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1、)一、政治思想表现情况(1. The performance of political thought)在学习上,首先是认真学习“八荣八耻”,树立社会主义荣辱观,坚持以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻;以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻;以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻;以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻;以团结互助为荣、以损人利己为耻;以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻;以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻;以艰苦奋斗为荣、以骄奢淫逸为耻。通过学习,进一步的竖定了我的思想信念。其次是注重业务学习,在新的形势下,养护工作面临新情况新问题很多,如果不加强学习,就很难以开创工作新局面。养护工作技术性,少操作性强,要求也很

2、严,如果不注意学习有关养护业务知识,工作就处于被动局面,更不能把养护工作做好。(In terms of learning, the first is to earnestly study the Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces, establish a socialist concept of honor and disgrace, persist in taking pride in loving the motherland and ashamed of harming the motherland; honoring serving the people

3、, ashamed of deviating from the people; advocating science Glory is ashamed of ignorance; proud of hard work, ashamed of good leisure and evil; ashamed of unity and mutual assistance, ashamed of harming others and self-interest; ashamed of being honest and trustworthy, ashamed of seeing profit and f

4、orgetting justice; as proud of observing discipline and law , Ashamed of violation of law and discipline; proud of hard work, ashamed of arrogance and prostitution. Through learning, I further established my beliefs. The second is to focus on business learning. Under the new situation, the maintenan

5、ce work faces many new situations and new problems. If you do not strengthen your learning, it will be difficult to create a new situation in your work. The maintenance work is technical, less operative, and demanding. If you do not pay attention to learning about maintenance business knowledge, the

6、 work will be in a passive situation, let alone the maintenance work.)二、积极主动,认真学习,搞好绿化(2. Be proactive, study hard and do a good job in greening)经领导安排,我负责工区所辖段绿化工作,深知自己工作成绩的好坏,关系着沿海高速的外在形象,我组织绿化队伍,及时对边坡、边沟进行修整,使边坡保持平顺坚实,为做好所辖路段沿线绿化美化工作狠抓除草工作。由于所学专业和工作不对口,接手工作后遇到了许多困难,但我并没有退缩。在主任和同事们的帮助下,我刻苦钻研,不懂就问,并

7、主动向绿化施工单位学习绿化有关知识。现已能完成绿化基础工作。此外除了负责绿化工作外,奥运期间我每天不分昼夜拨打查岗电话百余次,保证桥梁看护人员在位。(Arranged by the leadership, I am responsible for the greening work of the section under the jurisdiction of the work area. I know that my work performance is related to the external image of the coastal highway. I organized a

8、 greening team to timely repair the slopes and ditches to keep the slopes Smooth and solid, in order to do a good job of greening and beautifying along the road section under its jurisdiction, we must pay close attention to weeding. Due to the mismatch between my major and my job, I encountered many

9、 difficulties after taking over the job, but I did not flinch. With the help of the director and colleagues, I studied hard, asked if I didnt understand, and took the initiative to learn greening knowledge from the greening construction unit. The basic greening work has now been completed. In additi

10、on to being responsible for the greening work, during the Olympics, I made more than a hundred calls to check the post every day, day and night, to ensure that bridge caregivers were in place.)三、如何提高自己(3. How to improve yourself)工作如同干革命,有了信念才会有充足的动力去奋斗。XX年,我个人,就是调整、转变的年度,一年一个小台阶,三年一个大台阶,这个目标绝不能改变。(W

11、ork is like doing revolution. Only with faith will there be sufficient motivation to fight. XX year, personally, is the year of adjustment and transformation, with a small step each year and a big step three years. This goal must not be changed.)目标清晰,沉着、冷静,戒骄戒躁,用心倾听,适度总结,抓住时机,努力奋斗。XX年马上就要过去,即将来临的XX年

12、还将有更多的挑战。随着工作的深入进行,我有信心展现出自己更高的水平,完成更高的目标。(Goal is clear, calm, calm, guard against arrogance and rashness, listen carefully, summarize appropriately, seize the opportunity, and work hard. The XX year is about to pass, and there will be more challenges in the coming XX year. As the work progresses,

13、I am confident to show myself a higher level and accomplish higher goals.)心有多大,舞台就有多大。(The stage is as big as the heart is.)20xx年高速公路年终总结篇二(20xx expressway year-end summary chapter 2)20xx年,养护部门在局党委及管理处的正确领导下,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”的重要思想为指导,深入贯彻党的xx大和xx届四中五中全会精神,以保持共产党员先进性教育活动的开展为契机,全体养护人员,群策群力,团结一心,规范管理,备战三

14、月份世行检查及六月份交通部高速公路质量验收,努力构建和谐平安高速路,以新面貌新形象迎接检查。20xx年上半年圆满完成了上级领导下达的各项养护任务,确保了所辖路段的畅、洁、绿、美。具体工作如下:(In 20xx, under the correct leadership of the bureaus party committee and management office, the conservation department adheres to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of three represents, thoroughly implements the spirit of the partys xx and xx Fourth Middle School and Fifth Plenary Sessions to maintain the Communist Party As an opportunity to carry out education activities for the advancement of employees, all the maintenance staff worked together and worked togethe

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