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1、1.制造器官挽救生命(如:治愈癌症);2.帮助不能生育的人拥有孩子;3.帮助想克隆自己去世的亲人的人。1.对人生命不尊重,生命将不再唯一;2.在动物界创造出更多的疾病;3.使地球人口激增。佳作欣赏Dear Mike,Glad to receive your letter.Cloning is one of the most advanced technologies.But different people have different opinions.Some people are in favor of it,thinking the technology is beneficial.F

2、irstly,it can be used to produce organs to cure diseases like cancer.Secondly,it can help those who cant have a baby but want one.Besides,it can help those wanting to clone their dead relatives.However,a few people object to it.They believe cloning shows no respect for human life,and human life woul

3、d no longer be unique.More seriously,it would create more diseases in the animal world and cause Earths population to increase fast.In my opinion,although the technique is of benefit,cloning humans should be cautious.Yours,Li Hua名师点睛本文第一段提出话题,第二段说明克隆的优点,第三段是克隆的缺点,第四段是表述作者自己的观点。中间两段要点齐全,表达清晰明确,使用短语、句

4、型准确。最后一段是作者自己的观点,观点明确,不含糊,给出了自己的令人信服的理由。文章中使用了现在分词作状语和定语、定语从句、宾语从句、状语从句等复杂句式。文中一些高级词汇也给短文增加了不少亮点,如:in favor of,beneficial,object to,show no respect for,be of benefit等。同时,firstly,secondly,besides等的使用使作者在列举观点时条理清晰,自然流畅。A写作必记单词1differ vi.不同;相异(1)The story he told the police differed from(和不同) the one h

5、e told his mother.(2)They differ in size but not in kind.这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。2exact adj.精确的;准确的(1)not exactly不确切;不完全;不全对;(口语)决不(2)Scientists are still not exactly sure how genes influence aging,but they believe that they do.科学家们仍然不是很清楚基因是怎样影响衰老的,但他们相信基因确实对衰老有影响。(2016四川)3object vi.反对;不赞成(1)objection n

6、不赞成;反对;异议(2)object to反对(3)He has a strong objection to leaving early.他极力反对早动身。4obtain vt.获得;赢得5owe vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于(1)欠;把归功于owe sb. an apology应向某人道歉(2)The harbour survived the storm owing to the arms of the bay.由于海湾的保护,海港躲过了暴风雨。(3)He helped you a lot.You owe it to him to invite him to dinner

7、.(填代词)6retire vi.退休;离开(1)retirement n退休;(2)Leroy Chiao,54,an American retired(retire) astronaut after four flights,describes what happens even before you float out of your seat.(2015湖北)7bother vt.打扰;vi.操心;n.烦扰(1)bother sb.with/about sth.为某事打扰或麻烦某人have much bother (in)doing sth.费劲/麻烦做某事(2)Dont bother

8、 to get/getting(get) dinner for me.用法点拨表示“费心做某事”,其后可接不定式或动名词作宾语。有时还可在bother后加反身代词。8strike vi.& vt.打;撞击;罢工;n.罢工(1)Struck(strike) by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit,they decided to visit the small old town again.(2)It strikes me that you are not serious about it.(填代词)(3)Staff at th

9、e hospital went on strike(举行罢工) in protest at the incidents.(4)A good idea struck me yesterday.(同义句转换)I struck on a good idea yesterday.9resist vt.抵抗;对抗(1)The child resisted being carried(carry) off.(2)There is still much resistance to carrying out this plan.(填介词)10reasonable adj.合情理的;讲道理的;公道的(1)rea

10、son sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事(2)The reason why he didnt come was that he was ill.(填连接词)(3)This is the reason that he gave me for being late.(填连接词)B阅读识记单词11undertake vt.着手;从事;承担undertake to do.答应做12breakthrough n突破13procedure n程序;步骤;手续process n过程;进行;方法;程序;vt.加工;处理14altogether adv.总共;完全地15co

11、nservative adj.保守的;守旧的16forbid vt.禁止;不准My father forbade me to watch TV.(同义句转换)My father forbade my watching TV.My father forbade me from watching TV.17accumulate vt.& vi.积累;聚积accumulation n积累;累积;堆积物18compulsory adj.必须做的;义务的;强迫的;强制的19assumption n假定;设想(1)Assuming(assume) that it is true,what should w

12、e do now?(2)It is generally assumed(普遍认为) that stress is caused by too much work.(3)The project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.这一计划是以经济发展的设想为依据的。assuming conj.假如,假设,引导条件状语从句。20regulation n规则;规章;法规regular adj.有规律的;规则的;定期的;经常的21initial adj.最初的;开始的initially adv.开始;最初22v

13、ain adj.虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的in vain白费力气;枉费心机23drawback n缺点;不利条件24decoration n装饰decorate v装饰25adore vt.崇拜;爱慕;喜爱He adores going to parties.他喜欢参加各种聚会。adore后接动词时用动名词形式。1pay off得到好结果;取得成功;偿清This work is starting to pay off.The annual death rate for adult condors has dropped from 38% in 2000 to 5.4% in 2011.工作取得了成

14、功,成年秃鹰的年死亡率从2000年的38%下降到2011年的5.4%。北京)2cast down使失望;使沮丧She was much cast down at the moment.她当时非常沮丧。3in favour of赞成;in ones favour对某人有利do sb.a favour/do a favour for sb.帮某人一个忙4(be) bound to (do).一定或注定(做)5strike.into ones heart使刻骨铭心6from time to time不时;偶尔7bring back to life使复生;使复活8in good/poor condition状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)1It happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings fro

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