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1、6.I get on with him quite wellP4-81-b 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-bOutside viewP6-2 1,2,3,4P6-41.She n eeds to improve her in terview tech niq ues to help her to get a job.2.She does ntk now how to an swer the questi ons and give an swers that might lead her failure in a job in terview.3.She does n understa nd wh

2、at the in terviewer is actually look ing for.4.That you n eed to be well prepared for an in terview. It boils dow n to preparati on, prese ntati on and un dersta nding what the in terviewer is look ing for.P7-51.professi onal job coach2.research on the positi on and the compa ny3.hav ing not practic

3、ed with some of the questio you prese nt yourself5.what the in terviewer is actually look ing for6.preparati on, prese ntati on and un dersta relati on ship to the job8.some examples in your life9.deali ng with problemsP7-71,3,5,7,8,9,10,11 iste ning inP8-31-b 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-cKeys t

4、o un it 2 A good readIn side view 2.sometimes he really gets on my n erves3.keep his problems away from the studio4.He was born in Portsmouth5.he set most of his stories in6.Whereabouts in London are his stories set7.some of his stories take place8.Cheer up9.I get over itP16-81-b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-aP18-

5、22&7P19-41.borrow books2.look at an art exhibiti on3.connect to the Internet4.let you borrow computer games5.with books and schools and uni versitiesP19-510.It is a n ati on al library11.You can find books and other printed materials.12.The British Library adds millions of items to i

6、ts collection every year.13.No, not at all, although some reading may take new forms (like reading from computer scree ns or mobile phon es), readi ng books will rema in popular.P19-6Name: The British LibraryLocati on: LondonYear the new buildi ng ope ned: 1998Items collected: books, sound record in

7、 gs, music, maps, n ewspapers, and magaz inesNumber of items added yearly: three millio n iste ning bega n over 20 years ago2.about once every four or five weeks3.104.the host prepares dinner and the n a discussi on starts5.moder n no vels, classics, non-ficti on like history and travel

8、writi ng p20-31.-d 2-a 3-c 4-a 5-bP21-71.I not a professi on al literary specialist2.their close links with well-k nown writers3.the home of many well-k nown writers4.the memorial of great British in its literary history6.because of the recent series of films7.because it was the home o

9、f the three sisters8.also made into successful films9.around the En glish-speak ing world10.whose work con tributesKeys to Unit 4 Money talksIn side ViewP38-11.Janet: 136 An dy:2457P38-21.What Janet was doing at the market with Joe.2.He is right about Andy being late quite ofte n.3.He says somethi n

10、g un expected has come up.4.So that he can check his 2.30.6.The City of London.P39-42-5-1-4-3P39-51-d 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-cP40-61.what does; have to do2.So we re not come in here on the left5.movi ng through to this room6.What about this room on the left7.And this ro

11、om here below containsP40-71-b 2-a 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-bP42-2True stateme nts: 4567P42-31-b 2-a 3-c 4-c 5-bP43-54-3-5-7-1-2-6P43-61.if we re not happy2.make all of that better3.make more choices4.still thi nks about money5.of havi ng the money6.would get us more choicesListe ning inP44-21.Th

12、ey were excha nging metals for goods.2.They first appeared in Europe.3.Coins appeared in Lydia around 700 BC.4.The drachma was used as a sta ndard form of money in large parts of Asia and Europe.5.Around 960 AD, in Chi na.6.They can be see n as early ban ks.7.It was applied all over the world.P44-31

13、.we exchanged things, didn twe2.excha nge don last3.a lot easier to use4.Coins the n appeared5.started produci ng them6.a big adva ntage of7.has a certa in value8.excha nged the grain9.a certa in amount of silver10.1870 to 1915P45-66-3-1-7-2-5-4P45-71-b 2-a 3-a 4-a 5-cKeys to U5 Gen der StudiesP50-11An dy: 1,3,5,7Jan et: 2,4, 6P50-2 1,4,6,8,9P50-41.only five to ten perce nt2.about 75%3.wome n4.nursing5.engin eeri ng6.football7.menP51-51.b2.c3.c4.a5.bP52-6fair.2.I may be wrong.3.about 60% of4.the perce ntage5.are in a slight majority6.Mind you7.I give up8.I bet typical of you

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