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1、14. laundry洗衣店, 洗衣房15. stuff东西,物品,玩意儿But we read all kinds of stuff ( 指代读物) I only have healthy stuff. (指代食品)contact联系、联络contact with I dont have much contact with my uncle. (用作名词) Ive been trying to contact you all day (用作动词)17. lobby大厅, 休息室 18. closet壁橱,小室19. cabin 机舱、小木屋20. lawn草坪21. bug小昆虫 any s

2、mall insect,多在美语中使用。22. costume (戏剧或电影的) 戏装,演出服万圣节的时候,孩子们喜欢穿上不同的costume,扮成公主、机器人或僵尸等。 wand魔法棒23. witch 女巫 女巫,吸血鬼等常在西方神话和文学中出现。24. make-up化妆品She never wears make-up.25.grocery食品杂货 But I doubt well find everything we need in the grocery stores,26. charger充电器 动词charge,充电主管,in charge of27. landlord房东lor

3、d主人28. sink洗涤槽: 洗碗池ink墨 水term学期术语 spring温泉、春天、弹簧 go doing/shopping/hiking eight am上午八点 so far遥远 far away远离29. oven炉:灶:烤箱30. cable有线电视 we can cancel the cable and get cheaper plans for our cell phone.31.economy经济32.contract合同,合约contact联系My service contract ran out用完four years ago.33. client客户cruise巡航

4、,漫游aship游轮 resident居民 mayor市长 principal校长34. composer作曲家cashier收银员buck美元dollar 口语中常用buck代替dollar35. loan贷款I do like to takeoutaloantobuyhouse.36. property财产Wellalsoneedlistofallthepoperyyouown-houses,land,carsevenshared vacationhomes.37. counselor咨询师 region地区 protest抗议Heservedinprisonforhisprotestsa

5、ndbecamesymbol forpeople.38. miracle奇迹it really is one of lifes wondersits still like a miracle when the little baby comes into the word.vet兽医 随着社会的进步,人们越来越关爱动物,尤其是自己的宠物。宠物医院遍地开花,vet这个职业也越来越受欢迎了。随着互联网的发展,这些社交网站如Facebook.LinkednTwitter39. LinkedIn领英(人际关系网)和社交应用如instagram.YouTube40. Twitter推特网Instagra

6、m照片分享应用YouTube视频网站形容词:handsome英俊帅气的1.awesome极好的、令人惊叹的形容某事极好,是国外年轻人脱口而出的词。Thatsfine,butitwouldbeawesomegetsomethingbiglikeaniPad.2. available可获得的:有空的:可购得的;能找到的Scholarshipsareavailablecertainstudents basedon incomefamilystation.bossy专横的老板boss后面加y变成形容词 chilly寒冷的its a chilly plicated复杂的 exhausted疲惫的I st

7、ayed out so late that I was exhausted during the test,and I failed it.exotic异国的,外来的I listened to the rainforest(热带雨林) birds and looked around at all the exotic plants. financial金融的 incredible 难以置信的This is incredible! miserable痛苦的: 悲惨的mean 吝啬小气刻薄的Dont be so mean to your little brother. naked裸体的I thou

8、ght being naked in public was against the law. organic有机的 partial局部的; 部分的I have a large, sunny room and a partial view of the bridge.(桥)professional职业的,专业的 spicy辛辣的 聊到四川菜,这个词肯定要用到 scary吓人的It looks a little scary to me! supportive给予帮助的;支持的She has been very supportive during my illness.indifferent 漠不关

9、心的 形客词: indifferent relieved宽慰放心的 jealous嫉妒的动词:1. barbeque在烤架上烤烧烤We barbequed that white fish and put tomatoes, onions, and peppers on top.2. crawl爬 You expect me to sleep when theres a flying insect crawling all over me?3. distract分心He got distracted by something else.4.faint晕倒I nearly fainted when

10、 they told me the price.5.grab抓取 to grab something to eat比to eat something to eat 和to eat something 更生动Do you have time to grab a cup of coffee? match 匹配相配 hop跳跃,突然去某处 palm手掌 imply暗示 what does the man imply?What does the man imply?12.motivate激发: 刺激 register登记 nominate提名 skip不做(本来常做或应做的事)Her daughter

11、 started skipping class13. Pop up忽然出现I love this game, but these ads pop up all the time.14. Sleep in睡懒觉Youll just sleep in all morning tomorrow!15. slip ones mind忘记 slip原意是滑、倒,亦可作名词,如:a slip of the tongue口误His name slipped my mind.16. split the cost分摊费用Lets split the cost of the picnic.16. spit it

12、out有话直说If youve got something to say, spit it out!17. tune into (收音机) 调到某频道Thank you for tuning into News 740, the best source for your weather forecast.18. trip on绊倒I tripped on a step in the dark.19. wrap up圆满完成Were hoping to wrap up the negotiations this week.副词:1. absolutely绝对地2. definitely明确地;一

13、 定地 absolutely exactly这些副词, 而不是Yes”.3. literally (口语)差不多;字面上地I literally just turned it on five minutes ago.4.way大大地,远远地、方式方法、路These exam results(结果) are way above average.(平均)in no way 附录4:听力影响英语听力的因素有语音、词汇、语速、语调、重音、句法等语言因素,以及文化背景,记忆力和应试心理等非语言因素。考生要克服这些障碍,只有强化训练。但仅凭大量练习是不够的,还需要掌握正确的方法与技巧,从而更有效的提高听力训练的效率。听力应试技巧基本上分为两大部分:第一部分就是我们通常讲的预测、模糊、笔记与排除四大方法;第二部分就是掌握解决不同类型设问的技巧。预测,就是在听音前根据卷面信息预测听音重点;在听音过程中根据关联词预测,根据上一句预测下一句。模糊, 就是要把握语篇的意义,把重点放在听中心思想、主旨与与说话人的意图上,而不是放在辨别单个词义,尤其是在遇到不熟悉的词或短语时,不要紧张,要学会放弃。有的学生在听力测试时,希望把每一

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