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1、欧文 伯林;出自Berlin work: 毛线刺绣品Berlin wool: 细毛线例句 1.N a fine wool yarn used for tapestry work, etc 柏林羊毛 (Also called berlin wool)just音标 英 d?st 美 d?st释义 adv. 只是,仅仅;刚才,刚刚;正好,恰好;实在;刚要 adj. 公正的,合理的;正直的,正义的;正确的;公平的;应得的n. (Just)人名;(英)贾斯特;(法)朱斯特;(德、匈、波、捷、挪)尤斯特;(西)胡斯特短语 Just Da nee:舞力全开;舞力全开系列;舞梦成真;天龙八部2资料站Just

2、Fontaine:朱斯特 方丹方丹;朱斯特方丹Just Visiting:时光隧道;时空访客;时光地道;来访者降临芝加哥JUST GOLD镇金店;中文翻译;玩具熊的五夜后宫;珠宝首饰专卖店店长Just middle:正中球心;正球中心;正当中球的中心;正球中央just over: 刚超过JUST SUIT杰 仕秀Just Sleep捷丝旅;西门町only just:刚刚才;恰好;刚刚好;刚刚love英l?v美l?v附加 过去式 loved 过去分词 loved 现在分词 lovi ng n.恋爱;亲爱的;酷爱;喜爱的事物vt.喜欢;热爱;爱慕vi.爱n. (Love)人名;(英)洛夫Endle

3、ss Love无尽的爱;蓝色生死恋;不了情;新不了情puppy love:早恋;青春期恋爱;初恋;少男少女间短暂的爱情Love Parade:爱的大游行;爱的游行;花团锦簇love triangle:三角关系;三角恋爱;三角恋;我和他和她Love Undercover:新扎师妹;新扎师妹2美丽任务Crazy Love蜜桃成熟时;疯狂的爱;电影预告;尚雯婕Enduring Love:红气球之恋;爱无可忍;爱到永远Momo Love:桃花小妹;港台剧This Love:这份爱;烈爱;这就是爱例句 1.V-T If you love some one, you feel roma ntically

4、or sexually attracted to them, and they are very importa nt to you.爱例:Oh, Amy, I love you.啊,埃米,我爱你。2.N-UNCOUNT Love is a very strong feeli ng of affecti on toward some one who you are roma ntically or sexually attracted to.爱情我们对彼此的爱因我们共同经历的一切而增强。3.V-T You say that you love some one whe n their happ

5、in ess is very importa nt to you, so that you behave in a ki nd and cari ng way toward them. 疼爱 You ll never love anyone the way you love your baby.你永远不会像疼爱你的孩子那样爱任何人。4.N-UNCOUNT Love is the feeli ng that a pers on s happ in ess is very importa nt to you, and the way you show thisfeeli ng in your be

6、haviour toward them. 疼爱例: My love for all my childre n is uncon diti on al.我对我所有孩子的疼爱是无条件的。5.V-T If you love someth ing, you like it very much. 非常喜欢 We loved the food so much, especially the fish dishes.我们非常喜欢这些食物,尤其是那几盘鱼。6.V-T You can say that you love something when you consider that it is importa

7、nt and want to protect or support it.热爱 I love my country as you love yours.我热爱我的国家,就像你热爱你的国家一样。7.N-UNCOUNT Love is a strong liki ng for somethi ng, or a belief that it is importa nt. 热爱 This is no way to encourage a love of literature.这不可能激发对文学的热爱。8.N-COUNT Your love is someone or something that yo

8、u love. 心爱之人;心爱之物She is the love of my life, he said.她是我今生至爱,”他说道。9.V-T If you would love to have or do someth ing, you very much want to have it or do it. 很愿意 I would love to play for England again.我很愿意再次为英格兰参赛。10.NUM In tennis, love is a score of zero.(网球比赛中的)零分 He beat Thomas Muster of Austria th

9、ree sets to love.他以3比0战胜了奥地利的托马斯 穆斯特。.CONVENTION You can use expressions such as love , love from , and all my love , followed by your n ame, as an in formal way of ending a letter to a friend or relative.( 给亲友的书信结尾,置于写信人名前 )爱你的 .with love from Grandma and Grandpa.爱你的祖父母。12.N-UNCOUNT If you send som

10、e one your love , you ask ano ther pers on, who will soon be speak ing orwriti ng to them, to tell them that you are thi nki ng about them with affectio n. 问候 Please give her my love.请代我问候她。13.t see also loving14.PHRASE If you fall in love with someone, you start to be in love with them. 爱上(某人) I fe

11、ll in love with him because of his kind nature.我爱上了他,因为他天性善良。15.PHRASE If you fall in love with something, you start to like it very much. 非常喜欢 (某物) I fell in love with the movies.我非常喜欢这些电影。16.PHRASE If you are in love with some one, you feel roma ntically or sexually attracted to them, andthey are

12、very important to you.( 与某人) 恋爱 Laura had never before been in love.劳拉以前从未谈过恋爱。17.PHRASE If you are in love with something, you like it very much. 迷恋(某物) He had always been in love with the enchanted Iandscape of the West.他一直都非常迷恋西部令人陶醉的风光。18.PHRASE When two people make love , they have sex. 做爱 Have

13、 you ever made love to a girl before?你以前和女孩子做过爱吗?festival英?fest?vl 美?f?st?vln.节日;庆祝,纪念活动;欢乐 adj.节日的,喜庆的;快乐的Woodstock Festival:伍德斯托克音乐节;乌兹塔克音乐节;伍德斯托克Lucerne Festival:琉森音乐节;卢塞恩音乐节;音乐节;卢塞恩夏季音乐节Festival Walk:又一城;九龙塘;车站便直通又一乡;九龙塘又一城Wireless Festival:无线音乐节;英国无线音乐节;伦敦无线音乐节 gourmet festival:美食节;好食节MOONCAKE

14、FESTIVAL?秋节;月饼祭;月饼节 九月Festival gifts:节日礼物;节庆工艺礼品Starmus Festival:斯塔尔慕斯节Lupercalia Festival:牧神节;来源于古罗马的牧神节;古罗马的牧神节 例句 1.N-COUNT A festival is an orga ni zed series of eve nts such as musical con certs or drama product ions. 节 Many tow ns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance.很多城市都举办自己的夏季音乐、戏剧和舞蹈节。2.N-COUNT A festival is a day or time of the year when people do not go to work or school and celebrate some special event, ofte n a religious event. 节日 Shavuot is a two-day festival for Orthodox Jews.

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