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Unit 1 单元测试题Word格式.docx

1、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Are you really sure that you want to talk about this?_ I really want to know your idea.A. Dont mention it. B. Its up to you. C. Whats the matter? D. Why not? 22. Tom has tried his best, but it is still a(n) _ for him to remember these words and

2、 sentences.A. chance B. invitation C. celebrating D. ability23. Its one of the few countries _ people drive on the left.A. where B. who C. that D. when24. The bell rang and the teacher walked into the classroom, so we all stopped _.A. to talk B. to be talked C. being talked D. talking25. The fire sp

3、read quickly, but to everyones surprise, a small dog had _ managed to survive it.A. seldom B. somehow C. recently D. normally26. I think it is one of the most interesting films that I _ in the past ten years.A. would see B. have seen C. saw D. had seen27. Every time they met each other, they would t

4、alk about the things and people _ were important to them at university.A. that B. who C. when D. whom28. As students, whatever full use we have made _ our time to study, theres still room for improvement.A. in B. from C. of D. at29. He was left _ the shop while the manager was away. A. in case of B.

5、 in fear of C. in charge of D. in place of30. At the beginning of the new term, our teacher asked us to take an active part in _ for the monitor.A. looking B. caring C. selecting D. running31. I asked the teacher whether I could be excused from football practice _ my knees still hurt.A. so B. once C

6、. unless D. as32. At the moment the donations _ and it will be several days before they can be sent to the poor area.A. will be collected B. have collected C. are being collected D. collected33. Those in the hall _ want to learn more about our courses, please send us an email.A. who B. whom C. where

7、 D. which34. The event hasnt been made clear because there are no _ witnesses.A. confident B. independent C. silent D. patient35. One thief was arrested and _ on the others, so all the lost money was found soon.A. approved B. confirmed C. informed D. accepted第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题

8、所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Doctor Joyce Brothers, a well-known American psychologist and writer, came from a family in which dinner time conversations involved preparing children for the realities of everyday life. Her 36 used to play a game called “what if” with children. What if you found y

9、our classmate cheating (作弊) in a 37 ? Would you tell the teacher? What if you did something 38 and hurt others? Would you tell your parents? He 39 asked them far-reaching questions. What do you want to 40 in high school? How can you train yourself to 41 your pocket money? What qualities would you 42

10、 in a friend or a partner? His questions prepared them for a positive (积极的) life, 43 relationships and good qualities. The father didnt wait for certain 44 to appear in his kids rooms to bring up questions about their 45 , life and studies. He not only asked his children to make enough academic 46 f

11、or graduation but also helped them consider 47 choices at the dinner table years before job applications went out. He made the land 48 before something was planted, before his children 49 each life phase (阶段), and before they reached adulthood. It turns out that the fathers education was 50 . Four o

12、f his children have all been accepted by American Ivy League universities. The same 51 can apply to your life. Spare 52 to have close conversations with your children. Let them know how to deal with daily events and make right 53 . Prepare them for important decisions long before they become a reali

13、ty. Give them food for thought and 54 them with love. When you create strong bonds (联系) with your children, you will 55 that you have done a good job in bringing them up.36. A. father B. brothers C. sisters D. mother 37. A. bus B. diet C. trip D. test38. A. usual B. wrong C. strange D. funny 39. A.

14、almost B. never C. also D. firstly 40. A. visit B. invent C. notice D. study41. A. donate B. save C. waste D. count 42. A. take for B. stand for C. look for D. head for 43. A. strong B. common C. simple D. formal 44. A. reasons B. events C. facts D. dates45. A. promises B. grades C. qualities D. res

15、ults 46. A. subjects B. preparations C. pictures D. experiments 47. A. career B. hobby C. life D. costume48. A. peaceful B. thick C. wild D. rich49. A. met B. caught C. entered D. liked 50. A. silly B. successful C. careful D. valueless 51. A. rule B. record C. evidence D. system 52. A. courage B. time C. advice D. information 53. A. ta

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