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1、我能做什么?,Unit8 We shouldnt waste water.我们不应该浪费水。,Unit9 This bird is bigger than the first one.这只鸟比第一只鸟大。,Unit10 I dont feel well today.我今天感觉不舒服。,Unit11 Shall we go to the theatre?我们一起去剧院好吗?,Unit12 Its Christmas again!圣诞节又到了!,Unit1 What did you do during the holidays?,speakholiday during learn words an

2、d sentences play gameslearn writing practise listening,说,讲(某种语言)假期在期间学习单词和句子玩游戏学习写作练习听力,语法:一般过去时,一般过去时:表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态,过去时判断标志:句子中有表示过去的时间。,yesterday昨天 yesterday morning昨天早上the day before yesterday前天 last night 昨晚 last week上周 last month上个月 last year去年 just now刚才two days ago两天前 in 1990.,()1My fathe

3、rill yesterday A.isnt B.arent C.wasnt D.werent()2.your parents at home last week AIs BWas CAre DWere()3.The childrenin Dalian last year.Theyhere now A.are;were B.were;are C.was;are D.were;was,C,D,B,4.I _(have)an exciting party last weekend.,5.They all _(go)to the mountains yesterday morning.,6.She _

4、(not visit)her aunt last weekend.,had,went,didnt visit,动词过去式的变化规则:1.直接加ed:workworked looklooked2.以不发音e结尾的单词,直接加d:live-lived hope-hoped use-used3.以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加ed:studystudied carrycarried worryworried4.以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed:stopstopped planplanned,5.不规则变化的动词过去式:,have-am/is-get-are-say-

5、feel-do/does-go-sit-eat-bring-think-,buy-take-speak-can-cut-run-standsee-learn-read-sit-become-,hadwasgotweresaidfeltdidwentsatatebroughtthought,boughttookspokecouldranstoodsawlearntreadsatbecame,语言结构:What did you do during the holidays?I games with my friends.I my grandparents.I a little storybook.

6、I writing.,played,visited,wrote,leant,Unit 2 Katie always gets up early.,weekdayget uphave breakfastwake up alwaysusually often sometimes never every day late be late for school,平日起床吃早餐醒来总是,一直通常经常有时从不每天迟的,晚的上学迟到,家庭挥手告别去上学上床睡觉做她的家庭作业看报纸下棋走路返回早的伤害科学家,familywave goodbye go to schoolgo to beddo her home

7、workread a newspaperplay chess take a walk returnearly hurt scientist,语法:一般现在时,一般现在时:,表示经常性习惯性动作。,当主语是第三人称单数的时候,谓语动词也要用第三人称单数形式。,动词第三人称单数的构成:,一般的在动词末尾加s,如:getgets runruns makemakes,以“s”,“x”,“ch”,“sh”,或“o”结尾的,加es.,如:washwashes gogoes,以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,改y为i,再加es.,如:trytries,1.She _(go)to school at seven oc

8、lock.2.He usually _ up at 17:00.(get)3.She _(live)in Beijing.4.My father _(watch)TV every evening.5.Amy _(read)English every day6.Chen Jie sometimes _(go)to the park with her sister.,goes,gets,lives,watches,reads,goes,语言结构:Katie always gets up early every day.He usually waves them goodbye.,英语中,表示在具体

9、的某个时刻前,必须加介词_,at,如:在六点钟 at six oclock,如:I often have breakfast at 7:00 a.m.,Unit3 I like my computer.,email my friendssend greetingssearch for a lot of thingsfind out about countries world interesting,给朋友发邮件送去问候查找许多东西发现国家世界有趣的,语法:can的用法,can 作为情态动词,后面直接加动词原型,表示“会、能”,can的用法:,例如:I can swim.我会游泳。,1.He c

10、an swimming.2.Mingming can writes.3.Peter can sing and dances.,改错:,swim,write,dance,Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.,the Mid-Autumn Festivalcentre mooncakenutslotus seedred bean nearby type taste bright even poem,中秋节 中心 月饼坚果 莲子 红豆 附近 类型 尝起来 明亮的 甚至 诗歌,语法:,enjoy doing sth.喜欢(享受)做某事,=like doing

11、 sth.,Unit5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow.,词汇:天气预报 小雨 大雨大风 小雪 晴朗凉爽晴朗温暖 温和的暴风雨,weather forecastlight rainheavy rain strong wind light snow sunny and cool sunny and warm softstorm,句型:It will/wont be.There will/wont be.,+形容词,+名词,表一般将来时,一般将来时:,表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。,将来的时间状语:,如:tomorrow(明

12、天),next week(下周);in the future(将来),翻译:,1.明天将晴朗凉爽。,2.下周五将有小雨。,It will be sunny and cool tomorrow.,There will be a light rain next Friday.,Unit6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.,一瓶橙汁一盒蛋糕一些听装可乐 一些条状巧克力带来 遇见 花生水果 糖果等待 曲奇饼干排球,a bottle of orange juice a box of cakesa few cans of Cokea few bars o

13、f chocolate bring meet peanut fruit candy wait cookievolleyball,句型:I will+动词原型,语法:可数名词和不可数名词数量的表示方法,不可数名词的数量表示方法:前面加量词,如:a bar of 一条;a piece of 一张,一片;a bottle of 一瓶;a cup of 一杯,Unit7 What can I do?,迟缓的虚弱的一个老妇人帮老人过马路沏茶做蛋糕打扫房间让他们开心彼此免费女士(未婚),slowweakan old womanhelp old people on the road make teamake

14、 cakesclean their homesmake them happyone anotherFreeMs,句型:What can I do?I can,+动词原型,我可以帮助老人过马路。,I can help old people on the road.,我可以帮妈妈做蛋糕。,I can help my mom(to)make cakes.,help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事,Unit8 We shouldnt waste water.,浪费女士上衣充足的世界节约一点(滴)新鲜的保持河流清洁保持空气清新种植更多的树用自行车代替小汽车,wasteblouseenough

15、worldsavedropfreshkeep the rivers cleankeep the air clean and freshplant more treesuse bikes instead of carsshouldnt kill wild animalsshouldnt waste watershouldnt litterexercise,禁止捕杀野生动物禁止浪费水禁止乱扔垃圾锻炼,句型:We should 我们应该.,+动词原型,我们应该爱我们的父母。,We should love our parents.,改错:,1.He should plants more trees.2.Mingming should speaking English.,plant,speak,语法:should/shouldnt do sth.应该/不应该做某事,Unit9 This bird is bigger than the first one.,比.泥土,thanclay,句型:A is+比较级+than B A比B更.,杨老师比黄老师高。,Mr.Ya

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