and Insulation Technolo

3、gy Department of High V Department of Power Electronics and Power Drives Department of Electrical Engineering Theory and New Technology Department of Architectural Electrical and Intelligence : 电力工业Electric power industry consists of five parts oltage transformation4.Distribution5.Usage1.Generation2

4、.Transmission3.V 2.H?here Mathematik 高等数学 Well,its an mathematic fundation course.Differential and integral. y=ex3 y=3x2ex3 .If we have a function we can know the extreme value by differential it.The first order derivative at this point equals zero.And when the second order derivative is bigger than

5、 zero(positive),this point is the minimum value.When the second order derivative is negative,this point is the maximum value. Lineare Algebra 3.线性代数This course taught us how to calculate the matrix.For example matrix multiply matrix.() or use matrix to solve equations.(写写式子).Whats more,how to get th

6、e reverse matrix of a certain matrix. 式子Linear algebra 线性代数 This course is divided into two parts. The first part is determinant, and the second part is matrix. A rectangular array of numbers, between two vertical lines, is called a determinant. A rectangular array of numbers, enclosed in a large pa

7、ir of either parenthesis or brackets, is called a matrix. The size or dimensions of a matrix are specified by stating the number of rows and the number of columns it contains. If the matrix consists of m rows and n columns, it is said to be an m by n matrix. In this course, we learned the calculatio

8、n of determinant and matrix. For example, the calculation of determinant, the multiplication of matrices, and so on. 概率论与数理统计4.Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und mathematische Statistik Taught us how to calculate the probability of a certain event.For example there are 10 balls in the box.4 of them are

9、black,6 of them are white.We grab 3 ball out of box,without put back.The probability of all of them are black is P=C3-4/C3-10 Probability and statistics 概率论与数理统计 In this course, the main content is probability, we learned some basic probability models such as classical probability model. I can give

10、you an example about the classical probability. Technische Zeichnung 工程制图5.this course teach us how to draw a component on the paper. From the me view/side view. Give Front three angle of view. view/ top graphic of a component,i can know what exactly what it looks like. between method is the communi

11、cation in the opposite way. It Or the From 金字塔Pyramid. designer and mechanicer.For example,front view and side view it is a triangle .From the top view it looks like this-a square. Kognitives Pratikum 6. 认识实习we go to several enterprises/places. Such as electrical machinery plant/transformer substati

12、on/power station/Transformer factory Elektronenpraktikum 电子实习 7.the and multimeter.both the component a each student make desigh are given by our teacher.we just Pull everything together use electric soldering iron. 金工实习 Metallbearbeitungspraktikum well there is a Machinery Plant in our university .

13、we went there to figur out how the component are maded out of metal.车床 德: Drehmaschine英: Lathe / 铣床milling machine/电焊electrowelding. but those machine are pretty old. 8. Universit?ts-Phzsik 大学物理This course taught us a lots physic knowledge,such as classical mechanics /light/electrical/heat/movement.

14、 动 热光 力 电声 classical mechanics/S=V0t+1/2at2 parallelogram 平行四边形法则力的合成rule/ vector sum F=ma G=gm1m2/r2 矢量和E=1/2 Cu2 电容capacitance 欧姆定律Ohms law 功 work 定轴转动与平动对比 Doppler effect/ 大学物理实验9. Schaltungsprinzip 电路原理 This course taught us the characteristic of circuit. How to analyse circuit.How to simplify c

15、ircuit. For example,Resister U=IR,capacitor I=C du/dt ,inductor U=L di/dt,Kirchhoffs Law.KVL:U=0 KCL:I=0 10.电路原理实验 Schaltungsprinzipenexperiment This is an experiment course.Let me think about it.For example,use bridge method to measure the resistor.(图) 11.复变函数 Funktionen der komplexvariablen On this course we learned Fourier transform and Laplace transform. Fourier transform is from time domain to frequency domain.Laplace transform is from time domain to complex frequency domain.These are the functions of F and L transform. We can use it to get the transfer function

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