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1、7struggle n. 斗争,拼搏8protest n& v. 抗议9march vi.& n. 行军10brilliant adj. 卓越的,辉煌的11awful adj. (口)糟糕的;极度的12atmosphere n. 大气,气氛13keen adj. 热心的,渴望的14disaster n. 灾难15involve vt. 涉及,参与拓展词汇认一认1explore vt.探险exploration n探险explorer n探险者2promote vt.促进;提升;促销promotion n提升,晋升3generous adj.慷慨的,大方的generously adv.慷慨的ge

2、nerosity n.4equal adj.平等的equally adv.平常地equality n平等;均等5amazing adj.令人惊异的amaze vt.使惊异;使惊愕amazed adj.惊愕的amazement n惊异;诧异6violence n暴力,暴行violent adj.猛烈的;狂暴的violently adv.猛烈地7fortunately adv.幸运地fortunate adj.幸运的fortune n机会,运气8commit vt.犯(错误),干(坏事)commitment n承诺,许诺9disabled adj.残疾的disable vt.使残疾disabili

3、ty n残疾10confident adj.自信的confidence n信心,自信11compete vi.比赛,竞争competition n竞争12react vi.反应reaction n反应13admire vt.钦佩,羡慕admiration n钦佩,羡慕14skilful adj.灵巧的,熟练的skilfully adv.熟练地skill n技巧15injury n伤害,损害injure vt.伤害;损害injured adj.受伤的 语境应用用所给词的适当形式填空1As far as Im concerned,the boy always does everything con

4、fidently,for he shows strong confidence in doing everything.(confident)2He was injured again in the game and the injury seemed very serious.(injure)3All the excited competitors who are relatively competitive are competing for the honor of winning the gold medals in the competition.(compete)4To my am

5、azement,the amazing news amazes the family and their neighbors are also amazed.(amaze)联想背短语高效识记稳固根基高频短语写一写1in_my_opinion在我看来2on_ones_own 单独地,独自地;靠自己3give_up 放弃4come_to 达到某种状态5pull_through 使从(受伤)中活下来;渡过难关6commit_suicide 自杀7get_on 相处;进展8get_involved_with 参加,参与9far_too 太,极为10come_off_it 别胡扯11get_a_poin

6、t (体育或游戏比赛中的)得分12lift_off (火箭、航天器等)发射,起飞13come_to_an_end 结束14let_out 解脱;放出去,发出;泄露15speak_about 谈论 语境应用练一练(选用以上短语填空)1The doctors did everything they could to pull_through the patient.2The doctor managed to persuade my uncle to give_up smoking so his health is a lot better now.3Im not going to buy it;

7、for one thing I dont like the colour,and for another its far_too expensive.4Youd better not get_involved_with her because she is always telling lies.5The meeting came_to_an_end at last but they reached no agreements at all.6In_my_opinion,people need to learn to accept the reality and keep on trying.

8、精彩写句式典句背诵夯基提能经典句式背一背1We were driving along a country lane when suddenly a car drove past us.(be doing.when.表示“正在做这时/那时”)2Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations,expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.(现在分词短语作伴随状语)3Jennifer was in the kitch

9、en,with her hands in a bowl of flour.(with宾语宾补结构)4Brandi,the sisters mother,taught her daughters at home so that they completed their high school while developing their tennis careers.(状语从句省略)5This not only drew public attention to research into back injuries but also encouraged a lot of people livi

10、ng with all kinds of problems.(not only.but (also).“不仅而且”,用来连接并列成分)句式仿写练一练1孩子们正在操场上踢足球,这时突然下起了雨。The children were_playing_football on the playground when it began to rain.2他度过了精彩的童年,跟着妈妈去了世界各地旅游。He had a wonderful childhood,travelling_with_his_mother to all corners of the world.3她男朋友进来了,身后藏着一束玫瑰花。He

11、r boyfriend came in,with_a_bunch_of_roses_behind_his_back.4当谈到她的首次太空之旅时,女宇航员刘洋显得很激动。When_referring_to_talking_about her first space travel,female astronaut,Liu Yang became very excited.5(2015广东卷写作)一方面这不仅有助于我们强身健体,而且反过来有助于更有效地学习。For one thing,it_not_only_helps_to_build_up_our_health,but_also_helps us

12、 learn more effectively in turn.第一板块重点单词calm adj.镇静的,沉着的;v.使平静下来;(使)镇静下来(2014安徽卷写作)In my opinion,such wonderful things will calm you down easily and give you the courage to move on.依我看来,这么美好的东西使你更容易冷静,给你前进的勇气。(1)be/keep/stay/remain calm冷静;保持镇静(2)calm oneself down 使自己镇静下来calm down 平息,使平静;平静下来,镇静下来 He

13、 took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.他深深地吸了几口气,使自己平静下来。He kept calm in face of great danger,which surprised us all.面临巨大危险,他还是保持镇静,这使我们非常吃惊。辨析:calm,quiet,silent与stillcalm平静的,沉着的,指无风浪或人的心情不激动quiet宁静的,安静的;指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑silent寂静的,沉默的;指不说话或没有声音still静止的,不动的;指(人体等)无运动的 巧学巧练1用calm,still,quiet,

14、silent填空Alice was laughing and joking,but her sister remained silent.We stood still in front of the temple and had a photo taken of us.Well have to be quiet so as not to wake up the sleeping baby.Though he was a little bit frightened,he remained calm in the face of the bear.equal v等于;抵得上;adj.相等的;胜任的;n.同等的人;相等物(教材原句)King didnt want to because he believed black and white people should enjoy equal rights.金不想(让座)是因为他认为黑人与白人应该享有平等的权利。一词多义写出下列句中equal的词性和词义Any man will be equal to the task,so long as he is careful.You should give it

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