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1、m OK.我身体很好 用来回答 How are you?Thats OK. 那没什么,不用谢 用来回答Im sorry。或Thank you。用a还是an由紧随其后的第一个音素来决定。如:an hour a useful book在图片上介词用in 在地图上介词用on 如in the picture on the mapHow do you spell it?可直接拼 Can you spell?要先肯定或否定回答方能拼。西方国家女子婚前随父姓称其为:(父姓)Miss 婚后改随夫姓,称其为:(夫姓Mrs)固定搭配:the answer to the question (问题的答案)在英语里不及

2、物动词只有再加适当介词后才能再接宾语 如:look加介词at后再接宾语Whats your name,(降调)please(升调)?Clock作名词,意为钟表,多指座钟、挂钟 Watch作名词,意为手表,可随身携带。Call sb at +电话号码 拨打*号码找某人 例:Please call Mary at 235-0289练习:(1)Is your name Mary? A yes,it is B no,it is no C yes,I am D yes,Im(2)hello!My name is A Li lei B Li Lei C Han meimei D Han Mei Mei (

3、3)Is this your eraser?Yes, A、this is B、thiss C、its D、it is(4)Please call Mary 678-5324 A、at B、in C、on D、with介绍人:常用句型This is 或That is 在较正式场合中用全名介绍表更尊重。一般来说,从交际习惯上,先把年轻人介绍 给长者;在宾主之间先介绍宾客;在男女之间,先把男士介绍给女士。 当uncle后接名字时,其首写字母应大写 例:Uncle Mike注意:在英国信函称呼中My dear比Dear亲密英国主张除对很熟朋友外,一般用 Dear 在美国My dear比Dear正式些,

4、初次通信往往用My dear另Dear作为信件开头称呼,只是一种习惯,并不一定要意为“亲爱的”dear作为形容词还可意为“昂贵的”与expensive同义,如This shirt is too dearO结尾-es变复数,中学阶段只有四个,记住顺口溜: 黑人(Negro)英雄(hero)爱吃土豆(potato)西红柿(tomato)单复数同形: deer(鹿)sheep Chinese Japanese词尾加en或ren: child children(5) All the teachers enjoyed themselves on march 8th,because it was thei

5、r own holiday. A man B men C woman D women(6) What are those? Theyre A apples trees B apple tree C apple trees D apples tree(7) Is that your friend? A yes,its. B yes,it isnt. C yes,it is. D yes,he is.Make the bed 铺床in bed 表躺在床上或卧病在床 前不能加 the bed不指具体床on the bed 表在床上例:Reading in bed is bad for your ey

6、es.A book is on the bed.In the tree 表外来事物在树上停留On the tree 表树本身长出来的东西在树上In the picture/newspaper 表图片或报纸上的内容In the wall 表门,窗等在墙上。On the wall 表画,照片在墙上Take to当表示地点的词为副词here,there,home等时,介词to要省略Please take me hometake带走 bring拿来 next to 贴近,靠近 Between 在两者之间 between and(8) What color is orange? Its orange.

7、A an,/ B an,the C the,the D the,an(9) There are some windows the wall. A on B in C unden D ofThere be 表某地存在某物 Have/has 表某人拥有某物当play后接球类或棋类名词时,该名词前不用定冠词the。 当play后接乐器类名词时,该名词前加定冠词the.Lets play ping-pong. She plays the piano well.Sport复数sports常用于合成词中或名词前作定语 如:a sportsman a sports carMany 修饰可数名词复数形式 Mu

8、ch 修饰不可数名词 many与much的比较级都为moreLets 表说话人建议听话人和自己一起去做某事 Let us 不包括对方在内s go home now.Let us go,will you? 让我们走吧,可以吗?(10) Lets play basketball. A Not at all. B Thank you. C Good luck. D Good idea.(11) Do they ping-pong? A play B plays C play the D plays theInteresting boring relaxing由动词+ing构成形容词,多用来修饰事物或

9、描述某事 , 描述人时要用同根形容词:Interested bored relaxedHes interested in the interesting story.Look 强调看的动作,后接宾语时常要加at See 强调看的结果。 Watch 常表示观看比赛、电视等。Every day 意每天 Everyday 意日常的(12) Jerry with his parents his grandparents on Sundays. A visits B is visiting C have visited D visit(13) We play sports . A everyday B

10、every day C each day D the every day(14) We have many clubs.A sport B sports C sporting D sportsFood表特定种类食品是可数名词三餐前通常不加冠词,meal指一顿饭时前面可加冠词We all have three meals a day.(15) What do you have for breakfast?I ofter have or A breads,noodles B bread,noodles C breads,noodle D bread,noodle(16) Lets have som

11、e .A broccoli B banana C chickens D straw berry(17) Lets breakfast.A eats B to eat C eat D eating People有民族之意,可加s构成复数 例:There are 56 peoples in China.Too一般用于肯定句中,常放在句末,用逗号隔开 I want to go there,too. Also也用于肯定句中,比too正式些,一般放在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实意动词之前。He is also good at Japanese. Either一般用于否定句中,在句末,用逗号隔开。

12、I dont want to go there,either.(18) Look!Some salad here and some hamburgers on the plate. A is,is B are,are C is,are D are,is(19) A bird is the tree and there are apples the tree.A in,in B on,on C in,on D on,inSocks shoes pants shorts classes由不可分割的两部分组成一个物品,以复数形式出现。单独作主语时,谓动词复数以 a pair of 一双/副/对 词组

13、作主语时,谓动词根据pair数变化例如:My shoes are under the bed. That pair of shorts is Jims.For sale 待售: The house is for sale. On sale 削价出售: I got this hat on sale.美、加拿大货币 记作:two dollars/$2 英镑 记作:two pounds/2 人民币 元 (无复数形式) 记作:two yuan /2在英语中,当金钱、时间或距离等作主语时,常看作一个整体,谓动词用第三人称单数。Twenty thousand dollars is not enough (不够)。be short for 的缩写 Be short of 缺乏Photo is short for photograph. We are short of food.Clothes复数名词,不能与数词连用,泛指身上穿的衣服。 Clothing物质名词,没有复数形式,是服装总称(包括帽、鞋袜、手套等) Dress 范围比上两个小,指穿在外面的衣服,尤指社交场合所穿的衣服。come in 进来 Come on 加油 Come back 回来 Each 着重于个别的“每个

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