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1、、unintelligent;、physically scarred;、the loss of her first home has caused Maggie to hang her head constantly,which could be a sign of a lack of self-esteem or even depression.(mentally),(5)、He moves to hug Maggie but she falls back,right up against the back of my chair.I feel her trembling there and

2、 when I look up I see the perspiration falling off her chin.,麦姬一直处于恐惧中,即使面对迪伊男友的友好示意,她都被吓得浑身发抖。,Maggie loves her family and knows about its history and traditions,she can tell the names of her ancestors by heart and knows about their history.,(6)、Aunt Dees first husband whittled the dash,said Maggie

3、 so low you almost couldnt hear her.His name was Henry,but they called him Stash.,也许麦姬根本就不知道民族文化遗产为何物,其价值何在,但家族历史和家人的事迹牢牢地印在她的脑海中,被她重新赋予了生命。,Mother和Maggie都在逃离白人文化,她们似乎会永远“龟缩”在伤痛的过去而不敢面对未来。,Walker在这里指出了一个所有非裔美国人必须扪心自问的问题:我是与我的人民一起“龟缩”在令人伤痛的过去,还是挺身与我的压迫者争夺未来。,相反,Dee不满足固步自封的状态,她是在白人世界中成长起来的黑人,但很难“长成”白人

4、,也不可能成为“自然的黑人”。,Why did Dee come back?,Because it is“a new day”for the blacks now and as it becomes fashionable in the Black Power Movement to return to ones roots,it suddenly becomes fashionable for Dee,too.Influenced by the Black Power Movement,Dee got interested in her own culture.,B、Dee,Really i

5、nterested?,Dees misunderstandings towards Afro-Americanism(不了解自己真正的文化,盲目肤浅地寻根追赶潮流的表现),A dress down to the groundyellows and oranges Earrings goldBracelets dangling and making noises Hair stands straight up,Dee cares much about the outer appearance:,(1)、clothes,鲜艳的宽松长裙,大大的金色耳环和叮当作响的手镯,直挺挺的黑发,殊不知这种夸张炫

6、耀与大多数黑人平和、谦逊、低调、不喜张扬的品质恰好相反。,在这炎热的天气,她以一种自认为很非洲的传统造型出现在家人面前:,She said the language of the East Africa“wa-su-so-tean-o”to her mother,knowing little that they came to America from West Africa.,(2)、language,Wa-su-zo-Tean-o!she says,coming on in that gliding way the dress makes her move.,用非洲语言问候母亲表明她已经放

7、弃美国黑人文化,(1)、Dont get up,says Dee.,(2)、She stoops in front of the house She never takes a shot without the house is included.When a cow comes she snaps and the houseand comes up and kisses me on the forehead.,2、photo,What does Dee photo for?,She merely wants to come home to collect some pieces of fam

8、ily history she can superficially identify with,take some photos as a kind of proof and leave.,3、Name,Mrs.Johnson has a short kind of discussion with Dee and her boyfriend about her new name.,Name=?,root 和identity,Dees original name has already been carried by several generations of female ancestors

9、,which can be traced back beyond the Civil War,the new African name is not related to her personal history at all and dissociates her from her family and therefore from her true heritage.,(2)“Shes dead,”Wangero said.“I couldnt bear it any longer,being named after the people who me.”,(1)“Not Dee,Wang

10、ero Leewanika Kemanjo!”,oppress,Now she neither belongs to her family anymore nor to her newly created identity.Not only was her search for a new heritage in vain,she also lost her real roots.This feeling is typical of the blacks of that time.,她认为迪伊这个名字是压迫他们的白人给的,但是实际上这个代代相传的名字正是寄托了祖母对于后代传承文化的期望,已经在

11、某种意义上成为家族的文化遗产,新的名字才与她真的毫无关联,使她与黑人文化脱节。,What kind of situation was Dee in?,(3)“But who was she named after?”asked Wangero(4)“And who was she named after?”asked Wangero,(5)Wangero was getting tired Thats about as far back as I can trace it,I said.Though,in fact,I probably could have carried it back b

12、eyond the Civil War through the branches.Well,said Asalamalakim,there you are.,不清楚 来历 冷漠无知(),self-indulgence、selfish patient、tolerant,(7)Every once in a while he and Wangero sent eye signals over my head(8)“You dont have to call me by it if you dont want to,”(9)I know it might sound awkward at first

13、,Ill get used to it,I said.Ream it out again.,attitude superior,Is it a kind of compromise?If is,why did they both compromise?(),purposeheritage,lovetolerant and understanding,4、have dinner,Wangero,though,went on through She talked a blue streak over the sweet potatoes.Everything delighted her,放松、不用设防,没有阶级,不用掩盖,无需粉饰,无拘无束狂吃滥喝,Will Dee behave likewise in the white world/the mainstream of America?Why?(),Question:,I knew there was somet

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