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高考英语 精华知识点终极解密 专题14 强调句 新课标Word文件下载.docx

1、 A Shall we ask Jennifer or Robin to host the English evening party B Of course Jennifer. She speaks English well. (重读She,强调“她”) A Jennifers been living in Australia for two years. B She speaks English well but her writing is not very good. (重读speaks,强调“说”) A Jennifer speaks French beautifully. B Sh

2、e speaks English well, too. (重读English,强调“英语”) A Do you think Jennifer is fit for the job B Certainly. She speaks English well. (重读well,强调“好”)B. 词汇手段 人们常用一些形容词、副词、否定词等词汇手段来加强语气。1形容词very 放在the, this, that 或代词所有格my, his等后面, 强调后边所修饰的名词。 You are the very person I want to chat with. 你就是我要聊天的那个人。 He is th

3、e very picture of his father. 他活像他父亲。 At that very moment the policemen came. 就在那时警察到了。2副词just 放在the, this, that 或代词所有格my, his等前面,强调the, this, that,my, his所修饰的名词。 This is just the book I am looking for. 这就是我在寻找的书。 He is just the right person for the job. 他就是适合做这份工作的人。3用whatever, whenever, wherever 等

4、分别加强what, when, where等词的语气。 What is left over is yours. 剩下来的是你的。 - Whatever is left over is yours. 剩下来所有的都是你的。 When did you find time to do it 你什么时候有空做这事? - Whenever did you find time to do it 你究竟什么时候有空做这事? Where are you going 你到哪里去? - Wherever are you going 你究竟到哪里去? Who can that be 那会是谁呢?Whoever ca

5、n that be 那究竟会是谁呢? 4副词possibly 用于否定句或疑问句情态动词cancould后,加强否定或疑问的语气,有“无论如何, 不管怎样”的意思。 We cannot do it. 那件事我们不能做。 - We cannot possibly do it. 那件事我们无论如何也不能做。 He cant forget it. 他不会忘记此事。 - He cant possibly forget it. 他无论如何也不会忘记此事。 Could he agree 他会同意吗?Could he possibly agree 难道他会同意吗?5副词simply 用于加强语气,表示“真正

6、,的确,非常,简直,完全”等意思。 It is beautiful. 这很美。 - It is simply beautiful. 这的确是美。 I cant go such stupid behavior. 我不能接受如此愚蠢的行为。I simply cant go such stupid behavior. 对这种愚蠢的行为我实在忍受不了。6副词out, up, over 等加强语气。 副词out 放在介词短语的前面, 指“较远”的地方,如郊区或远方农村等。 I am living in the country. 我住在乡下。 - I am living out in the countr

7、y. 我住在乡下。 We will sail to the island. 我们将出海前往该岛。 -We will sail out to the island. 我们将出海远航,前往该岛。 副词up 经常与go ,run, walk, come等动词连用,由远及近地“从某处来”,“到某处去”。 A stranger came to me and asked the way. 一个陌生人向我走来问路。 - A stranger came up to me and asked the way. 一个陌生人走到我跟前来问路。 Please bring the things to my office

8、. 请把这些东西拿到我办公室来。 - Please bring the things up to my office. 请把这些东西拿到我办公室来。 副词over经常与go, run, walk, come等动词连用,强调跨越一段距离。 I will go to his office and have a talk with him. 我要去他办公室和他谈谈。I will go over to his office and have a talk with him. 我要去他办公室和他谈谈。7. 将on earth, in the world, in heaven, under the sun

9、 等短语放在what, when, which, who, where, how等词的后面,加强语气。 When did you send the email to him?你什么时候发的电子邮件给他? - When on earth did you send the email to him?你究竟是什么时候发电子邮件给他的? What do you mean by saying so 你这么说是什么意思? - What in heaven do you mean by saying so?你这么说到底是什么意思? Where could he be 他可能在哪里? -Where in th

10、e world could he be 他究竟在哪里?8用反身代词表示强调。 You can go there yourself. 你自己可以去那里。 The president himself will chair the meeting. 总统将亲自主持这个会议。 I am a stranger here myself. 我自己在这里也是个陌生人。9much, far, by far, still, even, a great deal, a lot放在形容词或副词比较级的前面,用来加强语气。 This building is much larger than that one. 这幢楼房

11、比那幢楼房大得多。 His composition is far better than mine. 他的作文比我的作文好多了。 That would be a great deal better. 那就更好了。 注意: by far 要放在最高级或带the的比较级前,但如果比较级前面无定冠词,by far放在比较级前后均可。 He is by far the tallest student in the class. 他是班上最高的学生。 It is by far the longer river of the two. 这是两条河中较长的一条。 This is better by far.

12、 这个要好多了。10. 用重复某一个单词来表示强调。 Its very, very unkind of you, isnt it 你非常非常不友善,不是吗? We waited and waited, but nothing happened. 我们等来等去,但什么事也没发生。 I havent seen him for years and years and years. 我已经好几年没见到他了。11. 用not a single, not a bit, not simply, by no means 等短语来加强否定的语气。 Shes not in the least angry with

13、 me. 她一点也不生我的气。t speak a single word of Japanese. 我就连一个日语单词也不会说。 She is by no means diligent. 她根本不勤奋。 比较: not a bit 一点也不(= not at all);not a little 非常(= very much) He was not a bit tired. 他一点不累。 He was not a little tired. 他非常累。12. 用none来表示强调。 1 This is none of your business. 这与你丝毫没有关系。 He is none of

14、 my friends. 他决不是我的朋友。B.语法手段1. 通过改变句子结构或颠倒正常语序的手段来进行强调。 Happy are those who are content. 知足常乐。 Never will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 中国决不会第一个使用核武器。 Across the river lies a newly-built bridge. 河上有一座新建的桥。 Hero as he is, he still remains modest. 尽管他是英雄,他仍然很谦虚。2. 用助动词do, does或did来强调谓语动词。 Do come early. 一定早点来。 He does know Beijing well. 他的确熟悉北京。 He did tell me about it yesterday. 他昨天的确告诉了我这件事。3用修辞疑问句表示强调。 疑问句转用作加强语气的陈述句,称之为修辞性疑问句。肯定的修辞疑问句其意义相当于强调的否定陈述句;而否定的修辞疑问句其意义则相当于强调的肯定陈述句。

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