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高考英语一轮复习 Unit11Unit12知识梳理Word格式文档下载.docx

1、Do you know the girl who is under the tree?I have two sisters, who are both students交际用语What can you suggest? Have you considered doing?Can I ask you for some advice? HowWhat about?Maybe we couldId prefer toI suggest thatWhich do you prefer,or?Thats a good ideaCant we?Maybe it would be better to常用句型

2、Hip-hop and rap have much in mon with blues and rockOpen your ears to the sounds of the worldRock and pop music are being more and more similarWhere someone is born and what a person looks like is not as important as what he or she grows up tobeIt is not enough to be strong in heart and mindIt sound

3、ed like a woman cryingIf only they could find a way to get to the roomB 辨析词语1suggestion/advice 二者均可作“建议”解释。但是,advice是不可数名词,只能说a piece of advice,a bit of advice,some advice等,作“忠告”“劝告”“意见”解释,常用于give advice, take advice,follow advice。suggestion是可数名词,作“建议”“要求”解释,常用于make suggestion。 例:You should takefoll

4、ow his advice 你应当听他的劝告。 I went there onat your suggestion 我是根据你的建议到那里去的。 advice的动词形式是advise,常用于advise doing,advise sbto do。suggestion的动词形式是suggest,常用于suggest+名词代词,suggest doing。建议某人做某事可说成advise sbto do sth,但不可用suggest sbto do sthI advisesuggest waiting till the proper time 我建议你适当时机再行动。 I advise you

5、to leave now 我建议你现在就离开。 2kindsorttypevariety 四词均有种类之意,多数情况下可以通用。但是,kind意为“(动植物等的)类,属,种类”,指确实具有共同性质或特征的事物或人所形成的种类。sort意为“(人或物的)类、群”,指大体相似的人或事物所形成的种类,在实际运用中,经常与kind通用。type意为“(事物或人的)类型”,与kind相当,指“人的类型或种类”时,含有蔑视之意;指机器,车辆等的型号时,不能与kind或sort通用,指同类中的分类事物。a variety of意为“各式各样的”。What kindsort of fruit do you l

6、ike best of all? 你最喜欢哪种水果? Lanlan is the kindsort of girl who is always ready to help others 兰兰是那种总愿意帮助别人的女孩。 Cotton is a typekindsort of material 棉花是一种材料。 What type of blood do you belong to? 你属于哪种血型? This shop has a variety of toys 这家商店有各式各样的玩具。 3pickchooseselect pick意为“精选”,尤指仔细挑剔和苛刻地选择,多指挑选有形的东西;

7、choose意为“选择”“挑选”,是最普通的用语;select意为“精选挑选”,指从同类的许多东西中仔细辨别后选择,挑选最合适的。Will you help me pick strawberries? 你帮我挑选一下草莓,好吗? You can choose a book from these 你可以从这些书中选一本。 He selected a shirt to match his suit 他挑选了一件与他的西装相配的衬衫。 4may bemaybe may be中的may是情态动词,有过去时might的变化形式,与be一起作谓语,表示推测,意为“也许是” “可能是”,可用于肯定句或否定句

8、。He may be right 他可能是对的。 Tom may not be in the classroom 汤姆可能不在教室。 maybe是副词,意为“大概、或许”(=perhaps),在句中作状语,但英国人习惯上用perhaps,maybe多见于美国英语中。MaybePerhaps youII have better luck next time 或许下次你会交好运的。 5believebelieve in believe作及物动词时,后常跟that从句或复合宾语,作“相信“认为”解释,表示相信某人说的话或做的事、相信某事是真实的。She believed what he said 她

9、相信他的话。 I dont believe he can fix the bike 我认为他修不好这辆自行车。 believe in作“相信“信赖“信仰”解释,相信的程度比believe深。I believe in him 我信任他。 He believes in God 他信仰上帝。 6acrossthroughover 三者均有“穿过” “越过”之意。但是,across表示动作在某物的表面进行;through表示动作在某一空间内进行;over表示从某物的上方越过。表示穿过、横过街道或开阔地等时,over和across可以互换。At last we succeeded in swimming

10、 across the river 最后我们成功地游过了那条河。 This road goes through the forest 这条路穿过森林。 Take these letters over to the post office,please 请把这些信送到对面的邮局去。C 识记句型1 Can you help me decide what to buy for Petes birthday?2 What do you have in mind?3 Hip-hop and rap have much in mon with blues and rock4 It has always b

11、een popular in Spanish-speaking countries5 Rock singers,on the other hand,make music their life6 Have you ever tried doing a magic trick?7 Harry seems like a normal boy,but his life is miserable8 Tom also learns to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid of9 Together with his friends,John lea

12、rns that it is not always easy to do what is right10You must believe in what you do and who you are if you want to succeed in the world11 He was just about to say something when Pete turned aroundD 触类旁通1If you want to change for a double room,youll have to pay $15 Aanother Bother Cmore Deach 【答案】A 【

13、解析】other意为“另外的,别的”;each意为“各自”,这两个词义都与题干的意思不相符,而another+数词+名词=“数词+more+名词”意为“又”。2Ive got I am by hard work No,you didntYou got with your fathers money. Athere;where Bwhere;there Cthere;there Dwhere;where 【答案】 B 【解析】这是一个含有从句的句子。第一句中where作宾语从句的引导词;第二句后半部分不是从句,因为没有谓语动词,故只能用there。3She found her calculator she lost it Awhere Bwhen Cin which Dthat 【答案】A 【解析】 这是一个含有地点状语从句的主从复合句,其意思是:东西是在丢的地方找到的。where和“介词+which”都可以引导定语从句,但“介词+which”不可引导地点状

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