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1、The status of production&product mature is not The status of production&product mature is not very properly;very properly;The key steps of successful LPA process are depend The key steps of successful LPA process are depend on production activities of qualified operation&on production activities of

2、qualified operation&management;Acceptance criteria for one qualified LPA checklist.Acceptance criteria for one qualified LPA checklist.SQAPCopywrite 2005 by DaimlerChrysler3Topics of LPATopics of LPAWhats meaning&target of LPA?LPAWhats meaning&LPA 意义和目的意义和目的?Whats kinds of roles for customer aspects

3、&countermeasures?客户的作用客户的作用?Why shall the various management levels be Why shall the various management levels be involved in LPA process?involved in LPA process?各管理层的作用各管理层的作用?Why shall the manufacturing management Why shall the manufacturing management department be the owner?department be the own

4、er?生产部门的主导作用生产部门的主导作用?Whats the different focus of LPA between production Whats the different focus of LPA between production management and others,especially for top management and others,especially for top management?management?各级管理层的作用各级管理层的作用?Whats the key steps for one successful LPA based What

5、s the key steps for one successful LPA based upon process principle?upon process principle?LPA LPA 实施的关键环节实施的关键环节?Gap analysis for various plants.Gap analysis for various plants.工厂差距分析工厂差距分析SQAPCopywrite 2005 by DaimlerChrysler4OUTPUT OF LPAOUTPUT OF LPASQAPCopywrite 2005 by DaimlerChrysler5What Are

6、 Layered Process Audits(LPA)?What Are Layered Process Audits(LPA)?什么是逐层过程审核什么是逐层过程审核什么是逐层过程审核什么是逐层过程审核?There are two Types of Layered Process Audits:有两种逐层过程审核有两种逐层过程审核:Process Control Audits 过程控制审核过程控制审核 Error&Mistake Proofing Verification Audits 防错防误验证审核防错防误验证审核Layered Process Audits(LPA)are a syst

7、em of audits performed by multiple levels of management.Key process characteristics are audited frequently to verify process conformance.逐层过程审核(LPA)是由多个管理层进行的系统审核。对关键过程特性进行频繁的审核以验证过程符合性。The purpose of Layered Process Audits is to ensure continuous conformance&strict discipline&better communication t

8、hereby improving process stability and rate of through yield.逐层过程审核的目的是确保持续的符合性、纪律性和良好的沟通,从而提高过程稳定性和产品通过率。SQAPCopywrite 2005 by DaimlerChrysler6What is a Layered Process Audit?What is a Layered Process Audit?什么是逐层过程审核(什么是逐层过程审核(什么是逐层过程审核(什么是逐层过程审核(LPALPA)?)?LPAs assure that defined methods and work

9、instructions are utilized,problem solving solutions are held in place,and all process issues are identified and quickly corrected.Performance of various processes is displayed&reviewed properly.逐层过程审核确保使用固定的方法和操作说明,确保使用问题解决方案,所有过程问题都被识别并被迅速纠正。并且使各过程审核的结果被展示和恰当地评审。LPA is a periodic&high frequency&ong

10、oing system of process conformity checks that verify proper methods,settings,operator craftsmanship,error proofing devices and other requirements of inputs are in place to ensure process quality with a defect free product.逐层过程审核是一项定期、频繁、持续的过程符合性检查系统,用来验证正确的方法、设置、操作员技能、防错装置和其他输入是否到位从而确保产品无缺陷产生。SQAPCo

11、pywrite 2005 by DaimlerChrysler7Auditor Assignment for LPA?Auditor Assignment for LPA?谁执行逐层过程审核?Anybody can perform a Layered Process Audit.任何人都能够执行逐层过程审核。Manufacturing management must own the process and perform audits.生产管理部门必须领导此程序并执行审核。All managers,regardless of function,can be auditors.所有经理,无论他的

12、职责是什么,都可以作为审核员。Each management level should perform audits.每个管理层都应该执行审核。Process Control Audits for High Risk Points shall be performed once per shift by supervisors at least.Department Manager shall perform the audit once per week and twice per month for Plant Manager at least.对于过程控制审核的对于过程控制审核的高风险点

13、高风险点应该在每班生产时由车间主管至少进行一次审核。部门管理应该在每周执行一次审核,工厂厂长每个月至少审核两次。Error&Mistake Proofing Verification audits shall be conducted once per shift.Only qualified employees shall perform Error&Mistake Proof Verification Audits.Set-up,maintenance or quality auditors are usually qualified.防错防误验证审核防错防误验证审核应该在每班生产执行一次。由具备资格的人员进行防错防误验证审核。建立、维护或质量审核员通常是具备资格的人员。SQAPCopywrite 2005 by DaimlerChrysler8LPA Benefits LPA Benefits 逐层过程审核的优点逐层过程审核的优点逐层过程审核的优点逐层过程审核的优点Safety regulations 安全法规安全法规Standardize operation 标准化操作标准化操作Process stability 过程的稳定性过程的稳定性Reinforces加强加强F

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