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1、4我们以信用证付款方式进行交易已有一年多了,现在希望改用30天远期付款交单的付款方式。5去年8月我们首次与你方接洽时,您曾说一旦我们双方建立起贸易关系,你方愿意重新考虑付款条件。我们认为自那时起到现在时间已经不短了,你方可以答应我们所要求的付款方式了。如需资信证明人,我们将及时提供。6下个月我们将再订一批货,你方是否能确认同意以上新的付款条件。7随函寄上我们已会签的第1010913号销售确认书,供你方存档。8写信人: Fred Johns Purchase Manager公司名称和地址:Kiddie Korner, Inc.385 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C

2、., Canada V6B3A7361385 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6B3A7 (1分)November 28, 2010 (1分)Mr Wang HuaSales Manager536 Huayuan Street, Dalian, LiaoningChina (1分)Dear Mr Wang(1分)Thank you for being so prompt in sending the sales confirmation against our last order, No. KK10101. We have establis

3、hed the covering L/C, and the bank should be sending you an advice shortly (3分)We have been dealing with you on the L/C basis for over a year and would like to change to payment by 30-day bill of exchange, documents against payment. (3分)When we first contacted you in August last year, you told us th

4、at you would be prepared to reconsider terms of payment once we have established trading relations. We think that sufficient time has elapsed for us to be allowed the terms we have asked for. If you need references, we will be glad to supply them. (4分)As we will be sending another order next month,

5、could you please confirm that you agree to these new terms of payment? (2分)Attached is the Sales Confirmation No. 1010913 we have countersigned and returned for your file. (2分)Sincerely yours (1分)Fred Johns Purchase Manager (1分)Attachment: Sales ConfirmationIndigo Company Limited.85 Victory Street,

6、Rotterdam, Holland 2011年5月28日3你方从上海市商会得知对方公司的名称和地址,并了解到对方公司为荷兰最大的丝绸服装进口商;现致函对方,希望与对方建立业务关系。4介绍你方为上海市一家重要的丝绸产品出口商,你方产品远销美国、日本及东南亚国家与地区;现想把出口业务拓展至荷兰,希望能在平等互利的基础上与对方进行交易。5你方的丝绸服装以设计完美、款式时尚、高品质、价格有竞争力而著称,确信能在荷兰市场畅销。6随函寄上你方的最新商品目录及价格单,供对方参考;期望很快收到对方的回复。7写信人: David Wong General ManagerShanghai Silks Tradi

7、ng Co. Ltd.580 Shuiqing Road, Shanghai 201101, China580 Shuiqing Road, Shanghai 201101, China (1分)May 28, 2011 (1分)85 Victory Street, RotterdamHolland (1分)Dear Sir(1分)We have obtained your name and address from Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and learned that your are the largest importers of silk garm

8、ents in Holland. (2分) We are now writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. (2分)We are one of the leading exporters of silk products in Shanghai and our products are sold to countries and regions such as the United Sates, Japan and Southeast Asia. (2分) We now desire to e

9、xtend our export business into Holland. Meanwhile, we would like to trade with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. (2分)Our silk garments are noted for their perfect design, fashionable style, excellent quality and competitive price, and will enjoy a ready market in Holland. (3分)Enclosed

10、 are our latest catalogue and pricelist for your reference. (2分)We look forward to receiving your reply soon. (1分)David Wong General Manager (1分)Encl: catalogue and pricelistLondon Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.2891 Park Street London, United Kingdom Dave Blank Purchase Manager2011年2月15日3感谢对方第581号订单,订购5,000

11、辆“永久牌”自行车;同时告知:对方所要求的所有自行车你方都能提供现货,而且你方正安排由“美人鱼”号轮装运,该轮下月底能从上海启航。4按照你方第593号销售确认书的规定,每辆自行车装入一瓦楞硬纸盒,25辆捆绑在一起,然后用塑料薄膜包裹好。每货柜装250辆,因此整批货将共计20个货柜,每货柜重8.3吨。5提醒对方有关信用证须于3月10日前开抵你方,以便你方能及时安排货物装运。6期望早日收到对方的回复。7写信人: Chen Hua Marketing ManagerShanghai Bicycles Trading Co. Ltd.260 Qixing Road, Shanghai 201101,

12、China260 Qixing Road, Shanghai 201101, China (1分)15 February 2011 (1分)Mr. Dave BlankPurchase Manager2891 Park Street, LondonUnited Kingdom (1分)Dear Mr. Blank (1分)Thank you for your order No. 581 for 5,000 Forever Brand Bicycles and we are pleased to inform you that we can supply all the bicycles you

13、 required from stock and are arranging shipment by M.V. Mermaid, which can sail from Shanghai by the end of next month. (5分)As stipulated in our Sales Confirmation No. 593, each bicycle is enclosed in a corrugated cardboard pack, and 25 are banded together and wrapped in plastic sheets. A container

14、holds 250 bicycles and the whole shipment will therefore comprise 20 containers, each weighing 8.3 tons. (6分)We would like to remind you that the covering L/C must reach us before March10 so that we can make shipment in good time. (2分)We are looking forward to receiving your early reply. (1分)Yours sincerely (1分)Chen HuaMarketing Manager (1分)1. 对方公司名称和地址:Greek Tea Company Ltd. 120 Star Street, Gr.16503, Athens, the Hellenic RepublicNomad Augustatos, President

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