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1、优秀团干 Outsta ndin gLeague Cadres学生协会优秀干部 Outsta ndi ng cadres of Stude nt Association学生协会工作优秀个人 Outsta ndi ng In dividual of Stude nt Association精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Adva need In dividual社会工作先进个人 Adva need In dividual of Social Work文体活动先进个人 Adva need In dividual of Cultural and Sportsactivities道德风尚奖 Et

2、hic Award精神文明奖 High Morality Prize最佳组织奖 Prize for The Best Orga nization突出贡献奖 Prize for The Outsta ndi ng Co ntribution工作创新奖 Prize for The Creative Worki ng团队建设奖 Prize fo rThe Team Con tribution各系比赛与奖项话剧比赛 Drama Competition英语演讲比赛 En glish Speech Con test黑板报设计大赛 Blackboard Poster Desig n Con test文明宿舍

3、 Outsta ndi ng Dormitory诗歌朗诵比赛 Poetry Recitatio n Co ntest诗歌创作比赛 Poetry Creation Con test摄影大赛 Photography Competiti on报刊比赛 PressWriti ng Con test足球比赛 Football Match网络工程师 Network Engineer Certification知识风采比赛 Kno wledge CompetitionPPT 课件制作大赛 Courseware Desig n Competition辩论赛 Debate Competition党团知识竞赛 K

4、no wledge Con test on the Party and the League模拟法庭Mock Court征文比赛 Essay Competiti on网页设计大赛 Web Page Desig n Competition软件设计大赛 Software Design Competition多媒体课件设计大赛 Multimedia Courseware Desig n Competition网站设计竞赛 Web Design Competition演讲比赛 Speech Con test电子设计大赛 Electr onic Desig n Con test服装设计大赛 Garme

5、nt Design Co ntest实验技能操作大赛 Experime nt Skill and Operation Co ntest友谊篮球赛 Frie ndship Cup Basketball Match十佳学生活动组织 Top Ten Stude nt Activities Orga ni zation卜大学生修身楷模 Ten Model Stude nts of Self-cultivation学生科研创新奖 Stude nt Award for Research and Inno vati on棋王大赛 Chess Competition女子篮球赛 Wome ns Basketba

6、ll Match党团知识竞赛 Kno wledge Con tests about the CPC and the CYLC礼仪风采大赛 Manner and Etiquette Con test体育文化节 Physical Culture Festival相声小品大赛 Crosstalk and Sketch Con test第一名 The First Prize第二名 The Second Prize第三名 The Third Prize健美操比赛 Competiti onof Body-buildi ng Exercises校运会篮球比赛Basketball Matches in Spo

7、rts-meeti ng校运会男子100Meri s 100 -metre Race in the Sports-meeting校运会女子Wo meri s 100 -metre Race in the Sports-meeting200Meri s 200 -metre Race in the Sports-meetingWomen s 200 -metre Race in the Sports-meeting校运会男子 1500 米 Men s 1500 -metre Race in the Sports-meeting校运会女子 800 米 Women s 800 -metre Race

8、 in the Sports-meeting校运会男女跳高比赛 Me n/WomWn s High Jump Matches校运会男女三级跳比赛 Me n/WomWn s Triple Jump Matches校运会男子 110 米栏 Men s110-metre Hurdle Race校运会男女铅球 Me n/WomWn s Shot Put校运会男女标枪 Men/WomWn s javelin throw ing四、其他活动博客大赛 Blog Con test主持人大赛 Host Competition卜大歌手 Top Ten Singers军训优秀通讯员 Excelle nt Corre

9、sp ondent in Military Training军训先进个人 Adva need In dividual in Military Trai ning十佳社团 Top Ten Outsta nding Associati ons突出贡献奖 Outsta ndi ng Co ntribution Award工作创新奖 Inno vati on Award团队建设奖 Teamwork Award最佳台风奖 Best Stage Style Award最佳人气奖 Best Popularity Award优秀组织奖 Outsta ndi ng Orga ni zation Award最佳创

10、意奖 Best Creativity Award优秀团体奖 Excelle nt Group Award优秀节目奖 Best Program Award十佳新秀奖 Top Ten Outsta nding Rising Stars Award最具潜质奖 Most Pote ntiality Award最佳才艺奖 Outsta ndi ng Tale nt Award最佳气质奖 Outsta ndi ng Quality Award最佳口才奖 Best Eloque nee Award最佳演员奖 Best ActorAward最佳剧本奖 Best ScriptAward优秀会员 Excelle

11、nt Member最佳辩手 Best Debater优秀辩手 Excelle nt Debater五、补充学生会 Stude nt Un ion团委会 Youth League Committee学生社团 Students Association体育部 Sports Department文艺部 Arts Department学习咅B Learning Department外联部 Public Relations Department宣传部 Publicity Department生活部 Life Department纪检咅B Discipline Inspection Department秘书

12、咅B Secretary Department组织咅B Organization Department编辑部 Editorial Department学生会主席 Preside nt ofthe Stude nt Union团委会书记 Secretary ofthe Youth League Committee团支书 League Branch Secretary or Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee畐U书记 Vice Secretary秘书长 Secretary-general学术部干事 a member of the Acade

13、mic Departme nt宿舍长 Head of the dormitory优秀团员 Excelle nt League Member班长 Mo nitor/Class Preside nt畐y班长 Vice-monitor文体委员 Recreati on & Sports Secretary学习委员 Study Secretary生活委员 Life Secretary宣传委员 Publicity Secretary生活委员 Organi zati on Secretary勤工俭学 Work-study Program青年志愿者协会 Youth Volu nteers Associatio

14、n晚会主持人 Host on the en terta inment / eve ning party礼仪队 Reception Team/ Protocol Team综合测评 Comprehe nsive Evaluati on of Stude nts Performa nee预备党员 Probatio nary Party Member入党积极分子 Applica nt for Party Membership综合素质优秀学生 Excelle nt Stude nt of Comprehe nsive Quality优秀青年志愿者 Outsta ndi ng Young Volu nteer校园十杰 Ten Prominent Youth on Campus / Top Ten Youth on Campus品学兼优的学生 Stu

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