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1、“存在”和“非存在”“度量”“特点”。本单元语言结构项目是“复习动词时态”。本单元还要求学生学习写作“描写文:考古发现”。金色教案教学设计在单元课时划分上与课本保持一致,即“阅读课、知识课、运用课三课时/三课型划分”。但在实际教学过程中,建议教师依据学生基础、教学条件、学校安排的因素,对课本、对金色教案教学设计重新划分课时,裁剪、拼接使用提供的材料,以便“物尽所用”,达到最佳教学效果。教师也可以参照金色教案提供的“实际教学过程课时划分建议”进行教学。Period 1Reading 阅读课Warming Up 课本在此阶段以四张古文物照片导入新课,通过让学生鉴别照片中的物品、讨论物品的原材料及其

2、用途,来激发学生了解古物的兴趣。Pre-reading 课本呈现了北京猿人的头盖骨图片,通过谈论我们今天使用的生活用品及生活方式,猜测几万年前北京猿人可能使用的生活用品及生活方式,将学生的思维引入“史前人类生活”,为下文阅读做好铺垫。教师也可以采用本书的Pre-read by getting to know what archaeology or archeology is进行预读/读前教学。Reading阅读课可以从介绍阅读技巧入手,重点引导学生使用正确的阅读方法,并适当地讲解语言难点, 然后进行及时的相关阅读训练。训练可限定时间,以集中学生注意力,培养学生的阅读意识。另外,在阅读训练时,应

3、鼓励学生充分利用他们在阅读汉语时的经验,以帮助学生培养良好的英语阅读技能和习惯,不断提高阅读能力。建议教师采用如下设计进行阅读教学:reading for forms of language, copying and making sentences, transforming information,reading the text again for the type of writing and summary of A VISIT TO ZHOUKOUDIAN CAVES,writing a passage of their own,closing down by reading mo

4、re about Zhoukoudian. Period 2Learning about language 知识课Learning about language 主要突出本单元的重点词汇和主要语法项目。通过warming up by revising the verb tenses , reading aloud to the recording, discovering useful words and expressions, reading more about Davidson Black, revising the present perfect continuous tense,

5、discovering useful structures and closing down by looking and saying 等活动,帮助学生掌握the verb tenses ,的各种语用功能。Period 3Using language运用课Using Language 部分包括“听与说”、“读与说”和“说与写”三个部分。听力课文介绍了考古学家判断遗址年份的两种方法;阅读课文描述了早期人类生活的一个侧面,包括人与人的关系、男女分工的不同、家庭之间的聚会等;“说与写”部分提供了从三星堆发掘的古文物照片,让学生来描述,使学生进一步认识早期人类的生活方式,拓展考古知识。教师通过war

6、ming up by getting to know where my ancestor lived, reading for forms, copying useful expressions and making sentences,reading more about man of 18,000 BC, speaking and writing about Sanxingdui, writing as they do, writing an ad for the Sanxingdui site 完成本节教学。实际教学过程课时划分建议将Warming Up、 Pre-reading、Rea

7、ding和Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。将Learning about language 和Workbook中的 USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS、USING STRUCTURES 整合在一起上一节“语言知识课”。将Using language 设计为一节包括听说读写单项技能或组合技能训练的“综合技能课(一)”。Period 4将Workbook 的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING整合在一起上一节“听说课”。Period 5将Workbook 的LISTENING TASK、READING AND WRITING TASK

8、和 SPEAKING TASK整合为一节“综合技能课(二)”。第二部分教学资源说明Section 1Background 背景围绕单元话题“Festival around the world”,金色教案提供了几则语言规范、短小精干的趣味性材料。这些材料既可以作为教师教学参考材料为教师所用,也可以直接或改写、重组后作为课堂内外的拓展性阅读材料呈现给学生。Section 2Explanation解析重点针对“阅读课型”中的课文难句,金色教案不仅提供了详尽的,就句论句的解析和翻译,而且还以解析的焦点话题为线索,进行了一定的归纳、辨析和总结,以帮助教师更好地实施“语言形式”的教学。Section 3V

9、ocabulary词汇按照课本单元词汇表顺序,金色教案重点提供动词、短语搭配的讲解。所提供的例句,经典、地道、实用、易懂,完全可以直接用于教学。第三部分教学测评说明围绕单元词法、句法项目,金色教案提供了长短不一的“单元教学测评”,并备有参考答案供教师使用。有些测评题目直接源于历年高考试卷,更具有说服力和实用性。Part 1 Teaching Design第一部分 教学设计Period 1 A sample lesson plan for reading(A VISIT TO THE ZHOUKOUDIAN CAVES)IntroductionIn this period, after the

10、warming up, students will first be guided to pre-read by getting to know what archaeology or archeology is. Then they shall be reading for forms of language, copying and making sentences, transforming information. Students will be reading the text again for the type of writing and summary of A VISIT

11、 TO ZHOUKOUDIAN CAVES. They will be asked to write a passage of their own. The period will end by students reading more about Zhoukoudian. ObjectivesTo help students understand the texts forms and contents and learn about ancestorsTo help students communicate on the topic in focus with the words, ex

12、pressions and structures learned in this unitFocusWordsidentify, excavate, interrupt, assume, sharpen, scrape, preserve, applaud, accelerate, arrestCollocationsregardless of, cut up, look aheadPatterns1. It is a great pleasure to meet you, students from England, who are interested in archaeology. 2.

13、 You must be aware that its here that were found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world. 3. We have been excavating here for many years and 4. My hands are dirty. I have been painting the wall. 5. It must have been very uncomfortable. 6Do you mean to say they mad

14、e their own clothes? Aids Multimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagramsProcedures 1. Warming up by talking about ancestorsAn ancestor is a parent or (recursively) the parent of an ancestor. So this includes a father or mother, as well as grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on, although the correct female form of the word is ancestrix, pl: ancestrixes or ancestrices. Two individuals have a genetic relationship if one is the ancestor of the other or if they share a common ancestor; in a curious use of languag

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