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高中高二英语Great Scientists教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、1.characteristic 【课文原句】characteristic 1)n.特征;特性和蔼是他的特性之一。kindness is one of his characteristics.2) adj.典型的,作为能突出人或者东西的特征的;独特的我听到我朋友那有特色的笑声。i heard my friends characteristic laugh.常见搭配:be characteristic of 是的特性他就是这么迟钝。such bluntness is characteristic of him.2put forward 【课文原句】put forward 1)提出(计划,主意等)

2、2)推荐,提名 3)(把时钟指针)往前拨;将提前他提出一项计划让全体委员审议。he put forward a plan for the committee to the candidate for the chairman of the committee?记住今晚把时钟指针往前拨。remember to put your clock forward tonight.我们已把婚礼提前了一周。weve put the wedding forward by one week.知识链接:put aside 把放在一边,把搁置起来 put away把 收起来,储蓄put th

3、rough 接通电话,完成put back 把放回原处put down 放下,记下镇压put up 举起,建造,张贴 put off 推迟 put out熄灭活学活用:the workers will go on strike if the demands they are turned down.a. put aside b. put through c. put forward d. put away3conclude vt.&vi.结束;得出结论;推断出;断定。1)我们将以国歌结束我们的音乐会。we will conclude our concert with the national

4、anthem.2)从证据来看我敢断定你错了。from the evidence i must conclude that you are wrong.conclusion n.结论come to /reach/arrive at/draw a conclusion 得出结论 【课文原句】expert 1) adj 内行的;老练的;熟练的 常与at或 in连用根据专家的建议 according to expert advice熟练的骑手an expert driver他善于烹制又好吃又便宜的饭菜。he is expert at/in cooking good cheap meal

5、 2)n. 专家,能手 常与at或 in/on连用农业/数学/心理学专家 an expert in agriculture/mathematics/psychology凯特是个幼儿教育专家。kate is an expert in /at/ on teaching small children.5.attend vt.&vi. 1)照顾,照料,护理除了tina.,再无人照顾他了。there was no one to attend him but tina.哪位护士在照顾你?which nurse is attending to you?2)参加,出席昨天他没有参加会议。he

6、didnt attend the meeting yesterday.attendance n.出席,参加 attendant n.侍者,服务员 attend to 处理,对付;照料attend school/church 去上学/ 做礼拜attend a meeting/ a lecture参加会议/听演讲辨析:attend, join , join in与 take part in1)attend 出席,参加(会议、仪式、婚礼等),不强调参加者在活动中所起的作用。2)join参加组织、团体,并成为其中一员;加入一群人,并和他们一起活动3)join in参加(某活动),也可用在 join s

7、b. in sth.的结构中,表示加入某人一起做某事4)take part in参加(某活动),并在其中起作用he told me that he had an important party to that night.a. attend b. join c. join in d .take part in6expose 【课文原句】expose vt.1)使暴露;使面临;使处于无遮蔽或不受保护的状态;使受影响;常见句型:expose sth./sb./oneself to sth留在屋里,不要让皮肤在太阳下暴晒。keep indoors and dont expose your skin

8、to the sun.使士兵冒不必要的危险expose soldiers to unnecessary risks遭受批评/嘲笑 expose oneself to criticism/ ridicule婴儿被离弃在风雨之中。the baby was left exposed to the wind and rain.接触英语达六年左右的学生a student who has been exposed to english for some six years2)揭露,揭发;暴露;使曝光 揭发阴谋/犯罪行为expose a plot/ crime 他说了那句不妥的话,暴露了他对此事的无知。th

9、at unfortunate remark exposed his ignorance of the subject.使一卷底片曝光expose a reel of film7.challenge【课文原句】challenge 1)n. 挑战,具有挑战性的事物。常见结构:face the challenge 遇到问题,面对挑战accept a challenge接受挑战issue/offer a challenge提出挑战他接到电视辩论的挑战。he received a challenge to a tv debate.(常与to连用)2)v.向挑战挑战challenge sth.

10、就某事向某人挑战他们向我们提出开展友谊竞赛。they challenge us to a friendly competition.他们的学校向我们学校挑战,要进行足球比赛。their school challenged ours to a football match.8.control 【课文原句】1) v.控制政府试图极力控制物价。the government tries its best to control prices.他无法控制自己的愤怒情绪。he cannot control his anger.2) n.控制;统治;掌握常用语下列短语:lose control of /be

11、out of control of /go out of control of 对某事失去控制;in control of控制; under the control of 被控制着司机未能控制好车,撞到树上了。the driver lost control of his car and it knocked into a tree.布朗先生管理钱财。mr. brown is in control of the money.这笔钱在布朗先生的掌控之下。this money is under the control of mr. brown.9.suggest 【课文原句】1) .suggest作

12、“暗示,表明,意味着”讲时接的宾语从句用陈述语序。她的口音表明她来自南方。her accent suggested that she was from the south.2)suggest作“建议”讲时要接的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用(should)+动词原形, should可以省略。我建议我们去上海。i suggested that we( should )go to shanghai.what all the doctors in the hospital said suggested that he badly wounded and they suggested that he

13、 at once. a.should be; be operated on b.were; must be operated onc.were; should be operated on d.was ;be operated on10.absorb 【课文原句】absorb vt. 1)吸收干土吸水快。dry earth absorbs water quickly.他们吸收了大量的罗马文化。they absorbed a great deal of roman culture.2)吸引;使专心;使全神贯注小姑娘正在全神贯注地阅读一篇故事。the little girl was absorbed in reading a tale.常见结构: be absorbed in全神贯注于 absorb from 从中吸收be absorbed by 被吞并;为所吸收 absorb sb.s attention引起某人的注意for the next two hours she was the film, so she didnt notice what happened around her.a. engaged in b.busy in c.absorbed in d. occupied with11.severe 【课文原句

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