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1、花园设计独特,具有明清两代南方建筑艺术的风格。院内共有400余景,均有回廊曲径可通,亭台楼阁、假山池塘布局精致,有“小中见大”之特色,在有限的空间中创造出无限的意境,完美地展示了宏伟秀丽的景色。Yu Yuan garden, located in the old town of Shanghai, is a famous classical garden with more than 400 years history. Creatively design, the garden has the southern architectural style of the Ming and Qing

2、 dynasties. There are over 400 different scenes connected by winding corridors and paths, and pavilions, terraces, tower rockeries and ponds composed a layout delicate with wide view in small confined area where there are an unlimited image. All of those perfectly show a magnificent view. 豫园的原主人潘允端曾

3、是明代的一位大官。豫园始建于1559年,但由于资金短缺,时建时停,二十年后才建成。后来,潘家败落,豫园以低价出售,几经易手后与城隍庙(City God Temple)合并,成为其“西花园”。1853年,反对清朝政府统治的上海小刀会(Shanghai Small Sword Society)起义军曾在豫园的“点春堂”(Dian Chuan Hall)设立城北指挥部。现在堂内陈列着当年小刀会的兵器、文告、自铸钱币等文物。 The previous owner of Yu Yuan garden Pan Yunduan was senior official. Yu Yuan garden star

4、ted to build in 1559, and it went on and off due to lack of funds. After 20 years , the garden was finally finished. Later, Yu Yuan garden was sold at a low price when the Pans declined. The garden passed thought many hands and eventually merged into the City God Temple to become its West Garden. In

5、 1853,Shanghai Small Sword societys armies against the rule of the Qing dynasty government ,used to set up the northern headquarters in Dian Chun Hall. Now cultural relics displays, such as the weapons, proclamations and the coins made by this society in the hall.豫园自16世纪后,曾几经变迁,屡遭摧残,至20世纪40年代末,园内景物荒

6、芜殆尽。从1956年开始,在人民政府的关怀下,豫园经过为期五年的修缮,重现其昔日光彩,于1961年正式对公众开放。1982年被列为国务院重点保护单位,是我国南方最优秀的园林之一。现在,每天至少有一万人来此游览。难怪人们说:“到上海不去豫园不算来过大上海。” Since the 16th century, Yu Yuan garden had changed a lot and destroyed. By the end of 1940s, it become a desolate place. From 1956s, under the care of Peoples Government Y

7、u Yuan garden regains the former days after the five years renovation and open to public. In 1982, it is one of the best garden in southern China, regarded as cultural relic under special protection by the State Council. Now, more than 10,000 visitors tour the garden every day. No wonder people say: those who go to Shanghai without visiting Yu Yuan garden cant say they have been to Shanghai . Class 6 Serial No. 27 Name: 李莎 Score: Date:

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