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最新版冀教七年级上册英语Unit 6背景素材背景文字Shopping1Word格式.docx

1、Jim: Yes, sir. Over there, in the second case.有没有生菜?有的,先生,在那边,第二个筐里。Im looking for . 我想买【功能】希望知道商店是否有自己想买的物品。【范例】Salesgirl: May I help you, sir?Miguel: Yes. Im looking for a gift for my girlfriend.Salesgirl: How about a silver Egyptian bracelet? Its fashion these days. OK, Ill take one.售货员:先生,能为您效劳吗

2、?米盖尔:我想为我的女朋友买一件礼物。银质埃及手镯好不好?现在很时兴。好,我买一个。I want to buy him a present. 我想给他买个礼物。【范例】Salesman: Its my sons birthday. I want to buy him a present.Salesman: Would he like a baseball mitt? Boys like baseball, you know. Yes, youre right. 我儿子过生日,我想给他买件礼物。他喜欢棒球手套吗?您知道,男孩子很喜欢棒球。你说得对。Shopping 购物之二We dont hav

3、e . today. 今天我们没有卖。【范例】 Customer: Do you have bananas? Sorry, we dont have bananas today. But the melons are very good today.你店里有没有香蕉卖?对不起,今天没有香蕉。不过今天的甜瓜很不错哟。Its sold out. 卖完了。【范例】Customer: Do you have any spinach? Jim: Sorry, sir. Its sold out. 有菠菜吗? 吉姆:对不起,先生,菠菜卖完了。How much is it? 这多少钱?【范例】Laura:

4、This dress is really nice.Friend: How much is it?Laura: Theres no price on the label. Lets ask the salesgirl.劳拉:这条裙子真漂亮。朋友:多少钱?标签上没有标价。我们问问售货小姐吧。How much does this dress cost? 这多少钱? Joanna: How much does this handbag cost? Salesgirl: Ten dollars. 售货小姐: 乔安娜:这个手提包卖多少钱?十美元。Shopping 购物之三Whats the price

5、of.? 是什么价钱? Whats the price of the potatoes? Uh. Grandfather, whats the price of the potatoes?Yamamoto: They are forty cents a pound.马铃薯是什么价钱?嗯爷爷,马铃薯是什么价钱?山本:四角一磅。Its ninety-nine cents a pound. 这个九角九分一磅。 How much is the spinach? Its ninety-nine cents a pound. How much are the eggs? A dollar a dozen.

6、菠菜怎么卖的?一磅九角九分。鸡蛋多少钱?一打一美元。Theyre five for a dollar. 这些一美元五个。 How much are the apples? Theyre five for a dollar.苹果多少钱?一美元五个。May I have a discount? 可以给我打个折吗?【范例】 Laura: How much is this scarf? Its fifteen dollars. May I have a discount if I take two? Sorry.这种围巾多少钱?十五美元。如果我买两条,可以打折吗?对不起,不行。Shopping 购物之

7、四You can have a 10% discount. 可以给你打九折。【范例】Michael: How much are these chairs? Twelve dollars for one. You can have a 10% discount if you take a pair.迈克尔:这椅子怎么卖?十二元一把。如果您买两把,可以打九折。I I can give it to you for . 我可以钱卖给你。 How much is the lettuce?Grocer: Seventy-nine cents a head. But I can give it to you

8、 for forty since theres not much left. 生菜怎么卖?果蔬店主:七角九分一棵。但没剩下多少了,我可以四角一棵卖给你。Its expensive. 这很贵。【范例】Anna: Theres a cafeteria on the ground floor. Carlo: But its expensive, isnt it? Anna: No, it isnt. 安娜:一楼有一家自助餐厅。 卡洛:可是那家餐厅很贵,不是吗?不贵呀。They are on sale. 这正在特价出售。 Do you have any lemons? Yes, we have bea

9、utiful lemons. And they are on sale today.有柠檬卖吗?有,我们有很好的柠檬,还正卖特价呢。Shopping 购物之五Its a bargain. 它物美价廉。【范例】Joanna: I bought a handbag today, Mama. Its a real bargain. Look.Mama: I think its gorgeous.乔安娜:妈妈,今天我买了一个手提包,物美价廉。你看。妈妈:我认为它美极了。Its free of charge. 是免费的。【功能】经常省略为 Its free. Is the drink expensive here? Bill: Its free of charge.这儿的饮料贵不贵?比尔:饮料是免费的。How much do you need? 您要多少?【功能】用于不可数名词。 Yes, sir. How much do you need? Not much. Only one head.有生菜吗?有的,先生,您要多少?不多,一棵就够了。How many do you need? 您要多少个?【功能】用于可数名词。 I want some limes, please. How many do you need? 顾客:劳驾,我想买酸橙。您要多少个?

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