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1、网络教育学院毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 任 务 书专业班级 护理学 层次 专升本 姓名 学号一、毕业设计(论文)题目不同压疮危险评估工具在临床应用中的效果比较二、毕业设计(论文)工作自 2011 年 12 月 22 日起至 2012 年 3月 22 日止三、毕业设计(论文)基本要求: 1. 选题具有科学性、先进性、可行性及实践性 2. 背景及意义清楚 3. 目的、目标清楚 4.关键词定义明确 5.文献查阅充分、书写有一定的逻辑性 6.设计、抽样、方法及技术路线清楚、符合要求 7.结果展现正确,运用了相应的统计方法 8.讨论围绕结果,运用了相关的参考文献 9.推论及建议没有超出研究范围 10.论

2、文基本数字8000字以上,书写符合科技文章的写作要求,具有可读性和科学性 指导教师: 毕业设计(论文)考核评议书指导教师评语:建议成绩: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日答辩小组意见:负责人签名 年 月 日答辩小组成员 毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会意见: 负责人签名: 年 月 日III摘要论文题目:摘要目的:了解急诊病人压疮发生的一般情况;确定Braden量表、Braden量表(修订版)及Norton量表用于急诊病人压疮危险评估时的诊断界值;综合比较这三种量表在急诊病人应用的预测效果。方法:采用方便抽样的方法,选取2010年8月至11月某三级甲等医院的急诊病人作为研究对象,应用Braden量表、Bra

3、den量表(修订版)及Norton量表,在急诊病人来诊24小时之内进行病人急诊停留期间压疮危险评估和调查。结果:在1819例急诊病人中,院内发生99例124处压疮,发生率为5.4,其中I期压疮57处(45.9) ,II期压疮66处(53.2),III期压疮l处(0.8)。压疮好发部位为骶尾部,共92处;急诊病人压疮发生高峰时间是来诊第24小时、48小时和72小时。应用Braden量表对急诊病人进行压疮危险评估的诊断界值为17分,其所对应的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为:8283、8174、207、988;Braden量表(修订版)评估急诊病人压疮危险的诊断界值为20分,其灵敏度、


5、度上都会引起过度预测,其中Norton量表引起的过度预测最大其次为Braden量表,最后为Braden量表(修订版)。Braden量表(修订版)的特异度最理想,可优先选择应用。关键词:急诊病人;压疮;危险评ABSTRACTTitle: The Effect of Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tool in Clinical Applications Speciality:nursingApplicant:Supervisor:XueWanLi ObjectiveTo understand the general situation of emergency p

6、atients, pressure ulcers occur; determine the Braden Scale, Braden Scale (revised version) and Norton Scale for the emergency patient pressure ulcer risk assessment diagnostic cutoff; comprehensive comparison of these three scales in emergency patients, the application of prediction.MethodsThis stud

7、y is a descriptive study of a tertiary medical emergency patients from August 2010 to November as the object of study. The convenience sampling method, the patients met the inclusion criteria of the study period, the pressure ulcer risk assessment and investigation, the observation period for patien

8、ts to stay in the emergency time. Researchers to apply the Braden Scale in the shift of the emergency nurses every day, Braden Scale (Revised) and the Norton Scale pressure ulcer risk assessment in the emergency patient came for treatment within 24 hours, pressure ulcers according to the U.S. Nation

9、al Advisory Group The pressure ulcer staging system, to observe the object of study of the skin condition and records patient general information, pressure ulcer prevention and care measures until the patient from the clinic, and transferred to the ward or death. Data to adopt SPSSl3.0 statistical s

10、oftware for analysis.Results1819 cases of emergency patients, the hospital 99 patients with 124 pressure ulcers was 5.4%, of which Phase I pressure ulcer 57 (45.9%), Phase II pressure ulcers of 66 (53.2 %), phase III pressure ulcers l is (0.8%). Pressure sores predilection sites for sacrococcygeal,

11、92; peak hours in the emergency department patients with pressure sores is to attending the first 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. The Braden Scale for emergency patients, the diagnosis of community pressure ulcer risk assessment is 17 points, it corresponds to sensitivity, specificity, positive pre

12、dictive value, negative predictive values were as follows: 82.83%, 81.74%, 20 .7%, 98.8%; Braden Scale (Revised) to assess emergency patients, pressure ulcers dangerous diagnostic cutoff points, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value were: 82.83% 83.37%, 22.3%, 98.8%; Norton Scale diagnostics sector is 14 points, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive indicators are as follows: 82.83%, and 78. 2

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