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1、 Have you managed to assemble the machine yet?M: Ive been studying the manual for about an hour but I cant make head or tail of it. I dont know why they have made it so difficult to read.Q: What does the man mean? 解析 语义推断题。关键是听懂男士的话 “I cant make head or tail of it.我毫无头绪、搞不清楚”。故选D 2.A.Driver and pass

2、enger.B.Coach and player.C.Employer and employee.D.Interviewer and interviewee. I see by your application that you can type and take shorthand. Yes, thats right. I am especially good at note-taking at meetings. Ive been a secretary for years, so I wont let you down. What probably is the relationship

3、 between the man and the woman? 解析 人物关系题。男士说“从你的申请(信)我看出”,可见他们的关系是面试官与应聘者,故选D。既然提到了application,那么他们之间还不是雇佣关系,故C错。let you down“意为让你失望”,而非“让你下车”,A错。 3.A.She doesnt want the man to call so early.B.She urges the man to call immediately.C.She encourages the man to do whatever he likes.D.She simply doesnt

4、 know what to do now.A解析 Youre not going to make the call, are you? Arent you going to wait until dawn? I dont think it is a right moment for you to pick up the phone. I should wait until then, but I simply cant. What can be inferred about the woman? 解析 观点态度题。本题并非典型的BUT题,而是要求推测第一位谈话者的态度。听懂女士的话“我认为现在

5、不是你打电话的适当时刻”很关键,可见她觉得现在打电话太早。故选A。4.A.The weather.B.The scenery.C.A computer game.D.A race. Oh, its just pouring down! Wed better wait until it lets up a little since we still have time.t think its going to let up. Wed better make a run for it. What are the speakers talking about? 解析 主旨题。预读选项时,如果四个选项

6、都是名词或名词短语时,那么问题一般是问谈话主题,听音时就要抓听与某一主题相关的关键词语与句子。对于本题来说,当听到pouting down(下瓢泼大雨)时,其实答案就已经很明显了,选A。5.A.Her dad has approved of it, and her mom will probably do the same.B.Her morn has approved without hesitation, while her dad hasnC.Her dad needs time to think, while her morn definitely wont consider it.D

7、.Her dad still needs time to think, while her morn has already agreed.C解析 Henry is a lucky guy! Have your parents approved of your engagement? My dad agrees to think about it. My mom says she wont give it a thought. What does the woman mean about her parents attitude?关键是听懂并理解女士母亲的态度“根本不予考虑”。故选其同义概括项

8、C。6.A.Because the subway is faster though less direct.B.Because the subway is less expensive and fast.C.Because the bus is direct though expensive.D.Because there is a traffic jam underground. Since its the rush hour, lets take the subway. OK. Its not as direct as the bus, but its faster there will

9、be less chance of a traffic jam. I think it is the best choice for US tight now. Why do the man and the woman make such a decision? 解析 语义推测题。关键是听懂男士的话“虽然乘地铁没有坐公交车那样直达(目的地),但是地铁快而且堵塞的可能性更小”,便可选出正确答案A。而expensive自始至终就没有提到,所以排除B和C。7.A.There isnt a shortcut to the peak.B.The weather does not permit.C.The

10、yve got enough mushrooms to cook at home.D.They cant get home before dark if they go on climbing. Shall we go up to the peak and gather some more mushrooms?m afraid we must cut our trip short. Remember, we have to make it home before dark. Morn is waiting for us for dinner, and I dont want her to wa

11、it too long. 解析 关键是听懂男士说的“必须缩短行程,天黑前要回到家”,选项D则是从反面来表达相同的意思,故选D。make it home中的it不是指mushroom,因此不可误选C。8.A.Hes too talkative to be a boss.B.He doesnt support the program at all.C.He shouldnt show support only in words.D.Hes got too many things to do at a time. What do you think of your new boss? He only

12、 pays lip service to our research program. Hes got to do something about it, say, allocating more financial resources or something. What can be inferred about the mans new boss? 解析 习语理解题。pay lip service意为“嘴上说得好听”,言外之意是他应切实做一些事,而不是仅仅只停留于口头。故选C。 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you hav

13、e just heard. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 9.A.The erupted lava.B.The destructive ash.C.The unbearable beat.D.The poisonous gas.B解析 19-21 Good morning, class. Good morning, sir. Today well discuss volcanoes. Can you tell me the most dangerous thing about a volcano? I think the most dangerous hazard of a vol

14、cano comes from the lava that flows out of it. Good guess. (19) Although your answer sense, the biggest killer from a volcano comes from the ash, not the lava. In fact, ash causes serious problems and can make humans and animals sick; it can even kill them. Ash also reduces sunlight and can start heavy rainfalls that lead to mudslides. Did you know that it only takes 30 centimeters of dry ash to

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