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1、但是,没有经过细致的准备,一些重要的内容容易被遗漏。管理人员应该根据工作细目分类(job breakdowns)来制定合理的培训方式和程序。制定培训计划最先的步骤是回答下列问题:谁? 谁将被培训? 有多少员工将被培训? 谁将负责培训任务?什么? 什么样的培训主题将被围绕? 参与培训的员工将被期待达到什么样的目标? 需要什么样的视听设备或器材? 需要其它的什么材料?什么时候? 培训什么时候开始? 培训可能在什么时候会被正常的生意打断? 被培训的员工什么时候将被提醒特别注意?哪里? 培训在哪里进行? 举行培训的区域是否可用,是否需要提前预约?怎样? 培训将怎样实施? 被培训的员工在参与培训期间会有

2、怎样的特殊需求?以下的建议可以帮助你更好的完成准备阶段:1. 记录下培训的目标。 (objectves)2. 完善你的阶段计划。(step-by-step plan)3. 确定你的培训方法. (method)4. 准备好你的培训进度表。(schedule)5. 选择好培训的区域和地点。(location)6. 准备好将举行培训的区域。步骤二:引导实施阶段完成了制定计划步骤之后,培训就可以正式实施了。以下的解释可以帮助你更好的理解培训 (TRAIN)Teach by showing 通过展示来教授Repeat until comfortable 重复直到满意Ask questions 提出问题I

3、mitate work conditions 模仿工作环境Note good performance 注意优秀的表现以下的建议可以帮助你完善 引导实施阶段。1。使被培训者做好准备。提高他们的学习积极性,告诉他们,他们的岗位对于整个企业有多重要,告诉他们培训的意义。2。召开培训会议。准时召开并安排休息时间是非常重要的。首先,阐述培训目标,然后,对培训进行阶段性的划分和解释,并告诉他们重要性。要确保你所阐述的内容对于每个员工都是相同的标准。3。对培训的每个阶段进行示范当你对培训进行阶段性解释同时进行展示和示范,允许被培训员工进行提问,并给他们附加的信息。4。避免使用行话行话,即专业的特别的用语,如

4、皮草(客房用的毛巾手巾的总称),可以给他们发行话列表,以提高培训的效率。5。使用足够的时间。培训应当缓慢细致,对于被培训者的疑惑要给与足够的耐心。切忌快速挺进,避免出现误解。6。 复述,回顾每个阶段。通常情况下,回顾,复述整个培训程序2次,这样被培训人员可以更好理解整个过程。步骤三:指导试演阶段当被培训人员认为他/她已经掌握如何执行某个工作职责或任务,他们应当被准许独自操作整个工作程序。这被称作 试演(trial performance). 试演包含员工尝试独自操作,并有培训者在一旁观看并指导。以下几个建议帮助你完成指导试演阶段让被培训人员试演。当被培训人员表现出理解和掌握整个阶段时,让他们展


6、。评价被培训者的进展。继续给与正确的指导。必要时指正他们的错误。要求被培训者的回馈。Four step Training Method Many trainers use a four-step training method to train both new and experienced employees. The four-step training method is a sbasic model that can be used to implement an on-the-job training program. The model is general enough to

7、be used in group training programs as well. The steps in the four-step training method are:1. Prepare to train 2. Conduct the training 3. Coach trial performances 4. Follow through Step One: Prepare to Train Many supervisors think they know the skills required of employees so well that they can teac

8、h them to others without thought or preparation. However, it is easy to forget important details if training are approached without adequate trainer preparation. The training session will be most effective if the trainer is skilled in the area being taught. The trainer should be willing to follow th

9、e job breakdowns closely so that the skills are presented in a logical sequence. When this is done, the trainees are better able to understand and remember the steps necessary to perform the job. Planning for training involves preliminary steps that are taken to answer the following questions:Who?l

10、Who should be involved in the training?l How many trainees will be involved in the training?l Who needs to cover the trainers and trainees job responsibilities during the training session?What?l What topics should be covered?l What are the employees expectations for the training?l What audiovisual a

11、ids and equipment will be needed for the training?l What other materials will be needed for the training?When?l When should the training take place?l When will training be least likely to interfere with business operations?l When will trainees be most alert?Where?l Where should the training take pla

12、ce?l Is the training space available or do I need to reserve it?How?l How should the training be conducted?l How will employees special needs be met during training?The following suggestions can help you as you prepare to train:1. Write training objectives. Training objectives state what a trainee s

13、hould know or be able to do after training. 2. Develop step-by-step plans. In order to make the best use of the training time available, prepare a detailed plan about how you will help the trainees learn the knowledge and skills required for each task. 3. Decide on training methods. As a trainer, yo

14、u will need to determine the best way for the trainee to learn the information and skills youre going to present during training. 4. Prepare a training schedule. Decide how long each training session will take, schedule training times of low business volume. 5. Select the training location. If possi

15、ble, train employees at the work stations where they will be working. 6. Prepare the training area. Set up all materials and equipment in the training area before the session beginsStep Tow: Conduct the Training. Once the trainer and trainee have been prepared for training, the actual process can begin. Some hotels use the T.R.A.I.N. acr

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