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人教高中英语必修四 Unit 2课本知识点复习Word文件下载.docx

1、免费的- freedom n. 自由- freely adv.自由地6. nation n. 国家;民族-national adj. 国家的- nationality n. 国籍7. equip v. 装备;使具备 - equipment n. 设备;器材8. occupy v. 占领;使从事- occupation n. 【C】职业;工作;【U】占领9. confuse v. 使迷惑;使为难 - confusing adj. 使人感到困惑的 - confused adj. 感到困惑的 ;糊涂的- confusion n. 【C,U】困惑;混淆10. chemical adj. 化学的 n.

2、化学药品- chemistry n. 化学11. produce v. 生产 - producer n. 生产者;制片人- production n. 生产;产量12. person n. 人- personal adj. 个人的 - personality n. 人格;品质13. organ n. 机构;器官- organic adj. 有机的;有组织的;器官的14. bacterium n.细菌(单数形式) - bacteria n. 细菌(复数形式)15. nutrition n. 营养;营养品- nutritious adj.有营养的16. discover v.发现 - discov

3、ery n.发现17. reduce v.减少 -reduction n. 【C,U】 减少;降低18. industry n. 工业;产业- industrial adj. 工业的, 产业的19. relate v. (把.)联系起来- related adj.有关系的;叙述的 - relation n. 关系 - relative n. 亲戚 adj. 相比较的;相关的20. satisfy v. 使满意;使满足- satisfying adj.令人满意的;令人满足的 - satisfied adj.感到满意的;感到满足的- satisfaction n. 满足;满意21. equip v

4、. 配备;装备 - equipment n. 【U】 装备;设备22. fertile adj. 肥沃的;可繁殖的 - fertilizer【C,U】n. 化肥二. 短语积累1. struggle v. 奋斗,努力;斗争 struggle to do sth. 努力做某事struggle with/against 与.斗争struggle with sb. 与某人搏斗struggle for 努力争取.;为.而斗争struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来a struggle for/against sth. 支持/反对某物的斗争e.g.Her mother has been s

5、truggling against her illness for many years.The organization will carry on a struggle against hunger.【课堂例题】1. If you are reading this and you struggle _ your weight or your appearance, please recognize that you are beautiful and special in your own way.2. _(struggle) for our dreams, as the principa

6、l addressed at the graduation ceremony, offers us a sense of belonging.3. Dina, _(struggle) for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.4. Knocked down by a bike, he was badly hurt and had to struggle _ his feet.5. We had to struggle _ strong winds a

7、ll the way home.1. with/against. 2. struggling. 3. having struggled. 4. to. 5. against2. have a hunger for 渴望die of hunger 死于饥饿hunger sb. into doing 饿某人使之屈服be hungry for.渴望.The little girl has a strong hunger for knowledge.The couple hungered to be respected and led a normal life.3. expand vt./vi. 使

8、变大;伸展expand.into. 把.扩展/发展成.expand into. 发展成/扩大成.expand on/upon sth. 细说(阐述)某事The teacher asked students to expand a sentence into a story in the writing class.He expanded on his new theory. 他详述了他的新理论。【拓展】 expand与extend区别 expand:范围、体积的扩大 e.g. Water expands when it freezes. 水结冰时体积变大。 extend:长度,宽度,时间的延长

9、。The show has been extended for another six weeks. 展览会又延长了六周.4. thanks to 多亏了(常指好的方面)表示“原因”的介词短语还有:because of, due to由于(常做表语,也可做状语,做表语是意思多为“应给予.”状语时多为“因为”), owing to 由于;归功于; on account of 由于,as a result of 由于Thanks to your help, we finished the task in time.Owning to careless driving, he had an acci

10、dent.由于驾驶时漫不经心,他发生了意外。She died as a result of her injuries. 她由于受伤而死亡。对比:He is due to face a court-material on drugs charges. 他将因毒品交易的指控收到军法审判。The factory was due to shut for the festival period. 节日期间工厂将关闭。This incident has received great interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of al

11、ien visits around the time the boy disappeared. 事件引起了(公众的)极大兴趣,原因是有各种关于男孩失踪前后天空出现奇怪亮光和外星人造访地球的报道。5. rid. of. 使.摆脱或除去be/get rid of. 摆脱;除去;处理掉6.(1)satisfied adj. 感到满意的 be satisfied with 对.感到满意 be satisfied to do. 对做.感到满意(2)satisfy v. 使.满足 satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需要(3)satisfaction n. 满意 with satisfacti

12、on 满意地 to ones satisfaction 使某人满意的是7. care about 关心;在意 care for 照顾;喜欢 take care 保重 with care 小心地;谨慎地8. would rather 宁愿;宁可(1)would rather do. than do = would do. rather than do = prefer to do. rather than do 宁可做.也不做.(2)would rather (not) do 宁愿(不)做(3)would rather that 从句(从句部分要用虚拟语气,用一般过去时表示现在或将来要做的事,用

13、过去完成时表示过去要做的事)(4)would rather(not)have done sth. 宁愿做了(没做)某事(表示未实现)Would you rather walk or take the bus?Id rather that you came tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天来。I would rather have been careless at that time. 我宁愿当时粗心点。【课堂练习】1. We would rather our daughter _(stay) at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is n

14、ot a child any longer.2. -Did Mr Zhu come to help you yesterday?-Yes, but I would rather he _(come). He caused me a lot of trouble.3. This disturbing problem led to his regretting being a farmer. He would rather _(choose) another job.1. stayed. 2. hadnt come. 3. have chosen 9. rather than(1) 而不是e.g. He ran here rather than walked. 他是跑来这里的,而不是走来的。(2) 宁可.也不愿.;与其说.不如说.He is an explorer rather than a sailor.

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