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1、乙方Party B: 合同编号contract number: 签约地点place of the contract (signed):签约日期 the date of contract: 劳动合同书 Employment Contract劳动合同双方当事人基本情况 Basic Information on Both Parties甲方 Party A : ( ) (以下简称公司hereinafter referred to as “Company”)注册地址 Registered Address : ( )乙方 Party B :_ (以下称员工 hereinafter referred to

2、 as “Employee”) 居民身份证号码Identity Card No. :_ 性别Gender : _ 其他有效证件名称及号码 Other Identity Type & No. : _家庭住址 Home Address :_在本市居住地址 Current City Address : _户口所在地 Permanent Address : _ 甲乙双方本着平等自愿、协商一致和诚实信用的原则,根据中华人民共和国劳动法、中华人民共和国劳动合同法和本市的相关法规、行政规章的有关规定,同意签订本劳动合同(以下简称本合同),并郑重承诺信守各项约定,履行各自义务。This Employment

3、Contract (hereinafter referred to as “this Contract”) is drawn based on both parties mutual agreement and in accordance to Peoples Republic of China Labor Law, Peoples Republic of China Labor Contract Law, and local rules and regulations of this city. Both parties hereto undertake to comply with the

4、 terms and conditions hereof, and perform their respective duties and obligations:一、录用条件 Employment Conditions非中国籍员工在开始工作前必须取得合法有效的外国人就业许可证或外国专家来华工作许可证,若不能国家规定期限内取得合法的外国人就业证或外国专家证的,本合同无效。If the Employee is an expatriate, he/she must obtain a legitimate and valid Alien Work Permit or Alien Expert Cer

5、tificate before commencing work. This Contract will be invalid if the Employee fails to obtain the legitimate Alien Work Permit or Alien Expert Certificate within the statutory period.1、员工保证符合公司在工作描述中所提到的录用条件,包括但不限于岗位技能、工作经验、文化程度、健康标准等。The Employee confirms and guarantees that he/she will satisfy th

6、e Companys employment conditions as stated in his/her “Job Description”, including but not limited to job skills, working experience, education background, health standards, etc. 2、员工保证在签订本合同时与其他任何单位不存在任何形式的劳动关系,亦不受限于任何限制或禁止其受雇于公司的义务(如竞业限制义务)。The Employee confirms and guarantees that, as of the time

7、 when he/she signs this Contract, he/she has no employment relationship of whatsoever type with any other employer, and is not subject to any obligation which restricts or prohibits him/her from being employed by the Company (such as non-compete obligation). 3、试用期内,如查实员工不符合录用条件,公司可随时解除本合同,并不支付经济补偿金。

8、During the probation period, in the event that the Employee is proven to have failed to satisfy the employment conditions, the Company may terminate this Contract at any time without paying any severance. 1、合同期限Contract Duration1、本合同为固定 / 无固定期限的劳动合同,合同期限自 _ 年 _月_日起至_ 年 _月_日 / 法定之终止条件出现时止。其中试用期为 个月,自

9、_ 年 _月_日起至_年 _月_日止。The duration of this Contract is fixed / open-ended, commencing from _ till _/ the statutory termination condition arises. The Employee will be subjected to a probation period of 3 months, commencing from _ till _. 、员工在试用期内辞职,应当提前三(3)日以书面形式通知公司。In the event that the Employee resig

10、ns during the probation period, a three (3) days advance notice must be given to the Company in writing. 、试用期届满前,由公司对员工在其试用期内所表现的工作技能、工作绩效、态度和责任心做出书面考评,以确定员工是否顺利转正。Prior to the expiration of the probation period, the Company will conduct a performance review on the Employees skills, performance, wor

11、king attitude and conscientiousness, so as to evaluate if the Employee may successfully pass the probation. 、工作地点和内容 Working Location and Content1、员工的工作地为郑州市。The Employees working location is in Zhengzhou city or any other locations as designated by the Company. 2、公司聘用员工的职位为_。员工自愿受聘,同意并承诺将按照公司的要求认真履

12、行岗位职责,完成规定工作任务,并接受公司的管理和考核。The Employee is employed as_. The Employee is employed on a voluntary basis and agrees to carefully perform his/her work duties per the Companys requirements, complete any required work tasks, and comply with the Companys management and examination 3、员工的主要工作内容参见员工签署的工作描述。该

13、工作描述是本合同的组成部分。公司可根据业务的要求来灵活调整工作描述的内容。The Employees work content is specified in the “Job Description” signed by him/her. The “Job Description” forms part of this Contract. The Company has the right to amend and adjust the “Job Description” as per business requirements. 4、公司因业务、生产经营需要以及依据员工的工作能力和工作表现

14、的实际考评结果,在遵循合理调动的前提下,可以调动员工的工作岗位。调整后的岗位薪资和福利待遇按照新岗位的薪资和福利标准执行,同时对工作描述进行相应更改。公司因业务、生产经营需要,在经过与员工沟通且遵循合理调动的前提下,可以对员工的工作地点和工作部门进行短期或长期的调整。As per the business and operation requirements, and based on the Employees working capacity and performance review results, the Company may transfer the Employee to another position, provided, however, that the principle of reasonableness shall be followed; the Employees salary and benefits after such position tran

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