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1、八年级英语下册Unit3Couldyoupleasecleanyourroom第1课时教学设计新版人教新目标版Could you please clean your roomUnit 3Could you please clean your room?Period 1Content Section A 1a, 1b, 1c; 2a, 2b, 2c,2d教学目标要求1能使用情态动词could有礼貌地提出请求并作答。如:Could you please sweep the floor? Yes, sure. Could you please take out the rubbish? Sorry,

2、 I cant.2能使用情态动词could向别人请求许可并作答。如:Could I use your computer? Yes, you can. / Sorry, you cant. / No, you cant.3能听懂并且运用表示家务劳动的短语。如:do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the rubbish, make the bed, fold the clothes, clean the living room. 4能认读并能工整书写所学单词:rubbish, fold, sweep, floor, mess等。5能模仿录音正确朗读和表

3、演教材上的对话并能模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达(会话)。如: Could you please sweep the floor? Yes, sure. Could I use your computer? Yes, you can. / No, you cant.教学过程 活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用复习时间2 m1复习已学目标语和导入谈论家务活的话题。Show some pictures about chores and ask students:Do you do the dishes at home?Do you take out the rubbish?2仿照上述对

4、话,组织Pair work复习活动。OK. Now look at this picture. Lets do pair work: Talk about the chores you do at home. Ask and answer: Do you do the dishes? Do you sweep the floor?学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生。 导入时间2 m3导入新课话题。Well, were going to learn Unit 3 Could you please clean the room?4引入单元标题。教师板书或课件显示:Unit 3 Could you pl

5、ease clean your room?教师询问几个学生:Could you please clean your room?1a时间4 m5读图,了解对话情景地点和谈论的话题。First, look at the picture. Please watch and read. Then, answer: Where are they?What are they talking about?You can answer either in English or in Chinese.(Theyre at home. Theyre talking about the chores.)6运用图片,

6、激活学生学过的有关家务活的短语。Read the chores.让他们初步接触某些未学的家务活的英语名称7理解并辨认有关家务活的短语。完成1a。Now, look at these chores and do you do them at home? Discuss them with your partner.学生个人活动,复习已知的短语和句子。Now, lets check.核对1a任务的答案,学生进行自我评价。Lets read the chores. 1b时间4 m8学习有礼貌地提出请求的表达方法。Lets learn the chores.学生看图能够模仿有礼貌地提出请求的方法。As

7、k students to look at the picture and ask: Will peter take out the rubbish? 9相互交流,对将要听的语篇进行预测。Ask students to look at 1b and ask them: Who will do these chores, Peter or his mother?Students discuss in groups and predict who will do these chores and tell the reasons.10听辨对话,感受目标语。Listen. Who will do t

8、hese chores? Check Peters mother or Peter.核对答案。 11视听会话的动画, 并模仿跟读会话Look, listen and repeat.1c时间5 m12根据对话内容总结有礼貌地请求的句型,感受目标语言。 Could you please .? Yes, sure. / Sorry, I cant. 13学生仿照示例,两人一组用1a中的家务活练习对话。Now work in pairs and make conversations about the chores in 1a.14本活动的检查评价。 Ask several pairs to show

9、 their conversations.2a时间4 m15听前活动,了解对话的情景和主题(识别人物关系及对话地点)。Look at the picture and ask students:1Whats the boys name? (Peter.)2Whos the man in the picture? How do you know? (Peters father.)3Where are they when theyre talking? Why do you say so? (They are at home.)16在语境中听辨对话所谈及的向别人请求许可的句型。Ask student

10、s: What does Peter want to do?Students answer according to the chart: Peter wants to go out for dinner. Peter wants to go to the Peter asks his father if they can do four things. Well listen to the conversation and check what Peters father say (yes or no) Check the answer. 2b时间4 m17听前活动,了解对话的情景和主题。C

11、an you guess why Peters father refuses the requests?Students predict the reasons by themselves.18听力实践,从对话中获取信息。Now lets listen again. Why does Peters father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart in 2a.Check the answers. 19进一步体验对话内容,总结向别人请求许可的句型,跟读对话中的句子,感受目标语言。1Watch and listen.2总结向别人请求许可

12、的句型: Could I go out for dinner with my friends tonight? Could I go to the movies after that? Could I stay out until eleven? Could I do sth.? 2c时间5 m20扮演角色练习对话;拓展性实践。Make conversations between Peter and his father.2d时间6 m21读图,了解对话情景地点和谈论的话题。Look at the pictureT: They are sister and brother. They are

13、talking about the chores.(第一步:学生集体放声朗读对话,并从中生词障碍;第二步:简短讲解、学习生词;)学习有关词汇及表述:help out with a few things, any minute now, this mess, pretty clean and tidy, mother clean等。提问题,引导学生理解对话:1What chores does the sister want her brother to do?2Where is their mother, do you think?3What mess can we see in the roo

14、m?4Whos really the boss at home, the boy, the girl, or the mother?22分角色练习对话以提升口语表达水平,纠正读音。Please look at the picture and start the conversation.First I play as sister and you play as brother. Then girls play as sister and boys play as brother. 小结时间3 m23本活动的检查评价;归纳、反馈、强化本节课学习目标。1抽查两对学生的会话表演。2教师在他们会话完

15、成后询问几个学生: T: Could I use your pen? S: Yes, you can. / Sorry, you cant. T: Could you please clean the blackboard? S: Yes, sure. / Sorry, I cant. I have to3What did you learn in this class? (学生总结:How to make polite requests and ask for permission?)教师在板书上添加:Could you please do sth.? Yes, sure. / Sorry, I cant.Could I do sth.? Yes,

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