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本文(年产1万吨硫酸铝车间工艺设计本科毕设论文文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、AbstractThe plants having 10,000 tons of annual output of aluminum sulfate in China hav being upto 29, and the plants having 3000 t to 10000 t, being upto 85.The aluminum sulfate production capacity has reached 1.15 million t, yield breakthroughs 950,000 t, after the United States and Japan, the thi

2、rd in the world live;Aluminum sulfate production in the problem is that the unreasonable design, equipment is not supporting, yield and quality are unable to meet its mind and requested some smaller manufacturers, leading to poor economic returns serious backlog of products, investment is not possib

3、le, so that some enterprises back heavy The economic burden of production of a major Al Grey, Al Jardine, of aluminum hydroxide, bauxite atmospheric pressure, such as coal gangue compression method, all of the advantages and disadvantages compared to that of raw materials for the production of kaoli

4、n Aluminum sulfate, a low-cost raw materials, high yield, good quality products, process-control advantages, in the course of preparation of the high-activity waste residue can be used as the high-silicon material, but also as a fine of paint and sheet metal products fill, so as to achieve a compreh

5、ensive Use and no waste residue emissions, have a positive environmental significance of raw materials used for the production of kaolin aluminum sulfate, with the design of purpose and guiding ideology.Kaolin production of aluminum sulfate, kaolin After pretreatment process, rule out the possibilit

6、y of kaolin in the rough quartz sand, impurities, the glass used in the production of cement, by Kaolin concentrate, after calcination activated, crushing, screening sent to the production workshop, with 55 percent of the sulfuric acid Mixed easily sent to the reactor, the reaction of acid leaching,

7、 settlement, and in the separation and processing of aluminum sulfate be qualified easily, and sent to concentration crystallization tank, concentrated fruit and refined through the grinder will crush aluminum sulfate crystals, Packaging.Keywords:aluminumsulfate;the present situation;ProductionProce

8、ss;kaolin前言硫酸铝化学名(Aluminium sulfate)Al2(SO4)3,无色单斜结晶,在空气中长期存放易吸潮结块。易溶于水,水溶液显酸性,难溶于醇,是无机盐基本品种之一,应用十分广泛。加热至770度是开始分解为氧化铝、三氧化铝、二氧化铝、二氧化硫和水蒸气。水解后生成氢氧化铝。工业品为白色或灰白色粉立状晶体。主要用于净水与造纸2。在造纸工业中可作纸的填料和处理造纸工业废水。在净水方面,作为城市用水和废水处理的絮凝剂,可以除去水中的磷酸盐、锌、铬等杂质,以及除菌、控制水的颜色和气味。硫酸铝还可以用来生产其他铝盐、硫酸铝衍生物,无机高分子絮凝剂及铵明矾、钾明矾等。1.物料衡算1.

9、1工艺流程框图(3)过滤采用板式过滤机,将硫酸铝溶液于其他固体杂质分离。(4)浓缩结晶硫酸铝经过浓缩蒸发掉多余水分,从而结晶得到相应的结晶水硫酸铝最终产品。1.2预处理:粗高岭土矿先经过破碎,研磨,等一系列处理过程,使其变成颗粒粉末状,方便反应,节约耗能,然后通过水洗筛分的过程,除去原料中的杂质,从而得到高岭土精矿,高岭土精矿再经过焙烧活化的过程。使内部杂质再度去除,最后将其粉碎,过筛送进生产车间。图3硫酸铝粗高岭土矿预处理方块图1.3设计生产能力 年产硫酸铝10000吨 年生产日300天 日产硫酸铝每小时生产产品质量:Al2(SO4)3含量54.31%浓缩后要求硫酸铝浓度达到54.31%每次

10、生产硫酸铝中Al2(SO4)3的含量是:4.1754.31%=2.27吨。Al2O3溶出率89.4%根据反应式: Al2O3+3H2SO4=Al2(SO4)3+3H2O每次投入的Al2O3的含量是:原高岭土投入量为:分子量:H2SO4 98 H2O 18 Al2O3 102 Al2(SO4)3 342 1.4 各工序的物料衡算1.4.1高岭土煅烧(起到活化作用) 高岭土煅烧过程的反应方程式: A l2O32SiO22H2OA l2O3+2SiO2+2H2O 煅烧过程的目的是为了活化,通过煅烧使高岭土的氧铝八面体中的OH脱去,使铝的配位数由6变成5或者4,同时使得原有有序结构的高岭土变成无序结构

11、的高岭土,获得活性。从热力学角度来说,温度是决定反应能否进行的关键因数,所以活化的关键是控制煅烧温度,温度过高会使高岭土石化,使其活性大大降低甚至消失;温度过低,不能脱水或脱水太少,从而高岭土没有活性或者活性太低,达不到目的。(1)流程示意图(2)反应式A l2O3(3)计算过程流股1是未活化的高岭土矿表3原料组成表成分含量(%)含量Al2O339.50TiO21.60S0.21SiO243.02Fe2O30.90CCaO0.24MgO0.35焙烧损失13.971 Al2O3 :1.9939.50% = 0.7580吨2 SiO2 :43.05% = 0.8300吨3 TiO2 :1.60%

12、= 0.0307吨4 其他杂质含量:1,91% = 0.0367吨5 焙烧损失:13.97% = 0.2682吨流股2是活化后的高岭土矿39.50%13.97%+39.50% = 45.01%43.02%13.97%+43.05% = 49.03%1.60%13.97%+1.60%=1.82%4 其他杂质:4.14%表4焙烧段物料衡算表1.4.2酸浸段:加酸分解 高岭土加酸分解过程的反应方程式: A l2O32H2O+3H2SO4+13H2OAl2(SO4)318H2O+2SiO2分解反应是关键点,为使反应加快,分解彻底,必须加入过量的硫酸来反应,铝的溶出率是其反应是否完全的主要标志,也是提高产品质量、降低生产成本的关键。 设转化率为96% 流股1为高岭土中的氧化铝 F(Al2O3 )=6.91Kmol/h=0.705吨 流股2为硫酸 F(H2SO4)=20.74Kmol/h=2.03吨 流股3为硫酸铝 F(Al2(SO4)3)=6.9196%=6.637Kmol/h4 流股4为水F(H2O)=19.91Kmol/h=0.36吨使2.03吨的98%硫酸稀释成为55%硫酸的用水量1.63吨表5酸解段物料衡算表 入料组成(%)质量(吨)出料浓硫酸982.03硫酸铝1002.271.99水1.63杂质

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