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15 英语中考试题样卷及解析Word格式文档下载.docx

1、s /d3: ti/()Adate Bdirty Cdoubt Dduty5(1分)I want to be a doctor, and I will do some /medikl/ research in the future()Amedicine Bmedical Cmagazine Dmetal二、选择填空从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案(30 分)6(1分)whats on the table?Theres dictionary on it()Aa Ban Cthe D/7(1分)jack, have you seen your sister?Yes, I saw

2、 in the dining hall an hour ago()Ashe Bhe Chim Dher8(1分)Whats Miss deans favorite ?Its easy to get the answer You know she is always in red()Asport Bmovie Ccolor Dfood9(1分) there a shop near your school?Yes, there is Its next to our school()AAre BDoes CDo DIs10(1分)How about going for a walk with me?

3、Id love to I need to clean the dishes first()Aso Bbut Cand Dor11(1分)Stephen Hawking, the worldfamous British scientist, died the age of 76Im sorry to hear that, One of sciences brightest stars went dark()Aat Bin Con Dof12(1分) is your favorite teacher?Ms Clark Because she always makes her class inter

4、esting()AWhy BWhen CWhat DWho13(1分)Confucius(孔子) is also very famous in many western countries because he told people to be to others first()Aimpolite Bfriendly Cstrict Dserious14(1分)Would you like another cup of tea?No, thanks I,ve already had one cup, and I,m drinking cup now()Atwo Bthree Cthe fir

5、st Dthe second15(1分)When I have a problem, I always ask my parents for helpMe too After all, they can give us lots of ()Atalent Bpromise Cadvice Dfood16(1分)It usually many Chinese more than 40minutes a day to read Wechats true But I think Wechat is taking too much of our time()Atakes Bshares Cpays D

6、solves17(1分)Helen, you please go bike riding with me on Sunday morning?Sure! See you on Sunday!()Amust Bmay Ccould Dshould18(1分)How can I play the piano as as you ,dad?Take it easy The more you practice it, the better you will be()Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest19(1分)Do you know Xiao Pang, a smart ? Yes,

7、they are on sale now I think she can help people do many things in the future()A B C D20(1分)Good morning! ?Yes, please I need a sweater for school()ACan you help me BCan you come to my partyCWould you like it DCan I help you21(1分)Cindy, what are you going to be when you grow up?I want to be a I real

8、ly like playing the piano()Apilot Bmusician Ccook Dscientist22(1分)David, where is my umbrella?I dont know It isnt here Maybe took it away by mistake()Asomebody Bnobody Canybody Deverybody23(1分)Would you mind opening the window? Its good for us to take in some fresh air()AIm afraid so BOf course notC

9、Thats impossible DI dont think so24(1分)What do you think of that dress, Lisa?I like it a lot It soft and nice()Atastes Bsounds Cfeels Dsmells25(1分)Im sorry for being late again, Mr Green here on time next time, or youll be punished()ATo arrive BArrive CArriving DArrived26(1分)My parents are always th

10、ere with me They me out if I am in troubleLucky you()Ahelp Bare helping Cwill help Dhelped27(1分)Can you follow what I said?Sorry, I can understand it because you spoke too fast()Aalmost Bprobably Cmostly Dhardly28(1分)We failed in the poetry reading competition yesterday Better times are waiting for

11、you()AGood luck BBest wishesCGreat idea DHold on your dream29(1分)I saw your friend at the hospital this morningWhats wrong with her?Oh,_She is a doctor there()Ayoure right Bits a pityCdont worry Dyoure welcome30(1分)Do you have any plans for the coming summer vacation?Sure I decide Thailand with my f

12、amily()Avisit Bto visit Cvisited Dvisiting31(1分) the students their English teacher like watching basketball gamesThey often play basketball together after school, too()ABoth and BNeither, norCEither, or DNot only, but also32(1分)Our team won the first prize in the football gamesCongratulations! grea

13、t team you are!AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an33(1分)Every year in spring, the meetings of the National Peoples Congress in Beijing()Atake place Btake down Ctake out Dtake off34(1分)What are you reading, Steven?The Kite Runner I didnt finish reading it though I have it for two weeks()Aborrowed Bstarted Chad Dreturned35(1分)Could you tell me?SureA story book ()Awhen d

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