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1、,3、PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 个人防护用品,Always wearing good condition PPE.请佩戴功能良好的个人防护用品。,PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 个人防护用品,Safety shoes prevent/minimise foot injury.No casual shoes,sandals or slippers are allowed in the worksite.安全鞋可以预防或减少脚部伤害。施工现场不允许穿着便鞋、凉鞋和拖鞋。,PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 个人防

2、护用品,Whenwelding,grinding,oranyotheroperations,alwaysweartherequiredandproperppeassociatedtothatparticularjob.当执行焊接,切割,打磨等工作时,需佩戴此工作所需的相关防护用品,4、BARRICADES 围护/围栏,Donotusedredandwhitetapeorropesasbarricades.不要用红白警示带或绳子作为围护/围栏。,BARRICADES 围护/围栏,Rigid materials which are able to withstand 100 kg/f are al

3、lowed to be used as barricades.能承受100kg/f 的刚性材料才被允许用来作为围护/围栏。,5、WORKING ON THE EDGE/HEIGHT 高处临边作业,Wear and anchor your safety harness when working on height,near openings and edges.在高处/洞口/临边工作时,请系好安全带并挂好。,WORKING ON THE EDGE/HEIGHT 高处临边作业,When near edges or openings,that you are anchored to a lifeli

4、ne.Tools are not to be placed near the edge.Keep them in a tool box and away from the edge.当你在靠近临边或洞口作业时,挂好安全带,工具不要直接放在临边,将工具放在工具袋内并远离临边。,WORKING ON THE EDGE/HEIGHT 高处临边作业,When working at height,ensure that the ground below are cleared.Barricade the affected area.Station a watchman,and put up a warn

5、ing signboard.当在高处作业时,应确保地面清洁,讲下部受影响的区域围护起来,安排监护人并张贴警示牌,6、WORKING PLATFORM 工作平台,Useproperworkplatform.使用合适的工作平台。,7、MOBILE SCAFFOLD 移动脚手架,Mobile scaffolds are to be constructed to the requirement above.按规定搭建使用移动脚手架。,MOBILE SCAFFOLD 移动脚手架,MOBILE SCAFFOLD 移动脚手架,Locked the mobile scaffold wheels when it

6、 is stationary.Anchor your safety harness to a rigid anchoring point and not to the mobile scaffold.在移动脚手架上工作时,按下脚刹,系好安全带。,MOBILE SCAFFOLD 移动脚手架,No mobile scaffold are to be pushed,when there is somebody on it.有人在上面工作时,严禁移动/推行移动脚手架。,8、MEWP剪式升降车,All operators shall obtain MEWP operation permit which

7、indicates they are qualified operators of the MEWP.每个操作者必须获得移动升降平台许可证方可操作,MEWP剪式升降车,he MEWP shall not be driven on grades,side slopes or ramps exceeding those for which the MEWP platform is rated.不得在阶梯、斜坡等倾斜的地方推动剪式升降梯。,MEWP剪式升降车,Use of planks,ladders,or any other device on the MEWP for achieving add

8、itional height or reach is prohibited unless additional fall protection measures are employed and specifically approved by the appropriate EHS representative.除非有额外的防坠落保护措施和得到EHS代表的特别认可,严禁在升降梯上用木板、梯子或其他设施作额外高度操作。,MEWP剪式升降车,Daily Inspection and Periodicity Maintenance according to manufacture manual根据

9、生产厂家手册要求进行每天检查和定期保养,9、WELDING SAFETY 焊接安全,Ensure are equipment,properties,machinery and unremovable flammable materials are covered with fire blankets before any welding to be carried out.在电焊工作开始之前,确保周围的设备/机器/管道/以及不可移动的易燃材料已被受到防火保护。,WELDING SAFETY 焊接安全,Ensure no flammable materials are present nearb

10、y when welding.电焊时确保周围无易燃物存在。,10、MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT SAFETY 机械/设备安全,Do not overload your equipment/machinery.Only authorised personnel are allowed to operate heavy machinery and equipment.不要超载。只有经授权的人员才可操作重型机械/设备。,MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT SAFETY 机械/设备安全,Concentrate when operating machinery e.g excavator,

11、cranes and bulldozer.操作时集中注意力!,MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT SAFETY 机械/设备安全,Ensure that the load is secured before moving it.移动前确保运输物已被固定。,MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT SAFETY 机械/设备安全,No unauthorised person is allowed to enter the work area when lifting,piling and excavation in progress.未经授权,不得进入正在施工的区域。,MACHINERY/EQUI

12、PMENT SAFETY 机械/设备安全,Do not remove machinery guard.Do not use the equipment,machinery if there is no safety guards.不得操作没有安全防护的设备。,11、HOUSEKEEPING SAFETY 落手清,Poor housekeeping produce tripping hazards.Keep your work area clean.保持工作区域整洁干净。,HOUSEKEEPING SAFETY 落手清,Do not dispose your unwanted materials

13、 from height.Dispose at allocated dustbin points.不要从高处乱抛杂物。,HOUSEKEEPING SAFETY 落手清,Remove all protruding nails or bend them over.起掉/弯曲突出的钉子。,12、FLOOR OPENING 洞口,Do not leave open holes unprotected.Report to your safety department immediately to have it covered.施工过程中出现洞口应立即遮盖。,FLOOR OPENING 洞口,For b

14、igger open holes,the requirement is a barricade with side netting.The side netting will prevent site personnel or materials from falling through it.对于较大尺寸的洞口,应将其用围栏围护以防人/物跌入。,13、ELECTRICAL SAFETY电气安全,Donotlayelectricalcablesontheground.电缆要架空。,ELECTRICAL SAFETY 电气安全,Donotoverloadyourpowerpoints.不要过载,

15、ELECTRICAL SAFETY 电气安全,14、EXCAVATION SAFETYSAFETY 开挖工程安全,Ensure that the sides of excavation pit are properly shored before you go down to work.在进入开挖的坑井前,确保两边已采取了适当的支撑保护。,EXCAVATION SAFETYSAFETY 开挖工程安全,Proper shoring,access ladder and barricade are the main essential in excavation works.Ensure their presence before you enter to work.围护支撑,进出梯子和坑边围栏是开挖工作的关键要素。,15CONFINE SPACE SAFETY 封闭空间安全,onfined space are to be ventilated and gas checked before any work in to be proceed.开工前,需对封闭空间进行气体检测和排气。,16、LADDER SA

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