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1、13.免赔额条款 deductible clause14.共保条款 coinsurance clause15.责任条款 duty clause16.代位求偿条款 subrogation clause17.偿付能力 insolvency 18.监管 regulate19.欺骗性的 deceptive20.保费 prepium21.投机 speculate22.投保 to propose23.保险利益 insurable interest24.人寿保单 life assurance policy25.债权人 creditor26.债务人 debtor 27.定期保单 time policy28.养

2、老保险、年金保险 annuities insurance29.交税延期 tax-postpone30.巨灾 catastrophe31.欺诈行为 fraud32.养老基金 pension fund33.保险责任 coverage34.保险密度 insurance density35.保险深度 insurance penetration36.遗产 heritage37.准备金 reserves38.禁止反言 estoppel39.弃权 waiver40.解除合同 dissolution of contract41.保单现金价值 cash value42.不可抗辩条款 incontestable

3、clause43.年龄误告条款 misstatement of age44.宽限期条款 grace period provision45.复效条款 reinstatement provision46.自杀条款 suicide clause47.不丧失价值条款 non-forfeiture values and options48.保单贷款条款 policy loan clause49.自动垫缴保费条款 automatic premium loan clause50.保险金给付任选条款 settlement options51.定期寿险 term life insurance52.终身寿险 wh

4、ole life insurance52.生存保险 pure endownment insurance53.两全保险 endowment insurance54.分红保险 participating life insurance55.万能寿险 universal life insurance56.投资连结保险 unit-link life insurance57.健康保险 health insurance58.疾病保险 disease insurance59.医疗保险 medical insurance 60.失能收入损失保险 disability income insurance61.长期护

5、理保险 long-term care insurance62.意外伤害保险 accidental insurance63.等于 equal to64.乘以 multiply by65.除以 divide66.加上 plus67.减去 minus68.人身保险 personal insurance69.团体人身保险 group personal insurance70.机动车辆保险 automobile insurance71.家庭财产保险 insurance of contents71.企业火灾保险 fire insurance72.企业工程保险 engineering insurance73

6、.建筑工程保险 construction insurance74.安装工程保险 erection insurance75.货物运输保险 cargo transportation insurance76.利润损失险 loss of profit insurance77.1.whats the definition of risk?risk means uncertainty about future loss or the ability to predict the occurrence or size of a loss.2.whatre the types of risks? pure r

7、isk and speculative risk 1).pure risk means that the risk can only suffer loss and have no chance to gain benefit. 2).speculative risk means that the risk is able to gain benefit while suffering loss.3.what are the ways of handing risks? 1).risk avoidance 2).risk dispersal 3).loss control 4).risk re

8、straining 5).risk retention 6).risk transfer 4.whatre the kinds of hazards? 1).physical hazards 2).adverse selection 3).moral hazard 4).psychological hazard5.whatre the differenes among risk,peril and hazard? 1).a peril is a cause of a loss. 2).a hazard is a condition that may creat or increase the

9、chance of a loss due to a given peril. 3).a risk is used to indicate a condition that there is a possibility of loss.6.whats the definition of insurance? 1).from the perspective of the legal,insurance is a kind of contract. 2).from the perspective of the economy,insurance is a system of transfering

10、risk. 3).from the perspective of the society,insurance is a kind of behavior that helps each other.7.whatre the social functions of insurance? 1).spreading out risks 2).compensating for loss 3).investment and providing for a better utilization of capital 4).social management8.what are the characteri

11、stics of insurance? 1).from the perspective of the legal,insurance is legal. 2).from the perspective of the economy,insurance is commercial. 3).from the perspective of the society,insurance is helpful.9.what are the differences between the commercial insurance and the social insurance? 1).the applic

12、ant who buy a commercial insurance is volunteer,but the social insurance is bought by a compulsive way. 2).the premium of the commercial insurance is paid by the applicant only,but the premium of the social insurance is paid by the applicant,the company that the applicant work in and the government.

13、10.what are the categories of insurance? 1).life insurance 2).health insurance 3).accidental insurance 4).properity insurance 5).liability insurance 6).credit insurance11.whats the definition of reinsurance? reinsurance is an economical behavior caused by the insurer to transfering risk,because the

14、insurer concerns the loss will have a bad effect on the stability of company.12.whats the definition of deductive clause? insurance proceeds are payable only after the insured has paid a certain amount of the loss.13. whats the definition of coinsurance clause? coinsurance clause is used by judging if the sum of money compared with the insurance benefit is enough in property insurance,for example,there is an 80% coinsurance clause,if the sum of insurance has become 80% of the insurance benefit,the insurer will regard it as an enough sum proposal.14. whats the definition o

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